Why hasn't a group jumped at chance to translate the next big shounen?
Why hasn't a group jumped at chance to translate the next big shounen?
Because you keep making the same retarded thread over and over again.
I've only made it 1-3 times over course of 3 weeks.
It's a legitimate question.
It is a mystery.
>Literally a significantly worse KND that takes itself seriously
It's the next big shounen flop if anything.
Can someone please show the author how to draw hands.
that pinky
teach the author how to draw everything
the fingers hands compared to forearm
the pants dont make any sense, either they are too tight or some kind of sporadic baggy
because it's shit and it's gonna get axed
I bet you thought Black Clover was going to get axed.
U19 will do fine, mark my words.
You are free to start a new group just to translate your favorite manga.
It's called U19 because it's under 19 other series in the Jump TOC rankings.
but that's Black Torch, the Psyren of this generation
The only good thing about it are the cartoonishly evil faces for the adults. They remind me of the over-the-top faces from Neuro. But Neuro was a hit-or-miss dark comedy with some dramatic moments. This is just straight up bad.
Hungry Marie > Poro > We Can't Study > U19 so far.
Do you even know what magazine Black Torch is in?
I'm guessing the answer is no.
Fat old Nazis take away MC-kun's childhood friend love interest because she has superior genes, and it makes MC-kun's herbivore male sewing superpowers awaken. None of that is a joke.
>Fujo Prince Porno over We Can't Study
Jump SQ, but I'm wonder why this even matters
>anything below generic rom com that totally doesn't want to be next nisekoi
Last I checked everyone was calling it Bleach.
Better a generic romcom than blatant fujoshit.
hi test harry potter?
>hi test
He literally gets called a "herbivore male" in-universe several times.
Gag comedy > harem romcom, forever and always. U19 is so bad it manages to be worse than Pretty Girls Fight Over Bland MC's Dick #398127.
Sure, if it survives.
Is being generic (U19) worse than being outright shit (Poro)?
Gotta agree with this.
I'd reverse that. U19 has no redeeming factors. Normally I don't rank gag comedies very high since they tend to be samey no mater what premise they have. But this time the gag comedy is better than two series that have come out so far. I don't have much hope for RobotxLazerbeam but I hope Dr. Stone is good. It'd be a damn shame if only one series was genuinely good out of six new ones, after all.
>hating on U19
It has a cool premise with super powered anarchists fighting against the government
Only Akumetsu ever done that right. I never know how fucked Japan is until I read it. U.S is probably ten times worst than that by now