did you ever buy something because it was shilled in an anime?
Did you ever buy something because it was shilled in an anime?
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I didn't know dyson fans existed before zombie desk car. Saw one used for cheap and snagged it. Love it.
No, because I'm not retarded enough.
I tried Dr. Pepper because of Steins;Gate
I bought a can of Fanta because Akari drinks it. It was disgusting, like weak orange juice with sparkling water and lots of sugar.
I would buy pizza hut every time a new episode aired. Eating and shitposting made for a nice combination.
Can't wait to do the same for S3
Forgot image
I started playing World of Tanks after watching GuP. That kinda counts.
I bought 2 mitts and a baseball after getting sucked into some baseball anime. I keep them in my car to play catch with people when I'm bored.
Playing catch with a baseball and mitt is very relaxing
I bought a chanel lipbalm. I don't regret it, sure it cost 30 bucks but it actually works better and lasts longer than the usual lipbalms I buy. Pretty sure I'm gonna buy another one once I'm done with this one.
I bought some Tabasco sauce after C.C. mentioned a pizza needing it. That was just the other day actually.
I made Yakisoba pan once awhile back. My mom was like, "user what the fuck are you doing, that's a lot of carbs" and I just said, "Uhhhh I dunno it seems like it would be good." Not doing that shit again.
>did you ever buy something because it was shilled in an anime?
Same here though while I do like it, it's objectively shit. Loud as hell not much displacement and gets dusty as fuck while being impossible to clean unless you have a fucking triangle head screwdriver and as soon as you take that screw off you void the warranty. Oddly enough it's quite sturdy, though cost performance wise my 20$ box fan from home depot outdoes it in every way outside of appearance.
Not specific products, but several different anime have really made me crave udon on more than one occasion.
I bought a yellow FD RX-7.
I regret absolutely nothing.
Bought it because of Tomato.
Absolutely loved it. Too bad it's fucking expensive.
I went to pizza hut right after the CG announcement
I bought it because of Shiki.
Not sure if it counts, but I read a book on King Arthur because of fate.
Shiki eats strawberry tho
I was reffering to Haagen Daz in general.
I went to a planetarium after watching Planetarian.
You win user.
As a guy who grew up in Asia, we always used Tabasco in Pizza Hut or any other pizza we ate, so when I moved to North America and went to a Pizza Hut to eat when I asked for Tabasco all I got was a "???" look.
>Watch Naruto with friends
>Crave real ramen, want to try it
>Go to the only place that makes it, just opened, small town in the south
>Get it and it seems incredible, mouth waters, got a weird Japanese drink that you pop a ball on too, shitty knockoff Jap fanta
>No utensils, horror dawns, I ask them for a fork
>They don't have any
>Cannot use chopsticks because of nerve damage in hands, have tried for years
>Sit back down, stare at bowl, cry a little then throw the whole thing into the trash and go to longhorns
Fuck Japan and thier stupid utensils I just wanted to try it you fucking red button monkeys. I go to all your shitty buffets and sushi restaurants but no, apparently your garbage noodles in water is too fancy to eat with a fork.
>have retard cripple hands
>go to a restaurant, order + pay for food
>dont actually ask if they can accomodate your disability until after the bowl's on the table
My hands are fine for 99% of things they need to do, drive, keys, shitpost on my phone. There are just certain ways I cannot consciously force them to move. Chopsticks happen to require that precision and movement. I'm not mad anymore but it really hurt my feelings at the time. I mean goddamn how many people in my podunk town can actually use chopsticks effectively enough for noodles.
A few different types of tea, a lot of alcohol, and a guitar. I can't think of many specific products besides a 2-liter of Dr. Pepper I bought after watching Steins;Gate and a second Lamy Safari after I saw Hajime had one in Gatchaman Crowds.
I bought rice. No way in hell I'm making that satanic shit again. See you fuckers in hell.
I ate those bean paste fish anime characters always buy bags of. Would do again.
Black Lagoon made me start smoking again if that counts
I have done this. I wouldn't say I loved it but it definitely tasted different.
Literally all you need to do to make rice is rinse it then put it in a rice cooker with some water.
This pen right here. I didn't need another one, but the lime green one is damned pretty.
Didn't actually buy anything but I started practicing pen twirling because Amanda did it.
This was a month ago. It's fun and I'm getting pretty good at it.
Hibike! Euphonium made me get a Yamaha instrument.
> eating ramen with a FORK
Are you stupid? You could have used a damn spoon and it'd have worked just fine. Or even better, make it a takeout and then eat it later with whatever you can. Much better than literally throw your money to the trash.
You should kill yourself for being a narutard. Can your degenerate hands even operate a trigger?
I ate it but threw the raisins out
You gotta be pretty retarded to go wrong with rice, specially with a rice cooker, if you follow any basic recipe online it's impossible to fuck up.
When I watched K-On i decided to try and get back into playing guitar. I bought a new amp since I lost my old one and some new strings for my acoustic.
Then I remembered almost immediately that learning new songs is hard and practicing the ones I already know is boring.
How the fuck do you eat noodles with a spoon? No to go anything available. And of course I didn't box it I was upset coon.
I'm not. My friends watch it. Evangelion a best. (Kill la kill a close tie with trigun for second) but yes I'm an excellent shot.
You shouldn't wash enriched rice. And a plain old covered pot works better than a rice cooker IMO.
Pretty damn hard to fuck up 2:1 water and rice and cook for 23 minutes though.
Was going to get one of these but got a p bass instead cause it was cheaper. I'm left handed too, but I play instruments like a normal person for whatever reason.
Now if only I had motivation to practice more than once every hundred years
>being so retarded that you can't even manage to cook rice
genuinely kekking right now
He made me want to start piano classes. I actually liked it, but reading music is hell and it demotivated me from learning. I still practice by ear from time to time, but I still can't find a way to understand music sheets.
Same here.
Ramen is kind of like soup noodles with a bit more of toppings in it, and as with any soup a spoon works just fine. Even drinking the broth straight from the plate would have been more acceptable than throwing it to the trash. Not to mention the place you went was really shitty for not knowing how to accommodate to your problem.
I mean I don't blame them. It's a fairly authentic place (asiatic workers and actual foreign items) I thought you just picked the things out of the broth though? Do you consume the liquid too?
Recently I bought a shower gel + shampoo. Guess the brand.
>but threw the raisins out
Then why did you buy rum raisin?
>Do you consume the liquid too?
That's isn't Fanta, baka. It's Fanti.
>Do you consume the liquid too?
Was it the very first soup in your life?
>rice cooker
I wish something like that existed in this subhuman shithole.
Well excuuuse me for not having a star deluxe kitchen like you murricans think the rest of the world have.
>Do you consume the liquid too?
Why wouldn't you?
>Do you consume the liquid too?
Never go full retard user.
Tried some hamster food.
to get turnt on rum obviously
i just got customized headphone plates and color made after a thing on my waifus color
Even without a rice cooker you just need a pot, salt, oil and water. Even then it's pretty hard to fuck up like that.
Mate I will fly over there and force you to drink it while rubbing your dick until you can't get an erection without drinking fanta. Then we will see whether you like it or not.
Just bought some Japanese curry mix.
I wanted to try it but it turned out that I don't really like raisins with ice cream. I ate some with fried ice cream too.
Come over to vg/wotg so I can insult your favourite tank and girl
What anime was fried ice cream in, because that's an american invention (a fairly old one too, it's from the 1800s)
Candy commercial the animation made me wonder what the treats they shilled tasted like, so I went and bought some.
It is really good. I thought I would hate it.
I'm pretty sure this episode aired like a week after I bought my bike, plus it's terrible shilling anyways.
Japanese style curry
1. super cheap
2. falling off a log easy to make
3. makes a shitton
4. Tasty enough
I earnestly get why the 11's love it so much
You don't have to practice bass. You either have the groove or ya don't brother heh
Rice out of a rice cooker is better than normal rice and half the hassle. I got a judge rice cooker off Amazon and it is great. Throw rice in close lid come back when ever I want to perfectly cooked rice that is still nice and warm.
>Do you consume the liquid too?
This whole thread has me rolling in laughter. People can't possibly be this stupid
Rum Raisin doesn't have any actual rum in it.
Koufuku Graffiti got me to try inarizushi and I got so hooked on it that it became a problem
Dr.Pepper... Because of Steins;Gate
>but I still can't find a way to understand music sheets.
Just go through it slowly. That's all there is to it. If you have to go through and identify each note then do it. You're learning a new language once you begin to understand sheet music, a few weeks of music theory will open a whole new world much more effectively than dicking around on your instrument will. Once you begin to make musical connections it becomes a ton of fun. Stick with it.
It got me to try mapo tofu. I love it, but then I love spicy foods in general.
if soup confuses you this much i want to see you try to eat a sandwich
Rum raisin sucks dude
>Do you consume the liquid too?
It would be extremely painful
The instructions didn't say to put that much water so the rice ended stuck to the pot, and every time I tried to detach it some got stuck again. I had to turn off the oven and just cook it again with low fire. I was never a good chef ok?
Bought a les paul style guitar because of k-on and a Glock 35 because of the cia nun in black lagoon
Terrible bike too
Yeah, after finishing Usagi Drop, I went and bought my grandpa's love child as a child bride.
The ice cream is tasty, raisins are take it or leave it.
Well fuck my life then.
> amazon.com
Not gonna say too much about my own life, but as I was trying out musicology in college this one got recommended to me by other students who actually had a long and consequent background in music.
"The name sounds stupid but it has everything you need learn"
Just read it once then write right next to your music notes. A, la, B#, si# or whatever it is in your language. Whatever works so you don't have to decipher your music sheet all over again everytime you play so you can actually work on the piano instead of being stuck.
Then when you're done with the sheet and know it by heart just print it again without the annotations. You'll realize you can read it no problem.
Surely you can order one off the internet though? You can't live in Angola or anything right? Btw if you do get one, get one with a fastening lid the glass lid ones tend to overlook and make a mess.
I bought a guitar because of Yui
Timotei shampoo
Same here, it's shit
i get the spiciest version, and it's not very spicy.
Interestingly, if you've ever wondered why japanese curry tastes more like a beef stew than indian curry (and if you've ever wondered why tf the japs have their own curry in the first place), the answer is that when the british first got into contact with the japs they brought over their take on indian curry (thanks to their exploits in india). The japanese like their curry and have been copying it ever since. So, Japanese curry is actually a look at what british curry was like hundreds of years ago. I guess they liked their curry much less spicy, and more like a beef stew than traditional indian curries.
Fuck you Dr. Pepper is amazing
In fact, screw the fanta, whats your address
Not anime but I bought an air conditioner because of Risou no himo seikatsu