Mukuro is the main plate this time.
Date a Live
Best girls
Why are many anons in denial? Why do they think bwaka, paper or clock are top girls, user?
>hair as lingerie
well that's creative
it's because this harem has a nice cast.
I love Kaguya!
but the Twins are best as a pair
Tohka's Tohkas got the new lewd.
I tried reading the LN, and it was laughably bad. The author clearly does not know how to write, but that does not surprise me at all, since many young men think that they can just start writing, without doing any reading, practicing and honing their style.
Main girl syndrome, it happens every series whether or not she's good or not. I can see her appeal but she's a bit too dumb
Some people like the crazy stalker types but she's a bit better now.
Aside from dead rooftop Kurumi, there's really no legitimate reason to find her "good" in comparison to the main cast. The time to be a Kurumifag will be in the next few months after she gets her proper arc.
Someone post Mukuro eating a hotdog
It's not really a surprise. You read it for the content they convey instead of relishing whatever abilities the author has as a writer.
Please let there be one huge spread of the spirits. Mayuri can easily be erased and we just need Natsumi and Nia
>Someone post Mukuro eating a hotdog
You mean this?
For a person like me, it is unreadable. I would rather read a short summary, than look at that mess again.
It's a leaked image from Tsunako's only DAL artbook which I'm looking forward to. I want to see more Yuzuru and Mukuro.
I've read worse webnovel writing. I never come into a light novel expecting decent writing as much as I look for something entertaining and easy to digest, that's what light novels are usually for.
Scans never.
That's the one
I really hope the "last girl to join the group curse" doesn't affect Mukuro too much. She needs to get in more group illustrations like these.
This argument in kinda invalid if you think about it carefully. DAL doesn't have a perfect writing but it's on the average verge. Just think about it user, if you think DAL has terrible writing, then think about those battle harems that are REALLY bad.
His point is valid enough, but you're definitely right about how other novels that are actually worse will no doubt have even worse writing.
>last girl to join the group curse
Well, that girl happens to be Kurumi. Of course, anons aren't just convinced even with her arc drawing closer.
Oh, baka figure.
The more accurate statement I meant to say would be "last girl to appear" since in this context Kurumi is already in a bunch of artwork.
A bunch of figures for the series were announced and recently sculpted. But they're from a shoddy company that recently died off and came back so we won't know for certain of their quality.
Griffon is shit, don't get your hopes up.
Buyfags that like DAL will probably but these though.
Isn't that Mukuro, user?
As much as I love the series, I'd honestly rather wait for a decent company to pick the series up.
No, most buyfags avoid Griffon like the plauge
Which is what I meant, she might not get the chance to show up in group artworks since she's the last newly designed girl
And lastly BUT NOT LEAST. Miku.
Well user
Barring waifufags, I guess.
No, that can't be. That aches, shit that hurt user.
Anyone knows if chapter 3 of vol.15 has been translated? Waiting is killing me.
>still can't find scans for vol.15
I wont be touching them, as much as I like Yuzuru I won't give any money to Griffon so they can continue to push their low quality shit.
What do you mean? Vol.15 has been out for a while now.
Still on 2
The raws?
Yes yes
But painting is important, oh what the hell I would buy this anyways and cover it with my cum.
I know translation is holed up at secret club FB or something, but where is the raws?
JK id rather spend my money on a Kaguya daki
I hate FB and don't do FB. There's no other way?
I couldn't find the raws elsewhere user. That facebook group actually posted the raws.
>Still on 2
God dammit.
I can't wait to see Mukuro's partial Astral Dress. The divine combination of a pink chinadress and a virgin killer outfit
Isn't it on nyaa?
It isn't.
>I can't wait to see Mukuro's partial Astral Dress.
As a Mukurofag, I couldn't hope for more. But it's not like a new season is being made, not even a new season would adapt Mukuro's arc which wouldn't even show a partial astral dress. And Tsunako, doesn't usually draw partial astral dresses, user.
I know, it just, it can't be helped.
Seeing now with more detail the figure, they fucked up the mouth.
Then that new artbook has more things to deliver
Well, it's a DAL only artbook. I'm just fine with more Mukuro. All the other girls have had 15 volumes for them while Mukuro was introduced in vol.14. I want lots of a cutie.
Griffon is famous for generally doing that.
That and making their prototype sculpts decently acceptable but then botching the production ones. The only characters designed by tsunako that are getting any justice in figure form are the Neps being made by Alter, the best ones in the business.
Well that's fucking strange.
Yeah, I want to see how Mukuro acts with Inverse Tohka around.
I don't see how baka and clock can be nice though, just like this user said.
Where can I get epubs for the last five volumes?
Clock is "cute" up and until she reveals her abilities. Plus the rooftop Kurumi is admittedly nice since her OVA was pretty good.
Tohka gets the main girl treatment and has some likability. People like their bwaka girls.
>last five volumes
Holy shit user, where have you been? Also, I'm as lost as you are. There's a FB group that is translating the novel but I'm not up for that.
>replying to a clockfag
Google "Date A Live Epub"
I don't understand, I don't see clockfags here.
I have. I have only found dead links, pdfs or links to earlier volumes. I thought it would be quicker to ask here than to spend more time searching.
How am I a clockfag user?
>I don't see how baka and clock can be nice though, just like this user said.
Do you read?
Clockfags refer to the characters by nicknames instead of using the real names.
While that may be the case, at least they're not spamming or saying any dumb shit like an actual clockfag would.
Google harder, I did it just a few seconds ago and found working links.
Miku is worst girl
It's becuase I'm not a clockfag.
Goddess Madoka.
Are you sure you found a place with epubs and not just pdfs?
>refers to Kurumi as clock, Origami as paper and Tohka as baka
>not a clockfag
Both, actually.
But a clockfag would be spouting shit about how Kurumi is the only good thing about the series instead of acknowledging any other girl.
Come on dude, if I were a clockfag, I would have posted a picture of Kurumi or something and wrote some stupid ara-ara like they do. I
So how about that Mukuro and volume 15, guys.
Not necessarily, some of them actually think that's how people refer to the characters in the actual thread.
Clockfags also like some girls like Origami for obvious reasons.
What about it?
I'm looking forward to the rest
I stopped reading this back when only like the first 5 volumes were translated. Does each new volume still introduce a new girl instead of developing the already big cast?
Who would buy this shit?
me, I like Tohka
Can't find anything. I only see dead links.
>only like the first 5 volumes were translated
Did you stop reading it the same year season 1 aired or something?
Some girls get 2 volumes
Some girls are filler and some get screentime.
Mukuro is the last Spirit. Or is she?
They are supposed to get development in their arcs then get some characterization in short stories and other volumes but that's only the case for some girls.
I want marry this cutie
Kurumi is still unsealed.
She is supposed to be the last spirit to appear, but from the looks of it, there appears to be more "spirits".
>but from the looks of it, there appears to be more "spirits".
How? The only feasibly remaining spot left is Da'at and that's long thought to be Shido's spot or Phantom's.