Official art of Flame Flamey from your Maruino truly.
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Afterword 1:
Official art of Flame Flamey from your Maruino truly.
Limited CN -> EN:
Afterword 1:
>“Didn’t we say we were detransforming?”
Should be "“Didn’t we say we should detransform?”
So, Nozomi was the one who had to quit her job to care for the sick mother, not her dad. And she's around 28-30 y/o, since Kayo also noted she's double the students' age.
I feel really bad for Nozomi now. She's been fucked by life, being talked to rudely by her students and Toko, yet she never retaliated. She really doesn't deserve this whole murderous mess.
Are we gonna start putting the pastebin in every OP now? I guess this completes the transition to general
I don't care what others do. I'll put the link up if I make the OP, for as long as I'm reading through the retranslation.
>Lame Lamey in the OP
When did Maruino draw this pic?
>The ribbons ought to be able to bind the enemy too Therefore, Kurukuru-hime undid all the ribbons around her and began wrapping loop after loop around Musubiya Mine, who was the Magical Girl Wedin. Wedin struggled, but could only move her body slightly. Magical Girls had incredible arm strength compared to the average person, so it would seem those ribbons were resilient enough to take that strength. In the end, Wedin calmly said, “I see, I can’t move at all.”
Kurukuru bound Wedin up uninvited??? Had we misunderstood Wedin all along, and she's not a slut?
I'm falling in love with Kurukuru. She's nice but also doesn't sweat the small details, always focus on the important things first.
No user, Wedin is THE slut.
>Perhaps it was due to a sense of closeness as fellow Magical Girls, but she still sounded casual even when she used polite language to address Nozomi.
There shouldn't be a "still" in there, since it agrees with the initial clause. Mine was talking casually due to being fellow MGs with the teacher.
>Wedin’s Magical Skill was “the ability to enforce binding promises”. However casually one agreed to a promise, once it was made, it had to be kept. For example, if one promised her “I won’t hit you any more”, even thinking about lifting one’s hand to grab Wedin would result in the arm going numb and immobile.
This answers our question how promises are enforced: the target is physically forced to do so. Does this mean that if one promises her to kill somebody, they will be in pain unless they carry out the mission?
But she's pure! She didn't ask Kurukuru to play bondage with her.
>Wedin pressed her finger between her eyebrows, and after making an “aiya” face of surprise, she slid it away.
"Aiya" is Chinese for "ouch" or "oops" right?
In Japanese it was "otto". Maybe "oops" would be better?
Yeah. Otto means uh-oh or oops.
>tfw do the exact same thing when I wear contacts
Are you a cute magical girl?
Do you magical girls have the need to switch from glasses to contacts once in a while? I'm talking about actual glasses, not decorations. I wish I were though.
>“Ah? Of course we’re Magical Girls. Toko said so, right?’
The "Ah" should be a "Hm?" or "Huh?" I think.
>They were girls living in modern Japan -- although there was one person and one creature who did not fall within that group
Does the "girls" specified "little girls"? Since Toko and Kurukuru didn't fit in.
>She had been rebuffed, but Funny Trick still tried for a counter-argument.
Should be "Even though Funny Trick had been rebuffed, she still tried for a counter-argument."
>Captain Grace’s cutting retort devastated all of Wedin’s reasoning. Captain Grace glanced at Wedin out of the corner of her eye, and while Wedin seemed a little intimidated, she nevertheless worked up her courage and glared back.
Had Wedin been arguing with both Grace and Trick the entire time, or just Trick? Because if it's the latter, then Grace was pissed off because Wedin was "bullying" Kayo, not because she cared about magical girls bullshit. And that would be just sweet.
>Does the "girls" specified "little girls"? Since Toko and Kurukuru didn't fit in.
"Young girls", more like. And I think the things which did not fit in were KKH and Mei.
>Had Wedin been arguing with both Grace and Trick the entire time, or just Trick?
IIRC Wedin was delivering her super otaku monologue and taking on all comers, then Grace comes in and goes "fuck your bullshit". She was still looking for a fight and didn't have the patience to listen to all that, IIRC. Trick was trying to smooth things over as always.
I'll go look at the thing again.
Oh yeah Mei, I forgot.
Wedin's autism was legendary haha. I keep hearing nips talked about her 4 pages of speech, so I'm glad to finally read it.
I just hope I delivered it right, she was using a LOT of technical language, like the Ripple sword guy in the last thread (not ripping on you, just that she was that passionate).
"slurps it up with her mouth/directly" / "uses chopsticks"
>like the Ripple sword guy
>I just hope I delivered it right, she was using a LOT of technical language
The translation was easy to understand, doesn't feel that technical. I think it's adequate.
There was a guy doing math to calculate Ripple's sword throwing velocity during her fight with Mi-chan, in order to defend how TL-kun's "Ripple's ability has a 3 meters range" fanfiction is not unreasonable.
Grace acts like an abusive husband, so glad FT managed to get free.
I actually felt sorry for Grace and FT near the end she just wanted to have fun and have someone accompany her on her adventures.
Then this happened.
That said, I'm liking the real Grace more and more. She didn't childishly throw a tantrum after Wedin won the leadership at all. And she always spoke in a concise manner.
There needs to be more fanart of her being badass.
"I think I'll call it the Love Boat."
I only have Grace being cute.
But yeah, some drawfag need to draw her badass moments. Frame 1 is destroying the karate teacher, frame 2 destroying the biker gang, frame 3 destroying Maou's wing.
Speaking of which, I always thought of Maou's wing as looking like this...
What the fuck? Isn't it pretty damn obvious from watching the anime alone that Ripple does not have a 3 metre range limit?
There's one of her punching a nicely drawn whale.
Shills will rationalize any and every of TL-kun's fucked-up.
Flame Flamey getting official art?
Is this real life? My dream has come true.
I laughed when the book actually mentioned Wedin's candle glow brighter when she's excited.
It doesn't just glow, it flares up, like the Dullahan in Demi-chan
Yeah, she kept saying
"Shut up, Kayo."
"In that case, you should shut up and just follow me."
Now I understand that fanfic user translated.
>Wedin rose forcefully, as though to set her long skirt fluttering, and opened her arms.
But Wedin doesn't have a skirt.
>They found the girl themed after an Arab (or some other country)-themed dancer
The repeated "themed" sound weird.
I request a drawfag to make a Grace version of pic related.
I wonder if they always ate fairies raw, or cook them. Pukin doesn't strike me as a barbarian unless push comes to shove.
>Tepsekemei’s clothing was arguably the most revealing of all the Magical Girls. Compared to “cute” or “cool” Magical Girls, the first impression she gave others was closer to “erotic”, Postarie thought.
Mei a slut
I fixed the themed part, but I always thought Wedin's skirt was part of her train. Either that, or it's her super long veil.
Maybe the Jap version means "clothing" and not skirt? Since Wedin wears a leotard I'm laffin'. How the heck did Postarie think Mei is more erotic than Wedin and Trick, even though she wears pants?
Fairy pumpkin soup.
Lemme check...nope. Katakana for long skirt, "ロングスカート" Though after looking at the JP I should amend that to "the hems of her long skirt".
Then Maruino had lewded Wedin by robbing away her skirt.
It's probably a magic skirt, it's only visible to people she doesn't want to fuck.
She looks like a red colored BBC in the top part.
So it's just like how Grace was described to have a cape in the novels but Maruino made her design only have a cool pirate coat and a tail.
Maruino really wanted her to have a visible tail didn’t she.
There's no CN -> EN for Restart yet?
Image meme trending on twitter. The panels:
>Ahh, just a little, if only for just a little while longer...
>I wanted to live with you.
Mahoiku fans' response
QUEENS spoiler
Flamey being Deluge's new partner confirmed?
I wish...
>Someone asked if I like tails. I actually didn't notice this myself.
>she did as she pleased, and she was as plain as water.
Did it actually say plain, or does it mean Mei is serene/undisturbed like water?
The JP says she was uninteresting, I think. "omoshisou demo tsumaranasou demo nai"
It mean "she's neither interesting nor boring."
Makes sense.
>Just touching it had nearly paralyzed her. When she thought about what would happen if she took a car or a train outside the barrier without knowing anything about it, she she trembled from a chill not born of the temperature.
That foreshadowing.
>She then made a finger-gun and went “bang bang bang”, and the chunks of pipe in mid-air exploded.
>“Enough talk.”
Holy fuck Mei is so cool. I love her.
>“After all…”
Is this a continuation of Rain Pou's previous sentence, as she was cut off by Mei? If so you might want to write "...after all."
Never doubt the cute rare tortoise.
What 3 wishes would you make to Mei?
Does anyone have the Japanese raws? I could look at them later to see how bad were the mistranslations.
Yeah there's a lot of foreshadowings. For example:
>Nobody seemed to react to Wedin’s instruction to “obey the team leader’s decisions, no matter what” until she repeated it for the third time.
and Mei:
>She entered a pipe and burst it open from within.
I now wanna see Mei fight in the future with her just spitting badass action movie one-liners.
Let me become a magical girl.
Let me live with her and 7753.
Bring Hana back to life.
Only Unmarked and Restart have raws online. No Limited to Queens.
There are several side stories online though:
I want to MARRY Marika (and Mariko).
Mei can have the other two.
This is both funny and heart-breaking.
I want to marry this guy
>Is this a continuation of Rain Pou's previous sentence, as she was cut off by Mei? If so you might want to write "...after all."
This is RP's acting skill at work. She's trying to suckerpunch Mei by making Mei think that she's about to say something. However, Mei doesn't pick up on emotional cues like that.
She does something similar against the MP wing by feinting with the bumper.
Can we share chink user?
Fix the LoM
Guarantee that GH dies
Befriend Deluge
become a super soft loli, bring back lady proud.
>trying to suckerpunch Mei
I would have thought so too, but after saying "after all.."
>Rain Pou scratched the back of her head with her right hand, and with a troubled look on her face, she smiled weakly to Postarie, who was standing beside her
It threw me off a little, since she's wasting time there instead of attacking mid-sentence. Unless it means "Rain Pou said while scrating the back of her neck"
I love this crafty Rain Pou too.
Rain Pou's acting skill is so good it even deceived the reader, sasuga.
The way I see it, she was deliberately drawing out the sentence with a pause so people would lean in and listen (and not expect a punch)
Derp, meant to add, she involved Postarie in it as well to make it more convincing
>Only Unmarked and Restart
So did the "translator-kun" buy his own raws for the others?
Hm~ The sequence still sounds weird to me. What did she say in the RAW?
If it's "datte" then it should be "but..." rather than "after all.." in this case.
Pretty sure TL-kun has the whole collection in his room. Including the super rare survival game side-story.
And he'll never share the raws of rare side stories, so other people can never check his TL.
That's it. The CN seemed to port it over directly for the most part.
That would be one way for him to redeem himself, wouldn't it?
Go from TL-kun to raws-kun
Yeah, it should be "But..."
Rain Pou wasn't trying to deceive Mei with that sentence. She was playing a genuine bro who complied with Mei's request to test her. The suckerpunch was meant to please Mei.
I can buy them though.
COuld have fooled me