When did Ino become so cute ?
When did Ino become so cute ?
I've always hated the whole "throw some lipstick on it and she'll look more "mature" and "refined"" bit. Plus it makes the girls look kinda stupid.
Plus, they look better if they look 8.
jesus christ, what a couple of faggots
Fuck off Narutard
She always was user. The only girl that was cuter was Anko.
This episode was great but how long are they planning on continuing these fillers?
>look up Sakura on Tumblr to see what people think of the character now that the dust has settled
Well that was worth it for the laughs.
This lipstick thing has to be a meme, right? I mean no straight guys would say this when literally every girl wears lipstick at some point.
Even gay guys think a girl with lipstick look good so you two must either be trolling, or beyond gay. And a nice lipstick does make a girl look better.
well the main story ended so it will likely be only fillers until Boruto starts airing. If they keep releasing fillers like this i'm good tbqh - they are comfy
You watch Naruto. I need not say more.
Wait, you watch Naruto and your favorite girl in it is a shit even in the pale comparison to the rest of the drivvel.
Now I need not say more.
Fuck off cancer
>not reading Tumblr for shits and giggles
wew lad
Eh, if we're being serious which we're probably not given that, at this point, you yourself seem to be trolling softly - even most 3D girls look like shit with makeup and only faggots DO think otherwise.
But it looks even more retarded on animu girls.
>Is a ninja
>Blocks half her view at all times for a hairstyle
She looks like a tranny.
>tfw you remember she only has long hair bc it was a rumor Sasuke likes girls with long hair in Part 1
Since the main story ended, I guess. Time skips do that.
Why are narutards so stupid?
I'd read a sasukexIno NTR manga. Sorry Sai. Sakura will give him company.
>MC is a ninja
>wears an orange jumpsuit
>his main schtick is a supermode that cloaks him in a shiny, flaming coat of energy that can take the form of a giant demon nine-tailed fox
>his main attack is multiplying himself 1000 times
>his other main attack is a giant shiny blue ball of energy
more anime characters need dick sucking lips
nice meme, came up with it yourself ?
No Ino daughter why even ninja?
>Being bound with ropes
Never got that one desu
Me in the red
Ino is cute but Hinata and Tenten are cuter.
There are cuter girls. Ino was always hot. It's a shame Naruto is about more about wizards so we don't see the girls seduce men for information and/or to kill them. It's a shonen manga so sexuality is only for gags.
She always was
I think lipstick or lipgloss can be effective on the right girl, in the right color/shade, and applied correctly, and in the case of illustrated or animated mediums, if it's depicted in a working manner.
Lipstick isn't cruise control for sexy, it can go wrong in many ways. Your mindset strikes me as that of someone who is so fixated on titty size that he'd settle for a pair which looks like two distinct sacks of lumpy potatoes as long as they're just really big.
Basically I'm saying your tastes lack nuance and you have really low standards.
I'll argue that eyeliner can look quite good.
She was way cuter Pre-Shippuden.
She looks like she had a fucking lip job.
>even most 3D girls look like shit with makeup and only faggots DO think otherwise
if you left you parent's basement you would see 98% of all girls use makeup, stop being a faggot and go kill yourself retard
Fuck off you cancerous Narutards
Sup Forums - Cosmetology
>there are people in this thread that actually consider her unattractive while also claiming they are straight
oh you poor fellas
I wouldn't say she isn't attractive but she was way cuter in her teens when she had a slimmer figure and wasn't as strong so someone could theoretically take advantage of her much more easily.
>justifying shit taste by a hypothetically greater chance to be able to overpower a young girl
What a waste of trips, you fucking loser.
Temari looks totally different.
What? It's not like she's a particularly complex or interesting character, she'd be way better suited having all her holes filled with hard dick, she'd be much more appreciated and useful that way.
Yeah, her old design was way better. Quad-tails are kind of underrated.
Blonde Yotsuba looks like ass. What a shame; I kinda liked her.
>your original post was about her looks
>this post was about her being complex, interesting, useful, appreciated
Way to move the goalposts, user. Can't you even take criticism on your shit taste for liking younger Ino, instead of the cuter, sexier, older Ino?
It really is pathetic of you to only like a girl because you could maybe beat her up/rape her.
no she doesn't look "totally" different - she looks like she just matured, like all the other girls.
when all you fap to is tranny porn, i suppose every girl starts to look like a tranny
People become conditioned, they go full retard. Like people who say any tomboy character or girl with short hair looks mannish.
Who said beat up? Rape can be gentle and soft.
But I only look at her for her body (and thus rape bait) BECAUSE she has no interesting personality and character, and she was just more sexy in her teens, thus, to me, young Ino is better because she's cuter and she's easier to rape.
No, her hair isn't as nice and her face looks kind of off (but that last part can be attributed to style). Her design and appearance was much more interesting and pretty before.
>mfw someone unironically claims Temari is the cutest
Hinata is the cutest of the original girls.
Stay contrarian, Sup Forums.
preferred her in part 1 but ye, she the best
I was hoping to see her interacting more with Sai.
Probably in some of the next chapters
If Hinata died after getting stabbed from Pain that would make so much more sense story-wise. If the author gave Naruto and Hinata a more fletched out relationship (not necessarily romantic although her affection towards Naruto made some sense) then Pain's philosophy should have had some lasting imprints on the main character. Pain later said something along the lines of "Jiraya was the perfect first volume, i was the failed second one. You must be the third and final one. Make it a master piece".
What im saying is that Jiraya's legacy should have had more relevance. Together with decent written dialogue it would have redeemed Pain as a character, made Jiraya's death retroactively more impactful and improved the arc. I don't understand why Kishimoto introduced so many characters and did nothing with them.
>easily triggered by a word
t. autist
Bitch looks like a prostitute now.
4th ninja war ino is the cutest
When Sakura became irrelevant, which was when the Naruto franchise was conceived.
Ino was always better than flat man or alien eyes. I think her older design is a bit uninspiring though. Not ugly, but her Part 2 design was just right.
when she started gobbling black cocks
What would be hotter Sup Forums. Ino using her power on you and fapping your own dick, or you having a power like her and using it on her to fuck your motionless body?
Ino has always been cute. I'm glad Kishi gave Sai the good fortune of marrying her after he neglected him so badly.
Narutards sure are desperate to keep alive their spam threads.
No contrarian here. I can appreciate the beauty and cuteness of Hinata, Temari, and Ino at the same time. Also always had a thing for Karin because red heads with glasses is my fetish.
Ino was always cute. She cared about her friends, she stood up for Sakura when no one else did and she's genuinely a good character. But no surprise the Sakurafags are shitting on her. Can't handle some lips and a likeable character, I see. I'm baffled at how much better she is, yet she gets zero attention.
When learned that sucking semen is the easiest way to live, being a woman that is at least.passable is so fucking easy. Literally just put on your "perfect version of my face" shit, and your "make my tits look 50% bigger and perky" bra of lies. Then get everyone to pay for everything.
I hate women
Fuck why aren't naruto threads banned anymore
Kill yourself tumblrfag
>visible lips
fucking ruined
Mods will delete some but the Naruto spammer will keep spamming
Also, Narutards like these will bump any Naruto thread from 404ing on page 10
Figures Narutards were always crossboarders.
Incorrect, Tenten was #1.
Only death can cure your shit tastes. Fuck off back to Sup Forums where you rightfully belong
how are you this mad
A nice set of soft lips is part of what makes the visual for a blowjob.
Don't be a fag.