I'm sorry if we're having this thread everyday but I've just finished EoE and all the twists and turns at the end made my head spin a little.
So I kindly ask Sup Forums for some clarification.
Did I understand right that: Rei/Lilth declined Gendo when always before she submitted? Shinji summoned the spear from moon? How? Sorry, but was the spear entering Eva's core a methaphor for sex? Mass produced Eva's had Kaworu's soul just like NERV used Rei's as autopilot? The theater scene was a direct address to the viewer?
And some questions about: What were the wings above Eva-01? Why there were 2 first and 4 later? Why Eva-01 didn't awake up until Asuka was already dead? Eva01 eating Gendo? What? What symbolized сrosses in the end? Yui living forever in Eva? What? Why Lilith died(?) if Shinji and Asuka were the only ones rejecting instrumentality?
Lincoln Robinson
Asuka best girl.
James Murphy
Benjamin Jones
Angel Ross
kimochi warui
Anyway, save it for the NGE threads.
Ryder Sullivan
It's just trying to say that there are like people around us, and you shouldn't just allow them shape you, you should shape them as well in order to create reality in which everyone is comfortable with. Shinji was just a beta who wanted his reality, but couldn't cooperate with others and was a downer, he was just following others to try to please them, without taking actions for himself.
I think when Rei grew a vagina on her forehead and inserted Shinji into it to have sex devoid of individuality while fucking Earth was a good symbolic representation of that.
Adrian Flores
>Eva01 eating Gendo? What?
That was Yui/Rei/Shinji's punishment for Gendo being a piece of shit
He is also the only character to not be seen as tang
Nolan Stewart
Ok, that makes sense. Why did giant Rei collapse if only Shinji and Asuka rejected instrumentality?
Noah Cook
We don't know what really happens after that
It could just be they have the most resolve to come back. Which would explain why they were the first two, the rest could join them, but it just ends there the rest is for speculating
They could be Adam and Eva or that could be a sign that all of humanity can return.
Jordan Wright
Those two are the most fucked up, though.
They are far from majority of humanity.
Jordan Kelly
They aren't the only two, just the only two we see come back. Rei collapses because Instrumentality is canceled.
Cameron Sullivan
I see. I read some theory in the other thread about the rebuilds being EoE sequels after people return to their form.
So it's considered cancelled even if only some people return from LCL?
Justin Collins
Well Asuka even in death turns on her Eva through will power chanting how she won't die
There's a reason why Eva is still so popular 20 years later
Kayden Stewart
Yes. Instrumentality is an entirely different existence from LCL.
Ryan Anderson
Those theories are very poorly thought out and mostly inconsistent.
Jaxon Miller
the "plot" of EoE does not matter at all on any level
Cooper Flores
Well to be fair Rebuilds aren't very good. But they are just recaps for most of 1.0 and 2.0 then things go crazy. I think of it like a high budget fan fic
I think they have the choice of whether or not to come back
Gabriel Brown
>Sorry, but was the spear entering Eva's core a methaphor for sex? No, only fujos think that
Ryder Barnes
What if Anno is the one posting them?
Logan Carter
Well, I'd still like to understand every single point Anno tried to make to the max.
Blake Howard
It would explain why 3.0+1.0 hasn't come out yet
Brody Rogers
Fujos think Shinji is gay for Kaworu too.
Evan Robinson
That's correct.
Colton Clark
>Rei/Lilth declined Gendo when always before she submitted? ye >Shinji summoned the spear from moon? n >Sorry, but was the spear entering Eva's core a methaphor for sex? It's just imagery >Mass produced Eva's had Kaworu's soul just like NERV used Rei's as autopilot? ye >The theater scene was a direct address to the viewer? ye >What were the wings above Eva-01? Why there were 2 first and 4 later? idk lol >Why Eva-01 didn't awake up until Asuka was already dead? idk lol >Eva01 eating Gendo? I don't think this meant anything, but idk lol >What symbolized сrosses in the end? idk lol >Yui living forever in Eva? It absorbed her >Why Lilith died(?) if Shinji and Asuka were the only ones rejecting instrumentality? It wasn't everyone else's call to make
Christian Morris
yeah but all the expression is through the sound and images. the mythos is secondary to that. sure there's an in-universe justification for ikari's hand morphing through rei's tit, but that has no bearing on the actual image and what it's expressing
Jackson Torres
And that'a why they're wrong about everything
Zachary Cook
No one ever really will
Not even him at this point
Wyatt Cook
Still doesn't mean it's not intresting to talk about.
What you pull from NGE is up to yourself but I've had several revelations about Asuka as a character from discussion
Ryder Nguyen
Yes. Magic. The Spear is alive and has a will of its own and can pierce AT Fields no problem, but this is what you're hung up on? Maybe. They used imprints of his brain waves just like the dummy plugs used Rei. Sure.
More wings = more power Yui is a bitch. Yui punishing her husband while at the same time drawing him into her. Notice how she only eats his upper half and leaves his lower half (his cheating dick). She decided to become a testament to humanity's existence. Even after humanity is dead, after the sun expands and cooks the shit out of earth, after the red giant of the sun consumes the earth, after the stars die and cool down to black dwarfs and the universe becomes bigger and colder, Yui will still be alive inside 01. Rei gave it to Shinji to decide or not. Everyone else is still tanged, but Instrumentality is beyond reach. They're just tang. They'll have to reconstitute their AT Fields to come back.
Ryder Rivera
I see. The thread clariffied some points.
Alexander Wilson
anno cannot write for shit
what he can do is put together stuff visually in a way that is very striking. even genius at times imo
Jose Martinez
Wait a minute, wasn't Gendo present in "congratulations"? I'm pretty sure his soul made it to intrumentality.
Brayden Morris
>Shinji summoned the spear from moon? How? Eva series (aka white wales) used their S2 engines on the EVA 01 in order for it to call on the Longuinus spear. The fusion of an awaken EVA (who is a basically a genetically engineered adam's clone mixted with human genes) with the spear acts like the creation of a Tree of Life (the key to the Guf chamber, the gate leading the souls realm) >Sorry, but was the spear entering Eva's core a methaphor for sex? They probably didn't thought of this, but who knows. >Mass produced Eva's had Kaworu's soul just like NERV used Rei's as autopilot? They have Dummy plugs based on Kaworu's pattern, like the one EVA 01 used to destroy EVA 04, when Shinji refused to fight (EVA 01's dummy plug is based on Rei's pattern. That's why we keep on seeing her naked in LCL filled tubes) >The theater scene was a direct address to the viewer? Yup. >And some questions about: >What were the wings above Eva-01? Why there were 2 first and 4 later? Nothing, just something that looked cool and probably a reference to some book about angel's hierarchy (seraphin, archangles and stuff) >Why Eva-01 didn't awake up until Asuka was already dead? Cuz Yui don't want her little baby shinji sad. >Eva01 eating Gendo? What? Yui sexual needs are off the charts. >What symbolized сrosses in the end? Anti-Terror field monolith. To destroy humans' bodies/melt them and bring their souls to Lillith' egg. >Yui living forever in Eva? What? She was the first test pilot for EVA 01, but the test was a dramatic failure. She merged with the EVA. >Why Lilith died(?) if Shinji and Asuka were the only ones rejecting instrumentality? Shinji chosed to reject the unification of all souls. But to rebuild mankind, you need pure consensual sex. Like Adam and Eve.
Henry Edwards
Bentley Lee
>In the scripts Do you have some link to them?
Jackson Parker
>Why Eva-01 didn't awake up until Asuka was already dead? Another user suggested this was to make sure Shinji would cooperate with instrumentality.
Wyatt Smith
Maybe it wasn't actually his soul but Shinji's image of him (what he wanted to see).
Adam Clark
>Sorry, but was the spear entering Eva's core a methaphor for sex? Yes, the scripts use an euphemism for penis to refer to the lance in that scene and Shinji is apparently "in ecstasy" when it enters him
Eli King
Kek typical fujo
Ryder Ward
Oh come on, why the fuck does every single newfag think that he has to ask the most basic questions on Sup Forums? I mean, I'm completely okay with good in-depth Eva discussions, but this is almost comical now, we have this thread every single day. Dude, if you don't understand, just lurk more, it's already posted all over the Internet. Why does everybody think that everything should be spoonfed to them, instead of taking a bit of effort. It's even more interesting to guess stuff yourself.
Andrew Ramirez
I asked for proof of anons words, I fail to see how that makes me a fujo.
Thomas Garcia
No...you can google them? Also I deleted that post bc I thought that I would answer OP directly
Kayden Price
All you really need to know.
Joseph Cook
Everything is already said and done before: "There is nothing new under the Sun"
Just let it go and enjoy the ride or ignore the thread.
Charles Lewis
Juan Gomez
>Why does everybody think that everything should be spoonfed to them I don't. If people feel like having a discussion that's fine if not, that's fine too.
However it's more interesting to have a discussion instead of reading some stuff people put out there as axioms.
Lincoln Wood
They call everyone a fujo because they're mad at how Anno hates waifufags but likes fujos
Ian Morgan
Yeah, but in End of Evangelion, you see his corpse deliberately not dissolve. It's made clear he was left out because you could also see Ritsuko's orange shape beside him or something.
Samuel Reed
William Evans
Yeah, on websites you will see outdated and biased opinions anyway *cough* Evageeks *cough*
Adam Rogers
Sebastian Morris
Andrew Brooks
Friendly reminder in case anyone has forgotten.
Gavin Moore
So this was kind of retconned in Rebuild? (as in gendo still existing and being the one who remembers).
Gavin Flores
Asuka has no memento.
Luis Parker
Jace Foster
Weren't they the hair things? Not him
Isaac Lewis
Asuka is very sexual but seriously mentally disturbed. Many Sup Forumsnons like her because they like to think that they are better than her and that they could fix her with their love/dick. These Sup Forumsnons are closeted normalfaggs and should see a therapist and leave Sup Forums for a real life a relapse here, I should know - also had a girl like Asuka in bed - fun at the beginning but goes to shit very fast - once you get the basic moves of putting your dick into vagina a girl like that is pure torture. The other half of Sup Forumsnons that like Rei are mostly autistic and just want to fuck a doll or "download" a personality of choice into her, also very attractive body and go with that.
Nathan Scott
What are hair clips
Nathaniel Thompson
No, Rebuild is separate.
Caleb Thompson
You don't understand humans, senpai
Oliver Reyes
I find it funny Asuka has ended up being the more complex character than Rei even as a normal human girl
Based anno
Blake Barnes
>forgetting the baby Shinji left in her womb
Carter Sanchez
Not everyone wants to fix Asuka, some people just enjoy arguing.
Aaron Gray
>le characters are mentally disturbed Do people actually know what this means? I mean, half of Sup Forums posts shit like that and I clearly understand that these people judge personalities by SoL archetypes. Kids in Eva behave like totally normal kids with complexes and fears, hell, they behave like Anno and me. When will this "twisted fucking psychopaths" meme end? Sure, their reactions to stuff are harsh due to extensive childhood traumas but that doesn't make them mental patients, they just need to grow up a bit, which they do btw.
Landon Cruz
>In the climax of the story, Asuka and Shinji are in Misato's kitchen >On the table are two lone, empty mugs >Mugs hold liquid, like an A.T. Field keeping the humans separate >The two mugs are Shinji and Asuka, the only two who chose to live outside of the sea of instrumentality, represented by the full coffee pot >It was them who flipped over the table and set everything in motion >When it is over, the coffee is on the floor, with two broken mugs beside it >Just like the two broken children at the end, on the shores of the red sea >this is reinforced by the parallel strangling in both scenes
I think they'll repair their mugs.
Oliver Cooper
You are right, I don't. And neither do you. That's why we are here kouhai.
Henry Campbell
>they just need to grow up a bit, which they do btw
actually they never make it past 14
Hudson Hall
do you think they were drinking decaf or regular
Sebastian Hall
We still can't say for sure. It might all reconnect in the final one. They'd turn out sequels.
Anthony Nelson
What the fuck
Brody Stewart
Gendo has a backup clone
Michael Jones
Anno deliberately tried to make Asuka as realistic and relatible as possible.
Juan Smith
This is some annoposter-tier symbolism analysis. Good job.
Tyler Barnes
Is that why she's a roastie cunt?
Dominic Nelson
True. There is no good waifu material in Eva, they're all fucked up beyond repair.
Brayden Bailey
>Rebuilds Asuka >lol Beastfangs with a glowing eye patch that changes when she's angry
Nathan Lewis
>drinking coffee out of a mug >not using the superior stainless-steel thermos
I would probably want to join Instrumentality too if A.T. fields were based off shit coffee mugs.
Thomas Turner
It's not a meme. Ok it is but that's not the point. The point is they are mentally disturbed like in personality disorder way, often neurotic, which is understandable under the circumstances, and sometimes psychotic (also understandable) but yeah - pretty much the definition of mentally disturbed. Not mentally ill beyond repair - notice the difference.
Ryan Morales
But user, Asuka is a virgin.
Nolan Morris
Hunter James
Parker Gutierrez
Didn't she fuck someone in Instrumentality?
Colton Brooks
>What is Misato
Nathaniel Harris
Good job Sup Forumsnon. Even if it is a repost, still good job. I salute you.
Sebastian Gonzalez
T-that actually adds up
Thomas Roberts
Drinking coffee stunts your growth.
Aaron Bell
To this day Asuka still is an enigma to me. I can't understand her the same way I can't understand real life women. Good job, Master
Nathaniel Brown
Well everyone is naked in instrumentality, but Asuka shows she is clueless about sex. "something adults do to feel they are worth something"
Henry Adams
Just wait a seco just Oh fuck it makes sense
Dylan Walker
Misato is a lust drived drunken lost woman, who barely overcomed her childhood trauma. She probably hates her dad as much as Shinji hates his. And she is not able to have intimate relationships with people unless they include some sort of sexual contact.
Michael Cruz
>"something adults do to feel they are worth something"
But this is true for so many "adults".
Ayden Brown
That's only half of it, sex is something people do because of urges and it feels good.
Blake Allen
Dubs are speaking the truth.
Bentley Gutierrez
>And she is not able to have intimate relationships with people unless they include some sort of sexual contact.
And that's bad because...?
Jaxon Hernandez
Josiah Hughes
Because either she's distanced from everyone and doesn't let people close to her or she fucks them.
Caleb Williams
You didn't know what sex цwhen you were 13?
Henry White
I agree that there is (or at least should be) mo to sex than >"something adults do to feel they are worth something" but, really for most people around me and from admittedly limited personal experience I can say that the quote stands quite strong. The possibly surprising part is the "urge" and "feel good" part are also often low or non existent in sex-having population.
Brayden Wood
>The pot containing the rest of the coffees falls behind them first