The only battle shonen series I really like are One Piece and FMA. Do I have patrician taste or autism, Sup Forums?
The only battle shonen series I really like are One Piece and FMA. Do I have patrician taste or autism, Sup Forums?
More like underage.
>liking shonen nekketsu
You have to be 18 to browse this website.
>entry level-est of entry level trash
Those are both good. Have you tried HxH and Jojo?
Those are probably the only two manga you have read.
Obscurity doesn't equal quality, user.
>Do I have patrician taste or autism, Sup Forums?
Why do you care what Sup Forums thinks? For the sake of this board, please lurk more before posting.
Your picture proves otherwise.
I've tried both. Jojo is basically just "lol so over the top," which doesn't appeal to me. HxH is good on paper, but for some reason it didn't really do anything for me. Subjectively, I actually prefer Naruto to HxH, which is saying something.
I'm afraid not, user.
That doesn't even make sense, user.
Well, honestly, I'm trying to start a war where my favorites come out as victors.
YuYu Hakusho kicks the shit out of both of them.
I tried that too, but I quit as the Dark Tournament was beginning. Do I like battles in my shonen? Yes, I do. Do I like my shonen to be battles and nothing else? No, I don't.
Yu Yu Hakusho was alright but god damn it's so overrated on here, you can tell just by reading HxH that Togashi improved a lot in writing battle shonen manga.
kinnikuman and dragon quest dai no daibouken are the only good shonen. bobobo is good too.
>battle shonen
I'm watching FMA now and there's hardly any fights, just them running away from Scar.
>Hey guys tell me what you think about my taste
Not Sup Forums. Go blog somewhere else.
One Peace is just as pleb as Naruto, just saying.
Naruto is actually much better written than One Peace.
>One Peace is just as pleb as Naruto, just saying.
Yet for some reason people will call you a weeaboo fag for liking the later.
But a dialogue has already begun. You can't stop me now.
Brotherhood? Because Brotherhood skips the beginning of the series that had more episodic plots for a little bit.
>Naruto is actually much better written than One Peace.
Naruto's highs were higher but its lows were much much lower. Oh, and the entire last third blew chunks.
>Naruto's highs were higher
Implying Naruto was ever better than Arlong Park, Arabasta, or Water 7/Enies Lobby
>He really improved in a series that came later than the one that came before it
I'd hope so. YuYu Hakusho is pretty by the books when it comes to battle shonen, but it did everything very well without resorting to SUPA SAIYAN and FUSIONS like Dragon Ball did later on.
Zatch Bell and Shaman King are both under rated though.
Yusuke gets a demon form out of nowhere later on. The only good arc is Toguro desu.
Shikamaru Shippuden > Wan Piss
>implying Jaya/Skypeia wasn't prime One Piece