OST came out yesterday, but it's still not up... Where is it?
Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Now we start the eternal awit for some kind user to buy it and upload it. If I'm not mistaken, some said he was going to do it.
Well at least it's out. That wait had been dragging on. Now I know that it could be uploaded at any time, it's not so bad.
How come I didn't know that the character songs are on nyaa since the past month?
Posting aces.
Until the OST's up
OST please.
Gook here. I will upload the OST the 29 please look forward to it.
Did someone said, OST?!
>5 days of suffering
It could be way worse. I can feel it already.
>5 days
Oh shit. I can't believe I fell. I've never fell on all these threads.
Jesus Christ, you faggots are entitled little bitches. Go get it yourselves and upload it instead of relying on someone else to feed your needs.
I wonder if the guy who uploaded the character songs will be getting on this, but I'm worried it might be a fair while since those were only uploaded a month ago.
Then upload it yourself.
We already know that, say something new.
I'm only just now getting around to listening to the character songs. Enjoying Bestie Storm death.
OST when
Too lazy to write the names. AkarixKoyori was kinda boring honestly.
I'm pretty sure the OST is bundled with the 3rd BD volume. Which came out yesterday. Which would explain why people thought the OST would be buy able yesterday. I still want it though
ost is death
Do you know when were the Character Songs released? The date, I mean.
>Not digging dat "Saa! Saa! Saa! Saa! Saa! Saa!"
The first 4 doubles songs were on Jan 25th, the last 2 were Feb 22nd. And the 2 Trio songs were on Feb 22nd too
I can't find the ones that came out 3 days ago on nyaa, they're not up yet?
Well, all my hopes just died. Going to ask if there's posibilities for them to be uploaded.
1. The one with Chuuni + Nom Nom
2. Scorpion Chuuni + Boing Boing
3. Doki Doki + Ace + Hoku Hoku
4. Hanabi + Prez + Munemune
Want it on my face
Yes, exactly.
Boop bob bob beep when?
Someone post the Spurdo edit.
Because you failed your analysis, baka hoku.
Every thread until I win nationals while listening to the OST.
>not listening to that collage made from the episodes
At least once a week, actually. It's fun remembering the episodes.
So from what I gather, this anime is about the demanding sport of table tennis.
Are you completly sure?
Demanding is right. You should see how they sweat.
I could be wrong. There seems to be much attention given to various girls who happen to play table tennis, and I have yet to see any boys. Could the show have to deal with shouji ai themes?
As should be expected of a sports anime. I am intrigued.
ost tomorrow?
This has been the only OST I've been actively anticipating in a long time
Is it weird to think of Shakunetsu as one of my favorite anime?
S2 when?
Yes, this character seems particularly dedicated to expending effort in her pursuit of excellence at table tennis, which is something I admire. I may have to pick this show up.
It is pretty damn good at times, I'll give you that.
Doki Doki Spats-chan is truely the best girl
From now on we leave the Ace-chan Era. We now more onto the Spats-chan Era! FORWARD MEN!
You mean an ace's bitch era?
I will patiently await the Scorpion Era.
Maybe when the manga gets to Nationals, Agari will lose against Sasorida, giving Hoku and Hanabi a chance to shine. And then Sup Forums will see who the true Ace is.
Your Ace-chan days are over. Can't even accept it
You'll be waiting forever. There is only one Ace.
Fucking finally. BingBong a best
Unlike twintails, braid has never lost a match.
He actually said it
why would they delay it so much, I didn't think the show was so big that they would make a huge profit by delaying it this much
What delay?
between now and when it aired
>braid has never lost a match.
Kururi defeated her a bunch of times.
What is this magic
To sell BDs
It's crazy to think they did like 12 different editions of the ost that played during this scene. The beginning is the same, but it was the most strongest in this episode for some reason. It was just the way it sounded, I guess.
The music really did make this show into something special, didn't it? The stuff they did with the OP and ED from time to time was especially fun.
Violated Ace
bestie storm is the only good one anyways
Makes me wonder how popular it was with deaf audiences.
I'm sure they liked the sweat.
Give me the OST you dumb pupper.
Here, have my usual contribution to the threads.
Ace butt and thighs.
Who is this other girl
The girl from anne happy maybe.
>Not up after 2 days
I need my fast beat music fix like girls need their ping pong