Megane Satania is best Satania
Gabriel Dropout
Other urls found in this thread:
Satania > Vigne > Tap > Class Rep > Raphi >>>>> Gabriel
Why is Satania so shit? She ruined the whole show.
Satanya is her own worst enemy
That's not true. She's her own best friend. Her only friend.
You are her friend
I wantu kissu Tap-chan
Fat bitch
Blank image
Gab > Vigne > Tapris > Satania > Raphi
Who are these tasty sluts
Threadly reminder to bully and sexualize Satania.
Really though.
Why is Raphael such a cunt?
I'm convinced gabriel dropout posters are schizophrenic.
There is LITERALLY nothing to talk about and a normal functional human being would get bored of ranking the girls and saying what sexual things they would do to them by now.
I would rather sexualize Raphael. Her body is made for lewdness
Here. Have a (You), now get out.
some people are just born fucked up
I want to bully and torture Satania until she dies from a pain.
Why is Anthony Bourdain so mean to Satania?
Worst girl memefag of the year with annoying as fuck fans.
we can always complain about the subs
>tfw no Satania to bully
why did Raphi get torpedo tits in this?
Also the rape, user, don't forget to rape her!.
Direct translation is lame....
Vignette>class rep>everyone else.
Gab does that better.
GOD! I want to rape Satania so hard till she dies AAAAHH
This is literally every CGDCT thread.
Hell every thread in general.
Gab a shit
why is she so fat?
Was anyone else not bothered by the subtitles?
The 'throw a homer' phrase was kind of weird, but it was still obvious what they meant.
And the itadakimasu isn't really a big deal.
Bad translation, but still better than CR
No, the meme cartel and the brain dead CR users love these subs.
Why is she so perfect
Satania is not supposed to be this cute. Using glasses is cheating.
Gabu a great
Such is the price of oppai
this whole time i thought she was saying itadakumasu, making it a pun or something
Because she is the cutest student in school. Everyone else is not even trying to be this cute.
She's dumb and smug about it.
Who's the bigger dum dum, Satania or Papi?
some one post that stupid ass .gif of her bobbin her head side to side or just delete the thread.
Is it Satanya or Satania?
You don't need but a single glance to this image to see why Sup Forums is the only place to discuss anime. Every other shithole is either maximum fedora, twitch chat incarnate or twitter lingo.
By the dark lord amen
Shut up and go to hell, Satan.
Me too.
you too.
FFF script is even worse that CR. I'm serious.
They added even more cancerous words.
There's nothing wrong with having a little fun at the expense of tards.
ESL subs for episode 1-5 when?
i want to pin satanias legs to her chest and
And what?
Oh boy I cant wait till Mondays ep
>implying you wouldn't want this angel to bully you
My wife Vigne is so cute.
Any Satania is worst Gabriel Dropout.
Satania on the toilet is best Satania.
How the fuck can his skin be redder than her hair?
>marrying a succubus
Don't fall for her ruse.
How would marrying a Succubus be a bad thing?
B5 she sank my battleship.
Why are demons so much cuter than angels?
Itai, Daaku Fureimu Masutaa?
>tfw you will never help her be a bad girl.
>tfw you will never get her to curse in front of children.
>tfw you will never loiter in the park with her, intimidating any toddler that wants to play there with your presence.
>tfw you will never jaywalk, litter and hold hands in public
>tfw you will never get her to skip class to have a quickie in the bathroom.
>tfw you will never get her pregnant out of wedlock as the ultimate bad deed.
It's Satanichia McDowell Kurumizawa
They just are.
satania chan can you PLEASe stop making japanese roof with your upper lip it's distracting.
Next episode Raphi gets fat?
my dick is so ready. Its crazy how she can go from worst girl to top contender within a few chapters.
>top contender
>gets BTFO by Satania in these very chapters
damn fatty
Lose some weight, fatty.
my dick eagerly awaits all the boob jiggle gifs
I'll just leave this here
>that dog
When you're upset as fuck usually your face turns red.
hearty chuckle/10
>Constantly bullied and set up by Raphiel
>Instead of avoiding her she's walking around with her as if they were best friends
What did Satania mean by this?
>i came edit
When did you realize Vignette was best girl?
>pic related
never. satania is best girl/daiakuma. seeing vigne trying to act like satania last episode was pretty cute though.
Episode 1 of course.
In the first episode, but that moment made it crystal clear.
Which episode is that from? I don't remember Satania ever wearing glasses or having a cat
Preview images for the next episode.
Can you please answer this.
What insane pathological need drives you to keep spamming this same image fucking constantly. You have been told many times now that the problem is not the image itself, but the fact you spam it an insane degree.
You're not funny or smart, and it's clear all you want to do is spite people who have made fun of you.
i guess after that thing with rinne her bully changed to a different school
Holy shit he's here.
Explain what is wrong with a person being who does nothing but tell you to stop spamming and breaking the rules.
It doesn't even matter what it is. You will just latch on to something and start spamming it just to try and cause problems.