Wixoss thread because there hasn't been one in well over three months by the looks of it. Lostorage OST is out as well.
Wixoss thread because there hasn't been one in well over three months by the looks of it. Lostorage OST is out as well
Other urls found in this thread:
This arrived and I haven't even opened the box. Because of the exchange rate and customs charges, she cost nearly £200.
>coin Tama in an upcoming set
[worried laughter]
Dreams aren't cheap
I want to fuck Piruruk.
Lostorage S2 when?
I had forgotten how much wubstep was in the soundtrack
Who will be the protagonist of Lostorage Conflated Wixoss?
You already know the answer.
Ril and Mel will still be in Conflated, right?
Is this fully scanned?
Was Lostorage so bad that it killed any interest in the franchise?
It was better than Spread.
Not really. Not that Spread was great or anything.
Fuck no.
Why not?
Bad taste detected.
No, Spread was. Just look at how few people picked up Lostorage because of how awful Spread turned out.
I remember when the Wixoss anime first came out in 2000. I loved it even more than I loved Pokemon back then.
I love Wixoss.
I still love Wixoss. I am super excited for Conflated.
Hopefully it's a step up from Incited. Lostorage still introduced some pretty neat themes and concepts. And I liked the characters even if the show might have been able to handle things better.
Spread was great. Lostorage was okay.
She have her spinoff and that's enough
Reminder that Ril is the best LRIG.
Can't wait for Conflated. I still like WIXOSS as a franchise despite the key people for it are absent now.
How do you feel about this?
Details when?
I think men were a mistake.
Is that a Feudal Samurai LRIG vs a Gothloli Reaper LRIG?
Can we discuss the OST?
Do you agree the new OST is at almost the same level of the Selector saga? It has great tracks.
Should I watch season 3 anons?
I enjoyed season 1.
S1 > S3 > S2 > Movie
So it sounds like it is worth it. I hope I can trust you user.
In lostorage, are the selector rules still in effect? The one that the MC of season 1/2 fought against?
Keep watching and you'll find out eventually.
So Conflated when, spring or later?
Best girl in conflated pls.
How would you feel about if Tama in Conflated has a more Yuki looks.
You didn't post best girl
Kuro Iona > Iona > Ulith Iona > Yuki
Iona Iona best girl.
Looks like disgusting hetshit.
What colours? Reaper probably black, but samurai?
Im just glad they are making more for her. I can only hope for more.
I didnt even finish LOSTORAGE I liked Spread
>Girl meats girl is still not scanned
God dangit.
That's fucking dedication!
she is my waifu, my cardfu, my battoru.
another user had a iona this year.
I like Iona. I wish I could do the same.
I wish the entire OG cast got more goods.
Fuck I still need to atch lostorage, I missed most of the threads while it was airing.
>Wixoss thread
Dude, nice.
Re/Verse Chapter 10 is out if you weren't aware.
he released a colored version of this?
that guys twitter is full of great stuff, does he post anywhere else?
I wasnt, thank you.
>does he post anywhere else?
I don't think so.
Not really an issue. At least everything is in one place.
I noticed him deleting something once though but I saved it beforehand.
Twitter is a pain to save images full size sometimes.
>I didnt even finish LOSTORAGE
The ending was great. Might as well get through it.
These two combined makes it bearable.
Honestly liked Infected because CGDCT turned edge. And it had better build up. And visual direction. And design (not that I dislike all of them). Ill get through LOSTORAGE eventually just dont care that much. Wish PA got a OVA.
Oh God, yes.
What a tease.
How lewd is it?
>had bi weekly to monthly threads after Spread
>LOSTORAGE comes out
>first thread since it ended
Unfortunately maybe.
Oh my.
Nice details.
>works with Tweetdeck
Holy crap this is neat.
Thanks for sharing.
Can someone tell me what the fuck is this?
1 is really great, 2 is good, 3 is okay. The colors on the graph add them together to give different views of overall how liked each episode was.
S2 = S1 >> S3 = Movie
How do you feel like about the musical direction in Lostorage and Selector?
OST is great but was not fully utilized.
Was this the only Wixoss figure at wonfes?
From the pics I've seen the best fig yet.
probably. Ive been looking to purchase it for awhile but it never shows up on auctions (even though Ive seen a few of the artists other GK's show up). He's had it in a few shows so far.
If anyone finds one please post so in a buyfag/wixoss thread. I even contacted the artist via twitter and he couldnt sell it outside cons or something.
Are there more of it than one? I thought it's unique.
its a garage kit the artist has been selling. so it comes unpainted/assembled and you do it yourself. so there are more than one.
Oh I see.
How do they make these kits? 3D printing?
sculpt then mold them. 3d printing isnt that good yet and is too expensive.
look up garage kits on buyfag.moe
I will look out for it. I've seen the Yuki and Ulith GKs but never Tama. There is also a GK of Piruluk. Have you checked the Chinese GK sites for recasts?
Is it me or the lostorage angel LRIG very attractive in her design?
Slow user here. Just started Lostorage.
Is that the blue LRIG I think I see in the ED?
The spring season starts in a few weeks. Is there still a chance that they may announce a spring air date for Conflated?
The next booster pack is called Conflated Selector and comes out in April.
no, I really want an original but at this point if their is a recast would check (but the series doesnt seem poplar enough to warrant that unfortunately..). Any recommendations?
Amazing. Looking forward to this season.
It's the opening by the way. I think the first episode ended with the OP.
This one?
Is she wearing pantsu?
Yep. I almost forgot whose LRIG she was in season 1/2.
Guzuko is the cutest and she finally has a deck
It's an old auction from a week ago but it didn't sell, maybe you can contact the seller. Good luck.