What is the worst show of the season?
What is the worst show of the season?
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Does anything really standout this season either?
maid dragon
Rakugo S2is a compelling drama, Konosuba is surprisingly even worst than previous season, LWA is contrived episodic tripe, Gabriel Dropout has the worst subs ever, ACCA is an interesting, stylized slow-burner, and your favorite show probably sucks.
Your favorite show of the season is actually the worst.
All this bait...
Hand Shakers
I second this.
Worst one of the shows I bothered to try. The animation was like a jarring early 2000's anime.
second this
This or Fuuka.
Really? I think it sort of came into its own as the season went on.
No >:(
Unironically Kuzu no Honkai.
You fucking retards sold me that shit as the next Kare Kano but it's just a bunch of borderline sociopaths and mentally damaged teenagers trying to outedge each others with muh sexuality and mexican soap opera tier drama. Fuck you retards.
It's fucking boring loli bait
>All these Kuzu no Honkai autists
Hating a cartoon made you look like a retard, son.
Maid dragon, it's a fucking mess and kyoniggers will never admit it.
How so?
Konosuba second season is poop
edgy witches
What an eloquent response.
it's true
yuru yuri of 2017
Get out more.
This. Seiren is just so bad.
Of the only 14 shows I'm watching this season, it's Urara.
I could reasonably assume things I'm not watching like Hand Shakers, Kemono Friends, and Idol Jihen are far worse.
>can't articulate an actual reply
>"nah I'll just call him x"
Nice to see the kind of fanbase that show has too. I blame reddit.
Don't lump the entire fanbase of an anime with shitposters you find on Sup Forums.
At least yuru yuri was funny instead of that belly "joke"
Kuzu no Honkai
The nosebleeds were on the same level, but persisted throughout every episode of the anime. The belly joke hasn't really been around the past few episodes.
literal retard
Trickster. Stop trolling cunts.
Kemono Friends is genuinely good, despite how it may look from the outside.
>mentally damaged
Yeah, because the whole process of figuring out who you should love is a mentally warped behavior. Let me act like you now: Fucking retards don't understand this anime because they try so hard to be some edgemaster who's against all preconceptions of social norms.
I want to meme and say Maid Dragon or Gabriel but Hand Shakers and elDlive are just bottom of the barrel shit.
Kill yourself, if you want generic try Gabriel of whatever that angel anime is called, dropped that shit on ep.1
This desu senpai
because the whole process of figuring out who you should love is a mentally warped behavior
I was not referring to that. Unless you see acting like someone's pet as normal behavior.
>against all perceptions of social norms
I don't know what social norms has to do with any of this. If anything I would refer to moral and what one could consider 'right'.
I fail to see your point, unless you want to make a comparison which seems silly.
Polite sage for shitty bait thread anyways.
Even if it's generic, Gabriel Dropout is still a hundred times better than Kuso no Honkai.
I can't wait until the season is over so I won't have to hear about Maid Dragon ever again
Maid dragon is just another victim of our "It's popular therefore we hate it" policy. The show itself is decent enough, and far from being the worst.
Don't put words into my mouth please, I hate it because it's another generic SoL with shitty characters that tries too hard with ecchi
How does it try too hard with ecchi? There isn't even that much fanservice in it.
Your words are shit anyways, way to prove him right with a weightless criticism.
>I was not referring to that. Unless you see acting like someone's pet as normal behavior.
Man you're an amazing person. The anime deals with relationship tropes that aren't fictionalized. If that's your behavior, you believe EVERYONE has dementia or otherwise look down on them. Or maybe you're an isolated individual. It's amazing that you have that perspective on this anime. It really is.
That Demi shit.
I gave it four chances to get me in. Three more than I usually give.
At least Maid Dragon managed to make me laugh a couple of times.
Kuzo no honkai is so shit it seems like there is a jewish agenda behind it.
I'm glad I'm not you.
Agreed, Kuzu is garbage.
>You fucking retards sold me that shit as the next Kare Kano
Also so are you, apparently.
>The anime deals with relationship tropes that aren't fictionalized
What did they mean by this?
That they borrow shit people go through and sprinkle them on the characters of the anime. Even if you are just a manga/anime shut in with zero experience talking to any other human being, this should be obvious.
I'm gonna go with Gabriel Dropped and Konosubarashit. The former is just generic, boring, and unfunny while the latter is just the lolsorandumb meme anime of the season.
Man, Sup Forums is so contrarian it's legitimately hilarious.
No we're not.
Not all of you, obviously.
Only the ones that disagree with you.
Not really, but believe what you want.
It's not that kind of behavior itself that should not be used because it's unrealistic or whatever. People can act like fucking dogs if they want. But people like you seriously thinking that this has any grasp on reality or normal people go as far as MC goes speaks for a BIG ignorance on what common sense is (or should be, unless you are brain damaged like she is).
Yes, my fault for trusting reddit. Don't remind me.
Minami Kamakura and Schoolgirl Strikers - absolute boredom, watching paint dry is more exciting.
Idol Jihen - a poor, failed attempt at ripping off anime for kids
ChäoS;Child, Rewrite - adaptations of long VNs, shit by default
Seiren - terrible MC and terrible writing
Hand Shakers - abysmal, underage fanfic-tier writing and visuals that are going to hurt your eyes
I'd go with Handshakers
>muh realism
Only fucking mongoloids ever experience anything like what is portrayed in that show. Which sure, maybe it's realistic for a retard to do some retarded shit like in kuhonky, but there's a reason anime generally presents idealized high-school-aged characters: because realistic high-school-aged characters are fucking insufferably retarded.
I don't even give a shit about whether or not it's realistic, the show is boring as mud. The characters are lifeless and nothing ever happens. It's a bad show.
I'll believe what someone else wants, thank you very much.
>reddit opinions = Sup Forums opinions
no u
Literally the biggest redditor posts in this thread.
Omg how thick is your skull? Each character either represents one trope, or like Hanabi and Mugi, multiple. People may be like Ecchan and experience one trope. People may be like Mugi and understand one of his multiple experiences. Maybe people are like Hanabi and go through every single one of them. To go through the show meming the idea of sluts really gotten to you, huh?
>this is reddit ranking after 6 episodes
Really fires up those neurons
How has this shit show managed to attract all these obviously underage b& alien invaders? Where do they come from, tumblr?
>kuzu that high
Lets decide what the worst anime of the season is with a strawpoll. strawpoll.me
>literally Sup Forums
Eric, just eric.
>kuzu #5
Like yourself? Manchildren crawling out of the gutters.
>no one mentiones One Room
>probably for the reason that no one will watch One Room
>select all that apply
The real problem with this is that I know I'm not watching the worst anime of the season. Like I'm sure is probably right, but why would I watch any of those shows I know are going to be garbage?
>Sup Forums keeps crying about reddit
>has literally almost the same taste with the exception of Kuzu and Masamune being that high
Every time
Is it really that good?
Worst anime is Trickster.
If you like Yuru Yuri, you'll probably like Urara they have a large amount of overlap in their appeal.
You posted it
One Room is at least an interesting ride. It's not even just ephemeral wish fulfillment, it's got this confusing thing going on with MC's probable depression and bullying of imouto. Like at first I was turned off by the saccharine self-insert nature of the show, but now I kind of want to see where this goes.
To be fair, there's really not much else of note even airing this season. Of course the lists are going to look similar on a short list.
Basically if you list them all in descending production costs order it will look similar to the descending popularity order.
I haven't watched YY (I probably will eventually), but what I can tell you about Urara is that it is literally nothing but CGDCT. The comedy is really weak, the characterization is really weak, the story is nonexistent, the world is kind of novel but really thin, some of the design is good and some is bad. It's a K-on type show except even more dumb and cutesy. The ONLY goal of the show is to be as cute and moe as possible.
And it does that one very particular thing well. So if you're into that, then you'll probably enjoy Urara. Also, Koume a best, Chiyo a shit.
I actually really enjoy the OP, one of the cutest I've ever seen.
I forgot to mention that I've laughed out loud exactly once during the show's entire run so far, and it was at pic related. Sixth or seventh episode. Other than that, it's probably just made me smile a few times.
I wanna attribute some that to everybody knowing what's gonna happen, but, yeah, it's pretty bad.
Konosuba is shaping up to be the new cancer in anime.
>low production value
>rapid-fire lolsorandumb and slapstick jokes
>worshipped by bandwagoners and memefags
>b-bro, d-don't judge the show too harshly, it's not taking itself seriously!
>10/10 AOTY!!!!! XD
All I know about Konosuba is that S1 made me laugh a lot, and anime almost never does. S2 is not as good, but still pretty funny from time to time.
That's not the show being bad, that's the threads.
Of course not but it's good enough to be the best show of the season. Based JC staff.