Brit/pol/ - #MeToo Edition

>Jeremy Corbyn: We'll probably gain power next year

>Terror raids: Four arrests as army bomb disposal called in

>HMS Queen Elizabeth: Leak found on new aircraft carrier

>Facebook grilled on Britain First page by MPs

>Brexit: Theresa May says she 'will not be derailed'

>Britons now back Remain over Leave by TEN POINTS in biggest lead since before referendum

>Cabinet Ministers clash after Philip Hammond says 'no real Brexit will happen until 2021' and is accused of 'delaying' the divorce by two years

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that Scotland and England are rightful Northumbrian clay.

Scotland IS NOT PART OF BRITAIN! We are GAELIC, unlike you inbred Anglos! INDEPEDENCE FOR SCOTLAND!


Stacy? Probably go on Jeremy Kyle.

Where's your troosers ya haggis munchin, skirt wearin pansy.

here brother, together we can purge the 3 evil vices (kikes, shitskins and brits) from our pure lands

Go to Zimbabwe. They are tired of ditactors. They want colonial headpats.

Something feels very wrong about that show, beyond what lies on the surface. Abstractly morally wrong, can't put my finger on it.

so fucking bored lads

One girl in the Conservative Society is shilling for 'refugees' on her twitter. Is this what the general Tory is like?

I can count the number of teeth in your union on one hand.

That's rich coming from an anglo.

Is this really you?

You are British by definition, you cunt. Leaving the UK and you're British. Call yourself Scottish and you're still British.

You are not Gaelic, no matter how much you try.

Reminder to NEVER reply to tripfags.
make brit/pol/ great again!

>coalition of chaos
How would the government even function in the CU?

tunes lads?

What's the point of "purging the 3 evil vices" when you're ruled by Germany, you fucking IRA potatonigger?



>O Lord thou pluckest me out
>O Lord thou pluckest



Why do I get so fucking triggered by British people? Why do their mannerisms, the words they use annoy me so much?

It's like you lot, you're probably the closest and most similar minded people to me in the world and I absolutely despise all of you. I literally hate British cunts.

Hello old boy

>How should we deal with the constant bombing attacks against Scottish and Irish protestants and Angles
>Let's write a nasty letter to the Queen, we can all put our poopy in it

Within 10 years of it being formed, it would go back to one side whining about paying for the other's state spending. And NI reigniting the troubles.

dicklet syndrome

You're not white, are you?

Fucks sake why is Corbyn still on top in the polls? He's literally a closet commie yet everyone wants to vote for him. Shit is fucked

Tidings of comfort and joy to you. Been avoiding this place for the most part recently. Posted a few poems a couple of days (and some on Milton's birthday) but these lot were more interested in 'goal posting' and slags.

>I should be glad of another death.

>reestablish the Gaelic monarchy
>return to the Gaelic language
>Stay pure Celtic blooded( the true master race)
>tax the fuck out of anglos

>raged out paki posting from the kebab shop after some lads took the piss out of the towel on his head

Yes. I just fucking hate all you cunts, I hate the smugness of it all after seeing the state of our country every day with my own eyes.

Every time I see some Brit mocking another white nation for whatever reason I just want to throttle you. I honestly wish I was any other white ethnicity apart from French.

those prod immigrants would be shipped back to britain

Because the Tories went completely off the rails insane and decided the best recourse would be to double down on austerity, pissing off the left while simultaneously botching brexit, pissing off the other half of the country.

Great purge you got there

>Hates the way British people talks, finds them insufferable

Maybe you're a red blooded Patriot at heart. Become a Yankee with us Red Coat.

Considering the majority from Northern Ireland and Eastern ROI have English DNA and ancestry, would you return over half of your population to England, IRA man?

Christ I wish I didn't research this just now

"The Commission for Racial Equality was established under James Callaghan's Labour government. Its first Chairman was former Conservative MP, David Lane.

Leonard James Callaghan was born at 38 Funtington Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, England, on 27 March 1912. He took his middle name from his father, also James Callaghan (1877–1921), who was the son an Irish Catholic immigrant who had fled to England during the Irish potato famine, and a JEWISH mother. "

did anyone else know about this, I just discovered this after doing some research on the 1981 nignog riots, can't believe I've never seen this pointed out before

He's got the kiddie vote, the Tories are making a complete fuck up of Brexit, and nationalisation has become acceptable again after the rail and power companies started taking the piss.

It's going to be a long time before Zimbabwe is deserving of any manner of headpats.

This country has been infected by Socialism since the 40s and we are closer to the Left than the Right. People worship the NHS, love pakis, love gibs, love the State and its constant interventions into private life, and hate personal responsibility.
Also this is one of the worst governments in recent memory.
People are so bluepilled, and have been failed by our disgusting education system, that they cannot understand why Socialism is bad.

I would move to America in a heartbeat if it wasn't hard as fuck if you're actually a white Anglo.

I wish the Anglosphere had free movement for whites.

I've been thinking about this for a while. How hard is it to get into an American college with 3 A levels?

Keep in mind it's going to cost you an arm and a fucking leg.

i know mutts are bad but most of the ones i've seen still had 4 limbs

those up north who still call themselves british and carry union jacks would differently be shipped out.
Exceptions can be made for those in the east of Ireland who have some anglo ancestry and have already integrated , however they will still be treated with prejudice by the pure Celtic bloods

With the notable exception of gibs, most of that stuff is popular with the people who run the country, not the people who have to live in it.

Which sitcom has your favourite Christmas episode?

New Girl

>Been avoiding this place for the most part recently

I don't think it's good for me either, behind on my reading as well. Not happy overall desu

No contest.

Gotta be Bottom.

What is with women and acting falling down drunk 10 seconds after they take a few sips of their first drink?

>Irish Catholic immigrant who had fled to England during the Irish potato famine
>JEWISH mother
A muh Famine and a muh Holocaust; just a muh Slavery away from a jackpot.

They want attention

celtic cuckolds literally suck Anglo cock just to not be genocided, you should be greatful to the Anglo Master race we let you subhumans live.

Also how the fuck did you subhumans starve to death when you run out of potatoes, your IQ really is 85 LOL

to be fair, it's the same over here. the jews have been responsible for pretty much all of our vices in the last 30 years (divorce, faggot marriage, immigration, foreign adopting, (((sex education))), giving out Irish citzenships)

I've become a devout Joeist-

I'm only posting here in brief snatches from now on. Need to finish my read through of Shakespeare and then on to the other Elizabethans. Lovely stuff.

I love Bottom (no homo lol) but I can't remember the Christmas episode. Will have to watch it soon.

Someone should photoshop owens face onto gordon ramsay with the caption "Keep it fresh, keep it local"

And a 'nickloweshopenothate' to you too, I hope you get through your list, I am still wrestling with Thus Spoke Zarathustra, been reading it for months now, a plus is I find I can read other written language with greater ease.

>tfw husband paid the guy money to bang her for divorce prenup

Oh my boys, my boys, we are at the end of an age. We live in a land of weather forecasts and breakfasts that set in, shat on by Tories, shovelled up by Labour, and here we are; perhaps the last island of beauty... in the world

>island of beauty

Not if labour get in and pave over the Lake District with council houses.

>not getting the quote


She could have fucked anyone that night. The husband and '''''''''rapist''''''''' just happen to have shared interests at this point.

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
A coinkydinky. I'm reading the Birth of Tragedy.

>Paul McCartney

must feel bad when your most loved and popular musician is of Irish blood

I've just read past the bit where he talks to the dwarf about the gateway on the path of eternal re-occurrence, its really intense.

Our most loved and popular musician is Freddy Mercury.

I love how it sounds soulless and doesn't resonate nearly as much as the song that I posted.

I also like how your song doesn't mention the IRA bombing schools and hospitals.

a literal fag

proddy cunt


I'm actually Northumbrian not English. My Mother is a Scottish Geordie and my dad is Cumbrian.

>Scottish Geordie


>must feel bad when your most loved and popular musician is of Irish blood
Must feel bad when Sir Paul McCartney chose Britain over your Irish bog.

My grandma is frim Newcastle and my grampy is from Edinburgh which is rightful Northumbrian clay.

My surname also predates the clan system.

>Irish music(one of the most loved and respected genres in the world)

nice joke nigel

also brits and loyalists committed the majority of terrorism in the troubles (as well as starting it)

Stay and rest your head a while

I didn't call Irish music soulless, I said that song was stupid.


I feel like the OP is satire, but I also feel like I've seen this posted for so many years that it predates satire of this kind.

What a sad world.

>Sir Paul
>true measure of a brainless, clueless, easy led cunt, Jew drone, tavistok sheep, with no fucking taste =beetles fan
Every time

he may be good by english standards of music but by Irish standards he's nothing

like this The absolute state of you.

>Also how the fuck did you subhumans starve to death when you run out of potatoes
You might want to ask the Brits that one, although I doubt their history books mentioned the ship loads of Irish grain and livestock that were exported when the blight hit.

>Ireland's contribution to music
Yeah you have such beloved idols as Bono, and Enya and um, Bono, and don't forget the smash hit band "I'm fuckin Irish and drunk" made up of toothless gyppos.

So this is your second Jewish PM after Benjamin Disraeli. Or are there more?
>Jew mother=full Jew
Explains so much about (((Britain)))

He's a fucking turd with too much Irish nigger blood. You're the one that's sucking his cock in this thread.


well it was fun knocking you brits(and quite easy at that) I must bid you farewell(for real this time). I wish you well in ridding the jew and shitskins, oiche mhaith, tiocfaidh ar la

We dominate modern music along with the Americans (also Anglos) classical music can be found on the continent. Ireland, as ever, has contributed nothing of note.
How were the inferior Anglos able to do that? More than that, how were we able to totally control your island for 800 odd years?

Sleep well Irefriend.

Scotland is basically England lol