>SAO part 1 was excellent
Unpopular opinions
I thought it was OK up until they decide to live together and adopt that kid, episode 11 or something? The buildup got completely trashed by then and the stupid reveal of that guy with the shield being the bad guy made me drop it. Aparently it gets more retarded from there on so I made the right decision.
I think most anons agree that SAO was good until Chapter 4. Then it was just a semen slurping series
If you compare it to the rest of the series then yeah, it was a masterpiece.
Remove all the filler (which is fucking a lot) and cut out the most retarded parts like the invincible AI loli daughter and maybe I'll agree that it was decent. Maybe.
>Shit tatse has the right to exist.
the fights were cool
That's not unpopular, that's shit opinion.
Nichijou (the kyoani one) is shit, and so is Cromartie.
Every KyoAni show sucks except Nichijou.
I really like Monster. I enjoyed it's ability to make the viewer think there is much more to everything.
I like the setting. Kirito is however completely unlikable, and Asuna became a damsel/doormat.
I remember enjoying SAO to some extent but whenever I try to think about it I just realize I think it's shit.
You monster.
Saitama has almost no feats. One Punch man is an unfunny gag show that's lost its humor. One is basically just milking his fans at this point.
Dr Slump is an example of a gag series done right.
But that's a very popular opinion. Unless you're talking about Sup Forums, in which case too popular means Sup Forums hates it.
I think that Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is better than The Tatami Galaxy at depicting a real life situation and complexity of life.
It's been ten years since Harry Potter ended and five years since SAO aired, and I still think of quidditch whenever I hear that.
>FMA was far better than FMA-B
>FMA wasn't afraid to give the viewers an imperfect ending
>FMA-B gave a standard shonen happily ever after ending and its final moments were cringeworthy
>the homunculus being actually immortal made them feel more like a threat in FMA
>the music in FMA was also better than Brotherhood
Facts are unpopular.
Not many people argue against that. It's the 2nd half that went to the shitter. I'll even forgive the deus ex machina of how Asuna didn't fry.
What about the MC being an incredibly blatant Gary Stu?
Maybe for Sup Forums
Literelly everyone outside of Sup Forums and reddit liked the first arc of sao
FMA 2003 is truly the superior breed
Just to be curious, define gary stu
This is correct.
That would probably make the whole thing better in many aspects, not just the 1st part, but the author would have to put in way more effort.
>not wanting to be in a guild called The Black Beaters
> enjoying a fake fanfiction esque spinoff story that isn't true to the manga
I unironically like every arc of SAO. Alicezation is definitely the best and I can't wait to see it animated.
Sinon is the best girl.
FMA 2003 is superior to manga and second anime in many aspects.
If only Kirito had more ambition instead of being an edgy loner, he could've actually made that the strongest guild in the early floors with him, Asuna, Agil, and others joining due to Agil.
Male character that exists for the purpose of wish fulfillment, usually lacks any serious flaws or weaknesses, likely to be overpowered in their work to the point that there is no serious suspense.
Please stop posting on Sup Forums
>better than Progressive
I bet you're an Eugeofag.
You people are insane. Original FMA was one of the first anime I watched and even back then I felt that the diverting part of the story did not flow or agree with the canon part. And I didn't even know that the second part of the anime was basically fanfiction. I'll give you that I liked its more somber tone, but that ending was still ass.
>All those buzzwords
holy shit
The ending of FMA gave me such a bad taste in the mouth. While I am a fan of endings that are not happily ever after I dont think FMA was the right show to do it
Gungale is the only good arc and still the ending of the arc is quite shit.
I just wanna see the rape of the cute kohais.
>Phantom Bullet
>Kirito cuts bullets with a light saber
>Kawahara ends up apologizing to gun otaku because he knows that's not how bullets work
>best arc
Kirito was a poorly written main character, deal with it.
Now that I think about it, they should make an actual VR MMO based on SAO. As much as I dislike SAO, it's so popular that it may be the only chance for VR stuff to really take off.
>>Kawahara ends up apologizing to gun otaku because he knows that's not how bullets work
also you are retarded if you think things in games needs to be "realistic" just because you can't find any actual argument to dislike a game, do you get triggered too because you can bunny-hop in csgo?.
Everything about it was cool except for that girl and her whole team dying, the bullshit solo boss fight, and that unexplained glitch where he could still hit that guy after dying.
Please no, I don't want Aincrad bosses to be spoiled before more immersive VR tech is common place.
>playing csgo
The whole anime just seemed like it was trying too hard to pander to underaged Sup Forumstards
Oh and it was complete shit too
>>playing csgo
nice argument nigger, bunny hopping in CS 1.6 was way more aggresive and it add more skill cap to the game and was more fun
I thought that was the reason of the greentext, 1.6>>>go
Also fuck Sup Forums.
>A game that focus on MMO videogames can pander to people that play videogames
In what sense they don't work like that?
Bullets should be actually faster or Kirito has not human reflexes?
But the point was made that the game IS realistic.
I was autistic enough to not only care about this, but study up the specifics of the the gun used in a particular scene, and without even taking into account the fact that Kirito would need to move his sword accordingly, just being able to react to it means he's far beyond regular human limits in terms of reactions, in a game that specifically does not augment your reactions, only that your character can only move as fast as you could react.
bruh kirito is mach 5
As frustrated as I am about what could have been and Mikono in general, I thoroughly enjoyed the fuck out of EVOL as a whole.
You realize a prediction line comes right before you shot the gun, right?.
ZnT is a masterpiece and was by far the best anime of 2014
Every part is good initially, but they all turn to shit.
I used to think FMA was better, but it's been so long since I watched it I'm not sure I would think the same now.
In general I felt more feelings watching the first one, and I think I'd still do that if I rewatched it now. I disagree on the ending being cringeworthy, and/or bad.
That did not apply here.
I didn't really think any of Satoshi Kon's movies were that amazing except for maybe Tokyo Godfathers, which was still just "great".
This anime is good as fuck
It's just average. Not bad by any means but just super predictable and samey. The characters are the worst part all being just cardboard cutouts. If it brought Yu Yu Hakusho's cast and threw out the current cast it would be really good.
> re:Zero is a 7/10
> Part 4 of JoJo is the better than part 2
> I like the chimarea ant Arc
> I prefer dubs when it comes to comedy
> Tiger and bunny is a 9/10 for me
> I like Kuwabara's dub voice over the sub
Everything I dislike is reddit and if you disagree with me you're reddit too
Everything reddit I dislike and if you like reddit I dislike you too.
do you mean that show where a bunch of people formed a club for making friends and then were too stupid to realize they could just be friends with each other until the end?
reddit is a compliment compared to facebook or buzzfeed.
>This gets popular because the production values and budget are good.
>.hack// gets fucked because all of it's anime are Bee Train and total shit.
It's not fair.
>Part 1 is easily the most popular and praised of the 4 arcs so far
>Being excellent is somehow the unpopular opinion
More like those than think SAO is unpopular belong to the hipster minority
That the general consensus among my friends as well.
The Aincrad arc killed it and everything that followed was just the maggots feeding on the corpse.
Gintama is complete shit
Guilty Crown is a better show than people think it is
I thought it was fairly enjoyable until Gai was brought back to life.
>Unpopular opinions
>shit taste right
>The Tatami Galaxy is overhyped shit
>NHK, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun are good shows, but not masterpieces
>Tokyo Ghoul was unironically entertaining
>Bartender > Mushishi
Beliving that Sword Art Online part 1 was good is a popular opinion, just not on Sup Forums.
Also, it counts as having shit taste, really shit taste.
True, they didn't need to revive Gai and it wasn't even explained how the hell they revived him. But it's not like it had no purpose in the story, people who say he became evil out of nowhere probably didn't pay attention to either the hints that it was going to happen or his motives being explained near the ending.
Nerd/non-nerd pairing > others.
There is nothing wrong with girls liking the protagonist because he's kind. It's cute.
Pure (lewd/slut) > lewd/slut (pure).
>Pure (lewd/slut) > lewd/slut (pure).
This is just shit taste. Pure (lewd/slut)is literally a lying manipulative whore.
Nah I prefer girls who are smart and can play up an innocent act. I don't hate "B-but she's totally actually pure" but it's stupider to me.
>NHK, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun are good shows, but not masterpieces
I agree, but I have a feeling whatever you'd put as a masterpiece in their place would be even worse.
how is that unpopular? it was the only good part of the series.
I think FMAB (another unpopular opinion), Bartender, Kaiji and Paranoia Agent are masterpieces
It was hyped to hell and back and ended up being just a shitty EVA/Code Geass knockoff, the only actually interesting part was Shuu becoming Hitler.
Homosexuals please leave.
That's not really unpopular. it was a great show right until they started focusing on the romance
SAO was decent before it got into haremshit, so like the first couple eps?
That guy was right those are all equally mediocre.
Thats what killed it for me. What about the newbie guild and his pledge to beat the game and end the nightmare.
Thanks for reminding me.
>Tuned down edgy loner persona, joined some group of noobs
>Everyone dies
>Shortly after, adopts some fake child and moves into some forest to fuck Asuna all day.
Guilty Crown is only hated by people who are too stupid to follow a story without being spoon-fed on its elements.
Not even.
For all the edginess people call Kirito out on, it's mostly misplaced.
And here, people underrate it. He was suicidally grinding until the Christmas event and didn't give a shit whether the game would be cleared or not.
Naruto is better than Monster.
This is actually a very popular opinion. It's only unpopular in this pretentious and contrarian shithole.
>Cerea is best MM girl
>Xenovia is best DxD girl
>Wicked City was an amazing movie
>The JoJo OVAs and APPP in general are vastly better than DavidPro and the current JoJo adaptation
>Phantom blood is my favorite part
Oreshura is one of the best harem anime ever made and it's a travesty they will never make a season 2.
>Jojo is boring
>Code Geass is overrated
>A (good) dub is better than the original japanese voices every time.
>Barefoot Gen is better than Grave of the Fireflies
>Hunter x Hunter was kinda boring
>Kiznaiver was great
>Diebuster is better than Gunbuster
>Akame ga Kill is great
>Darker than Black 2nd season is not that bad
>Think Log Horizon worse than SAO because it's fucking boring
where on the internet can you find people not only saying Naruto is not shit, but that it's better than Monster? Gaia online?