What do you think of her?
I dislike the sameness of her works, but the KnK OST is just perfect. It's like she was born to write the score for those movies.
What do you think of her?
I dislike the sameness of her works, but the KnK OST is just perfect. It's like she was born to write the score for those movies.
Are you talking about KnK, KnK, KnK, KnK, or KnK?
I only know the first three, what am I forgetting?
I don't know. I would image you are forgetting KnK and KnK.
Nowhere best Kajiura song
Kara no Kyoukai
Kyoukai no Kanata
Konpeki no Kantai
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Koe no Kitachi
>Konpeki no Kantai
I'm curious; how did you happen to know about that one but neglected to realize/mention Kyokujitsu no Kantai?
Kara no Kyoukai is her best OST. She's alright.
Konpeki no Kantai isn't something I've ever seen or been into, I just picked up on its existence at some point at random without ever learning much about the franchise. I don't think I've heard about that one, at least I didn't recognize it.
Great composer when she tries. Just good when she doesn't. Shit when it comes to SAO.
No seriously, anyone heard the soundtrack? Most of it is crappy ambience, and the rest is underwhelming. There are like two salvageable tracks in the soundtrack.
I like her older works more than the newer ones.
Well, the story is shit. She should have given them the .hack//sign music, because that's the reason they've picked her.
.hack//SIGN OST is amazing. The only memorable thing about Tsubasa Chronicle is the soundtrack. There are a lot of other great examples from the 00's
Recently, she has become somewhat hit or miss like all composers that get a lot of work, like Sawano.
SAO and Erased soundtracks were pretty meh except for a few tracks, but Madoka probably wouldn't have had the same impact it had were it not for the excellent music.
She's good, but so overused her work becomes notably "samey".
Forgot to say, I was talking about the SAO movie, hue.
I guess it's hard to get inspired when there's nothing redeemable about the series.
>be Kajiura
>read the SAO source material before commencing work
>decides she won't even try
Madoka is her last good work I think.
I still remember people raging at Battle is to the Strong being used for literally every fight in F/Z.
That would be the fault of the music director.
Hanako to Anne is excellent, but it's a drama.
Zaregoto sounds pretty good, but it hasn't been released.
Yes. The track itself is good.
For all the flak she gets for her music being samey, I kinda disagree. I would never mistake something from Madoka with something from F/Z, Noir etc.
Aquarion Age and .hack sound very similar though.
>Hanako to Anne
Is it instrumental only?
I don't usually listen to kajiuragoless music from her
3 soundtracks, but only 2 tracks with vocals.
I would still recommend it though. Great melodies and arrangements, specially the first soundtrack.
Thanks. Giving some of them a listen. Palpitation is cool.
They both have different styles but I get what you mean. The suspense, creepy and ambience tracks share some common sounds and patterns.
I'm on the fence about all Kajiura songs being the same. Some of them do have that feel, but for example Pandora Hearts is very distinct from Madoka and her Kalafina works (like After Eden) are different still.
>I'm on the fence about all Kajiura songs being the same. Some of them do have that feel, but for example Pandora Hearts is very distinct from Madoka and her Kalafina works (like After Eden) are different still.
The works are different enough not to be confused, but her problem IMO is her lack of experimentation. She tends to use the same genres and styles.
>tfw never going to a Yuki Kajiura live
Does she ever play outside of Japan?
The main theme from Sword Art Online was just a remix of one of her Fate/Zero songs.
She came to Anime Expo in 2012, and was going to come back January this year. She and FictionJunction were going to perform in L.A., but because of Visa problems they had to cancel it. It was a SAO concert so nothing lost.
And the instrumental intro to one of the SAO movie's insert songs is almost the same as the instrumental intro of To the beginning.
Funny how both songs are from F/Z.
Oh I forgot she also came to Anime Expo in 2003. She brought a violinist, guitarist, and invited Emily Bindiger.
I loved her .hack and NOIR soundtracks.
And of course the KnK soundtrack is godly.
I also liked her Madoka OP.
I enjoy her Bee Train stuff (.hack less than the others though), Mai-Hime and Kara no Kyoukai, but honestly there's several other composers I like better.
I think aside from lack of variety her stuff is also way too barebones in terms of arrangement. Actually that probably contributes to the sameyness.
>I think aside from lack of variety her stuff is also way too barebones in terms of arrangement. Actually that probably contributes to the sameyness.
That's a good point. In her recent works, most pieces ten to be pretty short so they're barely fleshed out, if at all.
Considering SAO, that's just what it deserves.
>Visa problems
The fuck?
I feel that she, like Sawano, have a few OSTs that she's really known for and everyone that hires her just asks her to make "something that sounds like that" which is ultimately to her detriment as a composer.
I mean Sawano's Gundam Unicorn is undoubtedly his magnum opus and possibly one of the greatest anime soundtracks of all time, but apparently, all the ones he was hired to do after that sound really samey.