Why do people like this retard again?
Why do people like this retard again?
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Because of her character design, like all the girls that Sup Forums likes
She is cute and makes the best ship with the MC.
Megumin is juts a pedobait.
I like Darkness and ship her with the MC as well but Aqua is the best after all.
She's cute.
No panties.
There's nothing wrong with Megumin.
She's entertaining and cute. The show wouldn't be nearly as fun without her.
if she was in my party and was really this dumb, i would have honestly just converted her into a statue via petrification skill and used her as a passive effect item. i would have also sold off her stupid scarf.
Aqua is a goddess. Shipping a goddess with a mortal is retarded.
Megumin and Darkness are the only ones I consider as having a chance of getting Kazuma if the anime or LN goes that far.
I ship Megumin. Their interactions are the cutest, imo.
Is pic related up your alley, OP?
she might be a goddess but she's also an idiot. you could probably get her to sit on your wiener if you told her it would boost her stats.
She was top tier waifu material on episode one
then she has got progressively worse with each episode
>all these shippingfags
This is the wrong website
She's been the same since episode 1.
I wish she'd get the spin-off instead of the Redditmin
don't bully the healer
bully her till she ahegaos
Because she's unconventional and refreshing, her flaws just make her more endearing
Plus she's the most consistently entertaining girl in the show
user please, she has low intelligence but high wisdom. Aqua is wise, maybe even the wisest person in the setting!
Shes a goddess user!
Mean lies spread by mean people..
What's with that anonymous stranger in the Aqua collage?
Maybe thats user
>high wisdom
I think her wisdom is even lower than her intelligence, if that's possible
>she's a goddess
Not an excuse
She might not be entirely useless, but she can be a cunt sometimes and fuck over Kazuma and ruin everything.
>you drive up a logging road to kill animals
>blocks ur path
what do u do now!?
Literally best girl of both 2016 and 2017.
She is very annoying and causes clusterfucks but she is the most entertaining and carries the series.
>how to sell Konosuba in one webm
She definitely knew Kazuma was fapping off to her at night
You'll never die of thirst as long as she's nearby.
>Unzips dick
nothing personal
Best girl here I want to grope her useless meat all day
what do you mean to her? you mean in her right?
As perverted as Kazuma is, I doubt he has the guts to try that
this is why he'll never be the sugoi hero that beats the dark lord that blacks eris in front of him.
>to her
Next to her you mean, Kazuma has zero attraction to Aqua and I'm not sure why there are people who keep trying to force their aqua attraction on him.
she says she looks attractive in episode 1 pleb. why do you think she is still in the party? it's because of dat ass.
Because the show as a whole wouldn't be as good without her.
You shut your whore mouth Aqua is not useless
If I could trade you for a special item, I would have done it a long time ago!
Those are the reasons she is funny. She's like a dumber version of George Costanza.
Well, at least her CHA is higher than your WIS because you bombed that sense motive check.
Aqua is the character that changes the least though.
You just learn more about how her mind works. All goddesses are messed up in the head.
that was too cruel
She can be a water filter when needed. If she's dilligent enough she could drive Alex Jones out of business.
imagine he let her go to it and get mutilated
why are there no doujins featuring the reception lady?
she makes people feel good sexually
I like arrogant characters
Because they can relate.
At least there's a doujin with one (1) extra page featuring her.
Luna is too pure; no one has the heart to lewd her and face the reprecussions.
pls link
Its nice wen she gets bullied.
Just because it's not tagged and you'd have to search though every konosuba doujin.
>you'd have to search though every konosuba doujin
What a horrible fate.
thx onii-senpai i also found this e-hentai.org
>She's like a dumber version of George Costanza.
Y'know, that's a pretty good comparison.
I actually find Aqua quite endearing when she spergs. I think her character as it is works well with the comedy between the other 3 and I probably wouldn't have liked her as much otherwise.
the only thing endearing is the idea that one day she'll die of alcohol poisoning due to a wine bottle enema.
You just posted her positives. It's arguable that Darkness is a cliche but everyone in the show has some glaring personality trait that makes them endearing
Would Konosuba be considered a satire? Every time I watch I get this feeling.
Not really, it's very much telling its own story. It's also pretty blatant in the isekai wish fulfillment, even if it's slightly monkeypawed.
I love Aqua & Kazuma's this scene.
i dont care but the show really makes me want to have sex with aqua
Must be all the shameless nopan.
Please don't bully Aqua. I know she isn't smart, but she is trying her best.
Arrogant is a bliss...
i don't care if she's trying her best. you're a goddess right? do something useful! how about we sell that body of yours to make some actual cash huh? you delinquent diety. wasting stat points on learning meme water tricks is just the tip of the iceberg of stupidity that defines your existence. and you couldn't even get one mission done properly without causing trouble for the whole town. i'm already calling a merchant to make a trade for your virginity in exchange for a new cape.
Aqua's party tricks are cool!
Where do you think you are? Being a dumb, useless retard is the requirement for some of us to like a character sexually
she's very fun to be around! p-please don't be mean to her!
do not bully aqua
does creampie'ing her to death count as bullying?
This is her reaction to being called a useless whore/bitch right?
The plot of a story can't move without conflict. So you can tell a kind of story where the character's work together to overcome something outside themselves. They grow closer together, and become better, and eventually win. That's a normal kind of story.
The whole joke with Konosuba is that it inverts those expectations. The characters don't grow and learn together and overcome. Their flaws if anything get worse. The win by accident, or by just making friends with the generals of the dark lord. They don't learn a lesson or get better. The world doesn't change and neither do they. But the plot is still able to move along, just on the grating together of everyone's bad personality, and circumstance.
If you've ever seen the old sitcom Seinfeld, it has a lot in common with that. When the storytelling elements become so well worn and overused that the audience knows everything that's going to happen the moment you start the set up, it can feel really clever and revolutionary to just not deliver. I think Konosuba is going to be revered just like Seinfeld is, because of that.
It's her reaction to "I would trade you in for a special item if I could"
I like her because she's the most erotic girl in several seasons
Konosuba is basically the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia of anime. The characters are all pretty fucked up people, and half the fun is watching them get into and out of whatever this episode's trainwreck is going to be. You have a vague sense of progression, but it's more based around the characters becoming even more scummy and messed up than they already were.
And to think, he passed up on that chance. He could have gotten an amazing weapon or special power. But he ended up choosing her instead.
She reminds me a lot to Lina Inverse, with the difference that Lina was genuinely heroic when it mattered and was willing to put her life in the line for others, whereas Aqua is only heroic when she wants attention or when she hasn't fully grasped the situation she's in because of how dumb she is
I've been missing lovable asshole main character girls for a long time, Lina was one of my first favorite characters
Where do you guys torrent anime from?
Whoa, whoa, whoa now buddy. Everyone here gets their anime legally, either from official streaming websites or buy purchasing the blu rays. Nobody here would even think of doing something as criminal as downloading anime for free.
Pretty much this. The last episode barely moved the plot forward but it was the most enjoyable for me so far.
She is a top tier entertainer, later on she will show her artistic skills (beautiful sand painting of Princes Iris drawn in very quick), magic tricks which seems impossible to do and level up'd masonry skills (as shown on 1st season 1st ep) when she patched up the fort walls
No one actually does. All the positive posts about her are Aqua herself samefagging.
No Eris worshippers are allowed in this thread, shoo!
Because those traits make her an entertaining character.
I assume you haven't read the novels, and I'm going to post a massive spoiler likely for the end of current anime season, so don't read the spoiler if you only watch the show:
When they fight Hans by the lake, and he turns into his true form, the entire party, including Wiz, runs away in fear, deciding to fight him on other terms. Only Aqua stays behind to purify the lake and save the people of the city, despite her hand being burned away, in terrible fear and pain and with Hans closing in on her. She still refuses to leave the lake and have it being poisoned. She was the only brave and selfless one there
Who says goddesses have to be immortal?
Her "kusu kusu" laughter redeems her
You have to face reality, Aqua. Nobody likes you.
Kazuma notes several times that she would easily be able to make a small fortune if she would charge for them. But she has this uncharicteristic artistic pride, where she refuses to take payment of any kind for her arts, and refuses to do them on demand.
I find hilarious that the fact they took the building job became relevant in later volumes
Priest/goddess characters are always such dicks in anime and media in general. It's nice to have one who is just genuinely a good (but stupid) person.
The defeating-the-forces-of-evil plot is almost entirely irrelevant in this show.
thank you