There is a God.
>60min movie + ova
Thanks reddit.
Steam and facebook "ironic weebs"
>shit getting funded so easily.
>studios hate the idea because they have to give back to the backers.
Man ;_;
There is nothing wrong being ironic weeb if they pay for my catgirl content.
Literally how? Nekopara is absolute shit.
My wife Vanilla is the best.
>mfw it's going to be some cheap ova made by some korean noname guys
This is going to be the blunder of the century.
Never underestimate catmemers. They will do anything for their kusoge.
Season 3 kickstarter when?
But in the trailer looks amazing
More like WHY?
Off course she is,only in a threesome with Coconut.
Yes, fun things are fun but nekopara is not fun.
Can I get a quick rundown on what the fuck this is?
>I don't like it, so it's not fun.
Objection noted!
Pls don't jinx.
An adaptation of a masterpiece visual novel.
VN that got popular with the Reddit crowd because it's on Steam and you can make their tits bounce.
>not even porn
what retards payed for this
Shitty moege shilled by some "youtuber".
Porn game that got a kickstarter for an anime. It's popular but the ova is not going to have any porn, sadly.
How much of a fucking faggot do you have to be that you not only dislike catgirls, but that you also dislike lolis?
Okay, yeah I thought this looked familiar for the wrong reasons.
Meh, cat girls are a little old and busted. Monster Girls are the new hotness.
>paying for porn
Will this be yuri?
>paying for ecchi of a porn game
Of course not, you fucking degenerate.
15% of that was probably forsen
Dumb sataniaposter.
Degeneracy wouldn't even get a third of money of what this got, so no, literally no fucking way
>Steam and facebook "ironic weebs"
Woah hold on everyone, we've got a REAL WEEB here!!
Coconut is so MEATY
Learn to fucking read.The new animation is about Chocola and Vanilla as lolis, you dumb cunt.
You must have a really hard time living your day to day life being that much of a flying faggot and having the literacy skills of a retarded child.
Furfags love to burn money on useless shit.
You still into monster girls gramps?
Nightmare waifu's are the new hotness.
Heterochromia makes anyone into 10/10.
Catgirls are way more important that your pathetic life.
Nyeck yourself.
Yeah, I didn't realize how much I don't care for their translation choices until I started working my through their release of Clannad. They could do better; it was like going back in time to when anime translations had more "artistic license" rather than sticking to the script.
>H scenes get removed
>Gets an ova
>No H scenes
Literally what is the point?
I see what's the kind of crowd that supports this project. But at least you guys are confirming catboys.
I like Sayori art and I'm glad for her that she found a good way to make money but he's right. it's success is heavily due to all the steamfags who took it for the weeb maymay.
A shame, the writing is half-assed as it can be but the art is awesome and the clothes designs from her doujins are gorgeous.
Fuck off with your shit opinion, tripfaggot.
But that wasn't an opinion.
You should fuck off regardless.
>A shame, the writing is half-assed
Can same the same about 99,9% of chinese cartoons and shitty """light novels"""
Wow what a weird game, Japan is crazy! I'm such a weeb for buying this, and this game has so many waifus! Add me on steam btw.
I think he meant half assed for VN standards
I can't believe it. The SOL in the VN was fucking bad.
They need to give Ray a proper send-off.
You're pretty retarded for expecting me to read about the reward I don't give a shit about nekopara, as expected from cancer.
twitch sekaiproject
Look at all the landwhales at sekaiproject.
Nekopara fags, everyone.
well, its the price of half of one of the machine i use to work with... how many Ep or its just an OVA?
really if it cost so fucking much for an 40min OVA
Trailer looked excellent visually
Sometime good things happe-
>It's not porn.
scrap that, reddit and their shitty cat memes should kill themselves
There is porn though
>cat girl sex slaves getting animation and steam release
What a weird timeline.
It will be ecchi and not hentai.
There will be as much "porn" as in Monster Musume.
You're right, sorry, I don't know why I was thinking of the VN when this was about the anime. Hopefully the VN that comes with one of the stretch goals has H scenes
Fucking sekaijews, i can bet my ass that they're barely giving Sayori any money.
Thank you based Sayori
Wait what the fuck mods?
She's a large (cat)girl.
I really wanted to like it but I couldn't get past the whole "I see these cats as my daughters but must fuck them for medical reasons." nonsense. I know that was a lie but it fucked up my immersion.