And I thought we were bad..

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This is just a kuffar idol that the French left in Algeria.

no one's worshiping it
what's the point in damaging it if they just repair it every time?

The statue was built as decoration for a French colonial city. Now that Algerians occupy the city, there is no reason for them to tolerate the cultural artifacts left by the enemy.

if that's the case why is the statue being repaired when your kin damage it?

Our leaders are corrupt greedy cucks too, they want French tourists to spend money in the town, even though such a statue has no place in a principled Muslim country.

Why, france?

sometimes the death anxiety/mortality salience is too much to bare.

Nice LARP Sweden

why isn't anyone beating the shit out of that dumb sand nigger?

Joke's on you, Amerifat.

Did you not notice the crowd was made up of mostly the same mudslime shitskins?

you forgot your meme flag, shill

>A man in Algeria attacked a naked female statue with a hammer
What does this have to do with us

That used to be a French city. You are looking into your future.
That's the joke.

fuck him
KILL him

france is no longer france

you faggot
i wanted to LARP this thread

Soon Muslims will be saying this is "our land" you must assimilate to Sharia. The big positive is Muslims are going to btfo lgbt and feminists and all other sorts of degeneracy.

>americans destroying americans
the jews truly have control over the world today

nice pic made me giggle

This is what Islam teaches its followers, to dismantle all the hosts culture as it is unislamic.

Europes tolerance just met it's match or should I say "master".

funny thing is that everything you say also applies to jews.

Including the deep hatred of European representational art.

At least we aren't racists.