He's 40 years old

What's his secret?

He hates niggers

Being a god among men

Being controlled opposition keeps ya young.

Lol, dumb white kid, gods don't get sucker punched

>Lol, dumb white kid, gods don't get sucker punched

He looks it.

he probably drinks baby blood along with his rabbi handlers.

Gay sex.

White Pride
Jared Taylor and David Duke are both in their mid 60s and look 50.

virgin lolis

idk OP he looks like 40 for me.

Altho people who have big sun exposure age way faster.

Super male vitality

Being scared of people so much that you rarely leave your house.

His secret is that he takes multiple cumshots to the face every day to delay the onset of wrinkles. His roommate Jorjani gave him huge Aryan facials daily.

You should know by yourself, Romaniabro. He is a jew vampire l.

He slurps foreskins with his handlers every now and then. That's what keeps his skin so youthful.

He eats jewish babies for breakfast.

i honestly thought he was low 30s. wtf.

Being a sheltered manchild is easy on the face.

not working in the sun like a peasant

He looks younger than me, and I'm 26. But then again, I probably shouldn't judge people's age based on my experience.


Literally gallons of semen.

damnn son

who's this attractive male you guys are talking about in the OP?

Eats a healthy diet and exercises daily

Oh yeah and bathing in the blood of dead niggers


>40 year old still has complexion problems

"Superior genes" right

tits or gtfo

living past 39

>T. most millennials won't tbqh

Poland is correct


The rest of you can fuck off

He looks like he's in his late 20s.

We need Richard Spencer lifestyle guides.

He looks 45.