Why are plain, boring girls the best?
Why are plain, boring girls the best?
Because you have plain and boring tastes.
They can be a nice change of pace when the rest of the cast is weird and/or crazy.
easy to amuse
Because you can make them believable. It's like a glimpse of a true art in the show about maniacally obsessed boys with big assses and sensual lips.
Because they are the very last chance for guys like us to finally get laid.
Speak for yourself.
Plain girls aren't plain if they excite you.
Liking the plain girl is the first step to becoming an NTR master, after all, corruption only can reach its max potential with the plainlest girl.
Somebody's gotta play the straight man.
They really aren't, just an easy way t be hipster because no one else actually likes them. Not that a plain girl can't be best, but they usually aren't.
The original hipster waifu.
Ask the plethora of Shiburin fans on Sup Forums.
My man
Meek on the streets, freak in the sheets
They just are.
Here's a good example.
Because so that only few man can appreciate them.
No, that would be ugly girls with major personality malfunctions and mental health issues.
I know. Its the only reason I won't end up a wizard.
I can only dream of a plain, average girl.
Zombies aren't very plain let me tell you.
Plain girls make them feel more homely and personal.
For me, plain girls are better for self insertion. I couldn't imagine myself being with a fancy girl, but a homely girl that maybe isn't pretty to most people that seems really nice.
because they look like boys
>All these great girls
Tell me again what Sup Forums thinks of as boring?
They're a mix of ideal reality and 2D perfection. They're what you wanted out of 3D before you realized that 3D is shit.
Vanilla is the most delicious
Good thing your shit girl didn't win.
NTR should be illegal.
Seriously, I'm trying to figure out what these people are on about. When I think plain jane animu girls, I think of people like pic related.
Because it's a great fetish.
Vanilla is the best flavor
Because they seem attainable.
You can have vanilla with really weird and unconventional girls though.
I like the childhood friend/grandma types which is horrid because they never win.
Sup Forums is delusional.
Plain girls have a higher aptitude for it
Not neccessarily.
A really broken and fucked up girl being shown the love she always wanted but never had can be absurdly sweet
They are pure love
This guy gets it.
Vanilla is kind of a boring and non-complicated flavor, orange or chocolate is way better.
>Vanilla is kind of a boring and non-complicated flavor
Which is exactly the way I want it.
Vanilla is popular because it's great. It's cool to prefer other flavors but don't be contrarian about it.
>Why are plain, boring girls the best?
because you have finally attained the mentality of a grown man, and even if merely subconsciously, you're definitely aware they're the only type of girls that don't get on your nerves eventually, and they look like goddesses when they're wet in the shower so they're still great lays anyway and you're not missing out on anything if you choose them
Makes it all the sweeter when they do, user.
because subconciously you know you cant do better or measure up to a genuinely interesting or beautiful woman
Then the nerds who hate them and think they deserve better are just plain delusional.
>very cute
>always considerate toward you
>never gives you shit
>looks out for you since childhood
>tries to guide you into becoming a well adjusted adult
>loves you so much she's willing to give you up to other girls just to make sure you don't ruin your life by making a stupid mistake with your wacked-out bratty sister
she truly was best girl
She really turns my crank.
please user, don't ruin the thread by mentioning that shit movie. holly fuck you just ruined my day by reminding me of this garbage. ty, faggot
She's a qt, but people don't identify with Toji like they do Shinji so prefer girls closest to the protagonist. Makes some sense though since both Hikari and Toji are minor characters.
Not the ones who perceive her as a bitch, both Western and Japanese connotations.
Because they don't have the average personality that plain, boring boys have. Cute enough to self insert into for a homely date with, but none of the mob character personality that their looks world imply.
Vanilla is good when it's working along something else to create a contrast, I just don't think it's interesting on it's own.
I agree with you it's great when there's a contrast.
>marry nodoka
>make her play dress up before sex all the time
it would be like winning the lottery every day
>she doesn't want to get gangbanged by the team with the manager
>marry nodoka
>make her dress up like the keions
>different girl every week
Sometimes you just want someone down to earth, you know? I think that's the appeal of Chihiro, a humble chick who lets surprises be surprises.
Hatoko from Inou Battle, I think is sweet even though she gets ragged on for being boring and normalfag. She doesn't have the best interactions but the tight bond she has the MC despite the two being different is nice. But she's not exactly plain, she's pretty and kind of an airhead.
Ai from Amagami gets called plain and boring, but I think she's a cool kouhai. She's also love.
Trips don't lie
If a girl doesn't have on bed at least a minimum of energy required to the act, she's absolutely trash. Most plain girls out there always have the shittiest doujins.
>judging a girl by porn
Many of the non-plain girls are no different, turning into shy maidens to be deflowered.
Whats wrong with it? It's very fun, only the alien bullshit was pulled out of nowhere.
What show is this from??
Can you really call a girl "plain" when the plain trope is always the same type of girl and has unique characteristics to it that differentiate it from all of the other female characters?