Get ready for the end game.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-VRAINS thread
I was sick all day, so I spent it looking over every damn image on pixiv tagged with kotori and cat-chan. Does this qualify as a wasted day?
I'm getting ready for Dennis.
Not at all. I do the same for Mieru.
Do any of you watch Arc-V drunk?
Does it help?
I watch Arc-V with friends and its pretty fun.
Does a remix of
play in the dub of Darkside of Dimensions?
Watching any ygo drunk helps.
[ ] Do not touch the fluffy hair.
[x] Touch the fluffy hair.
>there was a time when we would go through three YGO threads in a day
>threads now archive from inactivity
God damn, besides the toon world theme the english OST sucks ass compared to the original
Every thread until every thread hits bump limit.
>no one cares about Arc-V's 'plot'
>no new buzz about VRAINS until the PV or next info announcement who knows when
Gee I wonder why
Which one you prefer?
All the good stuff is on sad panda
Fuck, forgot image. dropped pic.
Normally I would have said it'd go back to normal when VRAIN starts but I haven't seen even half the hype for VRAIN as Arc-V had before it aired.
Because the only way that Yusaku can be cool is if he's he's an anti-hero, and YGO anti-heroes are awful.
I don't remember there being that much hype for Arc-V during pre-release either. Action fields and the idea of picking up cards was contentious even back then. It was only really after the first episode aired that it started picking up steam. Over the top hypefags are obnoxious to see, anyway
ARC-V didn't have any hype until it started airing. Pre-release people expected it to be shit from the start and then it ended up really enjoyable for a year, kinda enjoyable for a year, and THEN shit...but still entertaining in a trainwreck sort of way.
Considering the current bar, all Yusaku as a Yugioh MC has to do for an acceptable minimum is not be too intrusive when the rest of the cast are doing something.
Have you all come to terms with the fact that the Arc-V manga will be rushed to its conclusion because it no longer advertises the game Konami is selling?
There was literally no Arc-V hype before it aired.
The only thing people posted about it was along the lines of
>gay card games on gay pink hippos
It had 147 or so episodes and wasted most of them, so it gets no pity
Oh wait, the manga. Maybe it'll get a longer run this time
And make use of its time unlike the anime
It can't have a longer run, because the rules have been changed. It's one thing if the manga is advertising Pendulum, an outdated mechanic, but now it would have to display that mechanic as it no longer functions. The manga will be killed. It might finish by the end of the year.
I'd say it was good for around 100 of its eps in total. That's not necessarily "wasting most of them"
No. No,no,no, NO. Don't even joke about that, user. I'm still angry about the GX manga getting shitcanned because of Zexal's boring ass manga.
You'd be one of very few people to say that.
What if they insert a quick hamfisted change by the antagonist group using G.O.D. to meddle with reality, which also inexplicably changes the rules so the manga can get on with it? It'd be a waste to kill off a young series that's already built some momentum and then pour in the effort to build up another one
That would be portraying the rule change as a negative thing, thereby making it unattractive to the shekel givers.
If they cared about the fidelity of how their card game is depicted in their advertising media, they would have kicked Hikokubo onto the street already
So who is buying the exit bags if Ono is the director for Vrains?
How the fuck does Link work
Is this some Magic Hearthstone bullshit
Not I. Ono guarantees a year and change worth of fun before he stops giving a shit and rams the show into the ground. That's all I can really ask from a card game shill show.
In many ways that's worse, since he builds up your expectations only to crush them by suddenly not giving a shit. Perhaps he just needs Ritalin
What he needs is a different job.
NAS also needs to get its head out of the ass of the early 2000s and stop stretching shows out to 3 years. 2 years at most would be nice.
No he doesn't Symphogear GX was 13 episodes and it was shit. Arc-V wasn't that good during Standard either.
>ARC-V wasn't that good during standard.
It was enjoyable from beginning to end. That's enough.
I just watched the last episode and i gotta say it could very well be the worst duel in all of ARC-V.
>Action cards spam
>Gongenzaka somehow on the same level as Yuya
>New cards out of nowhere
>Yoko saying stupid shit
>All the shit with Reira
Why the fuck does Yuya needs to battle the rest of the Lancers? And why does it seem like all of them are waiting for him? I mean, why would they fight him, that doesn't acomplish anything at all. Also, are all the Ruris babies now? And where the fuck are the rest of the Yus. And what was that with Reiji telling Yuya he needs to fight someone else in Standard? Is he talking about himself? Seriously it feels like Yuzu will be the last duel or something.
The last duel is confirmed to be Reiji. Yuzu's last duel will have been being BTFO by Sergey.
What I also don't get is why Reiji needed to go through the trouble of constructing dimensional corridor machines when he already has dimension moving tech that can put into duel disks
Is it 100% confirm? Feels weird but i hope oits true cause FUCK YUZU
There are worse fates that could have befallen Yuzu
>What I also don't get is why Reiji needed to go through the trouble of constructing dimensional corridor
When the reset happened thos wormholes appeared in every dimension
Who knows? I think we'll get the final batch of episode summaries next tuesday, but the big duel V-Jump hyped up is Yuya vs Reiji 3 - lack of budget jamboree
Then why did the writers feel the need to arbitrarily write those in? Just so there could be a visual of Yuya rollerskating through the space between dimensions?
I'd say the biggest fault for GX was the writer, and while the direction faltered plenty of times, I'd say the director was the least of GX's problems. Although on the subject of writers and directors, I really wouldn't mind if Kuwabara came back for Vrains. The aesthetic direction in Zexal was some of the most solid in yugioh.
>The aesthetic direction in Zexal was some of the most solid in yugioh
People will disagree with you, but I think it did carry its own style further than (most) the other spin-offs even if that style wasn't my favorite. The animation being more consistent also led to some scenes that match up to the height of the moment and are satisfying to watch.
The director oversees everything. If there are writing problems they are on him to fix. Ono has shit up characters in 5Ds, GX and Arc-V. The common denominator is him. It makes zero sense to blame writing on 3 different shows with multiple different writers when we have a single common issue.
ono or not i want links crashing :v
The life-point display, the overlay look for both normal xyz and chaos xyz, the Ar field that starts every duel, it all felt very polished and very exciting. Part of that was (I think) because zexal had the most consistently good animation quality of any yugioh series, but the direction was spot on. And apart from Yuma being an unlikable sack of shit for the first half, and the fact that the female characters were basically irrelevant (which is more a writer thing, although as mentioned, the director does hold some responsibility as well), Zexal was an overall very solid series.
>Ono has shit up characters in 5Ds, GX and Arc-V
His direction does often comes across as lackluster. I'm saying the offensively terrible shit comes from somewhere else, and as the director he doesn't put his foot down on it. Although I can't say I've seen into the creation process enough to make a definitive statement one way or the other about how much is his fault and how much comes from elsewhere. You're right about the trend, definitely.
>the female characters were basically irrelevant
People have styles and trends in their works. Directors and writers are known for doing things a certain way. For example. Urobuchi is known as a butcher because his works usually have a bunch of death. Tomino is nicknamed Kill 'em All because of all the deaths in his works. He's also known for having trippy writing for his characters. Some people say they're realistic, others say they are nothing like real people. Sakamoto who does a ton of tokusatsu series is known for heavy fanservice. Inoue, another toku vet is known for tons of romance and love triangles. Fukuda is known for style over substance. He famously said he doesn't care to explain how things happen. He only cares about the result which shows a ton in his works. He's also a whiny bitch. Ono is known for shitting on characters. He's famous in the Japanese fandom for not being able to develop and handle characters.
Rio is one of the best female characters in the franchise.
Kotori was a disgrace though.
I like how you basically said
>these directors are known for these characteristic traits
>Ono is known for being a fucking retard
It's like contact fusion or rituals; it requires specific carts and setups to be on the field.
I remember the early optimism in Arc-v that the female characters would actually be somewhat relevant. And yet here we are. Depending on how you count it, Rio has almost as much episodes of dueling as Yuzu got (7 to 9, discounting mobs and interrupted duels).
Rio actually had a good climatic duel which upped another villain and solidified Shark and Vector's rivalry. It made Shark vs Vector so much more personal.
Mieru can sure look /fa/ as fuck compared to the other girls.
>Pendulum Evolution Structure Deck broken up into another fucking Booster Pack for the TCG
Too fucking far.
Let us take a moment to appreciate Vector.
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第146话 ディメンションハイウェイ(次元高速公路) 2017/03/12
第147话 () 2017/03/19
第148话 () 2017/03/26
Some rumors floating around on 2ch based on TVNavi magazine that released this month.
>Arc-V will end at 148 episodes
>Episode 146 is called Dimension Highway
>146-147 are Yuya v Reiji
>148 is Epilogue
What do you mean?
You are delusional
>Dimension Highway
Who's ready for the Synchro Dimension?
Fujos won.
>Yuya and Reiji barely interact at all directly throughout the series
I'd call that a loss though
A heterosexual YGO would be strange.
>Aki and Yusei look in each others eyes
>The mood is right
>They're alone
>This could possibly be the last time they see each other before Aki goes away to Europe tomorrow and she dolled herself up for this
>Aki leans in for a kiss
>They stop, Yusei tells her to go on home
>Yuya saves the girls
>They all look at him approvingly as Yuzu walks forward
>Yuya and Yuzu stare at each other with relief and excitement in their eyes
>They've been given space by the others
>They remark on how they've grown since that promise
>They stop, then turn towards their friends and families to begin a new gauntlet of duels
Ono is the master of bait and switch. You wanted Yugioh of all things to have romance? Haha fuck you
>tfw bored as fuck
>tfw somehow decided to rewatch gx
>mfw all forbidden/limited cards judai use
>mirage of nightmare, mirror force, pot of greed
It's a contact fusion basically. You tribute monsters on your field and summon a link monster from the extra deck. There will probably be spell cards that allow you to use cards from your hand in place of summoned monsters. Though at the moment the best option would be running some form of token swarming card that lets you generate tons of trash to avoid hard minuses.
Link Monsters are needed to summon more than 1 extra deck monster at a time due to the new rule changes that are being implemented. XYZ, Synchro, Fusion and Pendulum are all taking a huge hit because of this new limitation.
>mirror force
What does it do?
Come on!
YGO has always been like that
Can someone direct a nigga to a stream of dark side of dimensions in hd. Subbed or dubbed. Doesn't matter
subbed isnt out yet. Dubbed:
good stuff
So... Is the extra deck's limit 20 now or that was just a meme?
>implying it needs a lot of interaction for gay
You really don't know how Fujos work, do you? Pic related interacted just once and is praised as one of Arc-v gayest.
It's actually about 10 now since once Links hit their stride you'll need at least 5 of those fuckers to stay in the game if your deck focuses on pendulum,xyz,synchro and fusion summons. Good luck picking what stays and what goes, as if it wasn't crowded enough already in there
How about 2 characters who never interacted?
>I've dedicated a lot of time to recreating his strategy, depth and his perfectly quaffed hair, in fact that part took the longest
So is Kaiba literally just gay as fuck for Atem now? Like holy crap he was always obsessed with him but he's at a whole new level of gay undertones in this movie.
>You wanted Yugioh of all things to have romance? Haha fuck you
Most people in DM are gay for Atem, he's like that. And the dub has always been borderline abridged level. The sub will be slightly to moderately different.
Cybenet Field spell helps you out there
it can shuffle a link monster in the graveyard back to the xtra deck
Silly user, there's plenty of romance there's just no ladies involved.
That movie had some great one liners
>Man, my cardio really sucks
>Fire whoever designed that bottle, KP brand products shouldn't bend so easily
One of the few series where I watch both the sub and the dub, and enjoy equally for completely different reasons
it has that cool part but aside from that it's repetitive
Does anyone here even like ARC-V in he slightest anymore? Not even a single person?
What does ARC-V mean to you?
fuck a arcV
>What does ARC-V mean to you?