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14 more days!
Why is he so god damn handsome?
Announce Index S3 now.
Best Saint Best Maid
For what?
Because he is
Until we find out what the 2017 project is.
Get hype
I want Mikoto and Accelerator to have really agsty forgiveness sex that both of them are really into.
The memes can't be stopped.
Season 3 is upon us.
And then Last Order runs into the room and wants to play because she thinks they're wrestling.
And then the Misaka network goes off the wall, which leads to WORST involuntarily becoming aroused.
Touma you need to stop this!
Her boyfriend is right outside
If the Big project isnt S3 then what is it?
Mass suicide
Probably a Blood Sign adaptation or Accelerator season 1.
If it's Blood Sign I definitely won't be watching.
>Two of the characters that basically saved raildex getting together.
Would the postives outweigh the sheer shitstorm that would commence?
Goddammit Touma.
Last Order would pitch such a tantrum she really would be a brat, objectively speaking.
Bloodsign anime. But who believes that shut will happen
I doubt there'd be a shit storm, desu.
doesnt that happen every year here?
A new kamachi novel with some kind of twist. Who said the project had to do with animation?
See Touma look at what you did now.
Are you happy with yourself?
Mass suicides every single day. Only those who have abandoned sanity remain.
I don't know what are you talking about
The reverse can also be said. He's never advertised anything like this.
Leave sales to me
Kakine could crush any of you losers in an infinite number of ways with his dark matter. Don't group him in with a bunch of mere humans.
Fuck off jobber
> Kamachi 2017 Major Project
> Manga spoilers for all 3 spin offs in a couple days
> All 3 arcs finally moving on to another arc, Index manga finally surpassing Season 2 of the anime
> March Madness in 14 days
> Threads full of energy
Based Index
>Fremea just wanted her onii-chan and onee-chan
>both of them were stolen from her by level 5s
Damn science. Damn it all. Is there any chance Fremea could become a magician or has she already taken the esper program at her age?
>The last time we saw Pendex was back in WW3.
When will she make a return? Will she ever?
Another Playstation fighting game featuring characters from his other novels this time
>stuck as a volley ball at the bottom of Tokyo Bay
He can't do anything at this point besides create a dark matter army of crabs & sharks.
Accelerator a cute
>Firsty cour OP plays during Saint Destroyer
>Second cour OP plays when Touma surfs on Ascalon
Can't wait
As long as we have the power of GETs then nothing is impossibe
Without a doubt.
Every major character basically has a max power form, it'll likely all be used in the final arc to some degree.
All 103,000 grimoires. Plus the Kama Sutra.
Here's hoping Michigan isn't as disappointing as last year.
Leave Railgun to me.
If you are AC student that meant you already are an ESPer because you got pumped full of drugs and other strange fluids when enrolling
Since the last thread confirmed Saten x Touma was dead, we need a new power couple.
It's not dead yet
As long as it's Saten x Femcelerator x Me.
>He thinks a Kamachi project for the year of 2017 will be announced on the third month of it.
You faggots will be saying wait until fall fes a few months from now.
Fremea already has agitate halation. She harnesses the power of the hero meme.
It will start airing in fall/winter.
Even Touma would have trouble breaking your delusions
It will happen.
We will get Index 3
The problem here is that you're applying what you call "common sense" to Kakine's abilities. The moment that you become able to overcome such a shallow way of thinking is when you'll be able to reflect on how ignorant you were being.
What's gonna happen if it's not s3
What a waste of trips
I'm gonna end my life.
Maybe the trips are telling you to consider a backup plan
We're already too far gone, despair wont even reach us.
We'll just stack up even more magick for the next one.
We cry and then months later we stake everything on fall festival. At least that's the pattern we've been repeating for years.
You abandon Kekota and start worshiping someone else.
No backup plans are needed.
Though a BooBoo anime wouldn't be so bad
WhiteQueen is the cutest Yandere
I hope she dies
Then it'll be S3 in October.
Pic related
>You'll never get a ove letter from Stiyl
Spoilers when?
His form was limited by a magic god, wasn't it? Do spells eventually fade?
But for now he's probably just rebuilding his strength.
So is Aleister proficient at using meme magic?
Not yet. I wonder if our meme shenanigans this past week will affect the happenings of the manga.
Aleister deals with sex magic
give me repeating digits already reeeeeee
Doubtful. We're just an irrelevant cabal of the fandom.
Really the only way I'd see that happening is if Kamachi did post or lurked here.
>Rakko! Rakko! Rakko!
As the dog barks outside
>Being do bad at it that you have to beg for digits
Isn't she a bird now?
Let it flow you retard, or else kekota wont bless you
you gotta keep trying if you wanna get good at something
Then what does Master Therion deal with?
>50 shades of dark matter.jpg
Fucking kek
>The announcement isn't S3
>24 hours later S3 is announced via twitter.
>"Here, wear these panties. They're made of dark matter."
>50 shades of dark matter.jpg
>Half of the thread had already killed themselves
I swear to god someone here better get 77777
Index needs more meme magic
I heard from someone what Mami will attend this march.
Is this true?
That's what they get for not believeing in Miki