Ryuko only continued fighting because it got her off.
Itt: sluts
Mako is real best girl, and best helpfag.
Delete this
Ryuuko is a pure maiden whose greatest desire is to be married to a nice boy
Ryuko is asexual and has no sex drive
Ryuuko deepthroats dick on the regular.
are you sure
Is that why she looks at dicks blushing for the entire course of the series?
How would having sex with Nui be like?
Is she Senketsusexual?
A lot of bondage and threads
Let's have a thread where we sexualize Ryuuko's slutty body. Waifufags get out.
If Ryuko was as slut, she would have fucked her teacher the first time she came on to her.
These two thotties are on another level.
Well no shit, that's blatant
Panty literally just wanted to fuck 1000 dudes and Stocking bragged about cucking her in the first episode
Ryuko just has different tastes.
i, too, would like this a lot
What is your favorite part of her body?
Ain't erotic, but i like this shit dude... Sets her apart and gives her just enough edge without overflowing. you feel me?
Ryuko is too prideful. If he put his dick in her, all of that attitude would have disappeared in no time as she is rapidly reduced to a panting mess of hormones, like a bitch in heat.
Stop being lewd guys.
He should have just taken advantage of her when he had her disabled with those needles.
God, impregnating a cute tomboy girl like that who's full of fury and contempt, as she's unable to resist, the thought makes me rockhard!
I'd like to fight her in bed. Pin her good.
Nothing wrong with deriving pleasure from something. That's lewd, and I guess not very pure, but it's kinda hot. I like someone who can appreciate the finer things in life, like the rush of adrenaline yo get in a fight. And besides, there's nothing wrong with sexualizing someone you love. There's a reason it's called making love.
I want to lick these collar bones
She is simply too cute for lewd or sexual
But the whole point of Kill La Kill was that you should embrace your body in all it's lewd glory.
Good user.
No sir, the point was to leave behind childish things that you are attached to and grow up, which included clothes. The past is the past.
No, the point was that nudity shouldn't be inherently lewd.
Bust her hymen and make her a mommy?
Awake with handcuffs or just asleep and defenseless?
Camera or no camera?
Guys waiting their turn too?
Her innocence is what makes her so rapeable.
>No sir, the point was to leave behind childish things that you are attached to and grow up, which included clothes. The past is the past.
There were more than one theme I guess, but my point stands. Nothing wrong with sexual attraction or a sexual body, that's just how life goes. If anything it's childish to be ashamed of it. Sex isn't a bad thing at all, and sexual attraction as well as affection are the best combination. Sex can be abused, like anything can, but it is not inherently bad. There's nothing pure about being averse to sexual attraction to someone you like, that's an insult to them and life itself. That kind of blind adoration is the furthest from understanding. You just don't understand.
Ever since the night he tamed her, she's gone to ridiculous lengths to feel his member inside her, even inside lockers during school hours.
I though the point was to prove that the human instrumentality project was a terrible idea because people can come together as one while remaining individuals.
Eh, you guys aren't my types. Not outgoing enough.
It was actually that learning to be true to yourself, even in the face of society's expectations, is an important part of growing up.
Its actually pretty subtle but the entire series plays into this theme and most people completely misunderstand it.
Shes a lesbian user.
She's bi, rock hard abs and cocks turn her on
>Its actually pretty subtle
They spell it out dozens of times.
Well I meant parts of it are subtle. Or at the very least too subtle for people on this board or the internet at large to get. I mean, start a discussion about it and see how many people simply take a few of the scenes at face value and come up with the wrong theme, or a part of the picture but not the whole thing.
The fact that Ryuko is just a small womanlet makes her all the more hotter
Junketsu's brainwashing and Mako's date don't count
She is a good girl and is aroused by penis
>kill la kill premiered in 2013
There's no evidence of that anywhere. To be fair, there's no evidence of her being straight either. Despite her outfit, Ryuuko is a completely non-sexual character except for when she's brainwashed.
Oh, I guess they did jokingly imply she's masochistic at one point.
Yeah, I've been feeling a rewatch lately, but I can't even finish shows I haven't seen before anymore.
Which episode? Thats kind of my fetish
>has an entire scene of her wanting to marry a big strong and strapping man
>only kissed a girl under mind control
>all girls go on 'dates'
Towards the end of the series when she has false memories of a wedding and threesomes with Nui and her mother.
It was episode 20
>Despite her outfit, Ryuuko is a completely non-sexual character
Most of the characters are non-sexual. Ragyo, Aikuro and Mako's family are the only notable exceptions.
>>has an entire scene of her wanting to marry a big strong and strapping man
Literally never happened.
Tens of thousands of horny men have already seen her delicious nubile body in a state of near-nudity, and fucked her in theirs dreams. How can you feel any shame in lewding her?
>and threesomes with Nui and her mother.
That didn't literally happen. And by that I mean that scene of them naked together is symbolic and didn't actually happen.
And no, I'm not some purity fag but if you look at the scene construction before and after that shot and dialogue you'd agree with me.
>To be fair, there's no evidence of her being straight either.
You seem to be forgetting how she blushed and became submissive the first few times Mikisugi put the moves on her. If he played his cards a little better, he would have gotten somewhere.
>She acted awkward and embarrassed when an older man she just met starts stripping in front of her
>That means she wanted his dick.
Sure thing.
She did the same when Ragyo and Nui were lewding were while putting on Junketsu.
>That didn't literally happen. And by that I mean that scene of them naked together is symbolic and didn't actually happen.
Yeah, that's why I called it a false memory. I know it didn't happen though I don't think it was meant to metaphorical, I do think she got false memories implanted that made her believe she had an intimate relationship with Ragyo and Nui.
She became submissive instead of defensive and you can even hear the shift to a submissive tone in her voice from a previously aggressive one. Yes, she was turned on.
Mikisugi, pls. You'll lose tenure.
I don't see why people get so defensive over denying this. She's a teen, and an attractive older man was stripping in front of her. Any heterosexual female would immediately be interested even a little bit.
Purityfags don't want to believe that Ryuko would be turned on by some super attractive man baring his rock hard chest.
>submissive tone
She literally threatens to castrate him and demonstrated her willingness to do so by cutting the fly off his pants with a growl when he suggests the idea. That's submissive?
Sure thing.
Because baseless shipping is so much better. I read doujins about Ryuuko being a cockslut on the reg, but arguing that she wanted it in a scene that in no way implies it is the same kind of shit fujoshi do between male characters.
Didn't you hear violent aggression is the same as sexual tension.
Bitch, say that to my face not online and see what happens!
You mean when she unzipped his pants?
It's funny because this thread wasn't even supposed to be about Ryuko yet it's all anyones talking about.
>Jihadis rape while productive members of society can't figure out how to fumble each other's jimbos.
Makes a bit of sense, honestly. Maybe violence is necessary for a healthy sex drive. Peace is also a sign of impending overpopulation.
The thread was originally about trying to shitpost and anger weebs.
A Ryuko hijack is more than an acceptable answer to such things.
>Maybe violence is necessary for a healthy sex drive.
I thought this was a given? Girls tend to like getting smacked around and roughly fucked and that's just the normal ones.
Its been three years since the series ended and the shitposters have finally lost interest in it. It makes sense that people want to discuss it peacefully.
I like sluts and I like Ryuko, so it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
I don't have to be your type, that's what this chloroform is for.
I don't think she's gay (or maybe not straight either), but that's really not a solid assesment, there's a billion reasons someone would blush in a situation like that regardless of their sexuality.
wheres the nips
Darkness is the purest Konosuba. She talks big, but she's quick to cover her eyes and blush upon witnessing even mild lewdness.
Megumin is far sluttier than she is.
>literally disables and throws herself at a horde on a whim when the opportunity presents itself
It's actually pretty nice to see her give in to her teacher.
Would you take advantage of Ryuuko if she was passed out drunk?
No, I'd take her to my place, put her on the bed so she can rest, write her a note telling her what happened, and then when she wakes up give her eggs.
It'd probably not be worth it since she can manage to lift building-sized scissors even without Senketsu and would have no problem with literally murdering me if she found out
Ragyo > Nonon > Nui > Satsuki > Ryuko > Mako
Thanks for the shitty thread Ryukofags, I know I can always count on you.
What if you knew she wouldn't wake up during and you could get away with it?
Then of course I wouldn't
Rape just isn't my thing
Consider if it was her #1 sexual fantasy to be taken advantage of and violated when in a vulnerable state like that
Wasn't there a longer version?
Well that's different and I'd be all for it if it makes her happy
It might take some time to get used to, though