Other urls found in this thread:, David - The Threat.pdf


It's a ruse, to hide a huge story that's about to break.



Bigger than UFOs?

What about it?
All they did was confirm what we already knew.


If you seen a news story that multiple people are being historic proportions...then suddenly the news switches to ayyyys are real...what would you watch user?

The fact is, is that there is no 100% of aliens visiting our planet.

They are here.

Bluebeam is the last card of the deep state short of all out war.


It was a fake.

IT was also a gay.

typical distraction tactics.... if the people start waking up, release some shitty CGI "UFO" Footage.

What did bill cooper say like back in 2000?

Something like “((they)) are going to try to stage an alien invasion, and don’t you believe a single word of it” - god bless that man.

Its a shame; most people will WANT to believe in aliens - its gonna be a tricky uphill battle to convince everybody that its a lie - unless the High Level Insider is real

its a gaslighting operation by Trump with unknown intentions because the operation has not reached mainstream levels


Hey guys,

I was surprised to see CNN actually talk about the 2012 project.

I'm not going to reveal to much, because of my job safety. However, by next year here's a few happenings, which are going to go down;

1) Unidentified object will make itself known to earth.

2) species defies space/time, and can communicate through body language rather then verbal.

3) Species won't be violent, they do not really have purposes, they just seem to interact with everything, and appear and disappear.

4)Presidential announcement of what species is, and species will meet with president for a televised intro.

many of you will think i'm full of shit or whatever, which is fine. Just be prepared, buy guns/food reserves, because though i've seen them be safe, who knows how public could interact with them.


My fervent hope is an orbital nuclear attack.


Why is he covered in balsamic?

We need to start hashtags and stuff



aays did 911


We already knew about that I'm more interested in seeing the corrupt go to prison.



(laughs in frog)

Hon hon hon hon hon

21 trillion $ is missing and they seriously need a distraction

i dont think you got the plot of contact right.

we wuz flyin past a paranoid militaristic alien civilization n shit

The revolution is here?

"""defies spacetime"""

I would truly laugh if they came out with nonsense like this. No doubt a laptop would be reality-defying magic to a medieval monk and these things are millions of years beyond us. We just don't have the conceptual framework for understanding spacetime the way they do. I've zero doubt that it's all perfectly sensible physics if we had the maths and the processing power.

Rothschild and Jews spending their own money is antithetical to their goal of collecting all of the money.

For the sake of the larp is this before or after Christmas

everyone knows about (((obama))) and his debt
(unless they're a lefty ofc, muh wrongthink)

This. It is to distract from the audit of the Pentagon and all the money its "lost."

This one is actually cool looking

I fucking hope so

my wish finally comes true

You fools, "aliens" as we know them are actually just fallen angels, or "demons"

The shadow government likes to occasionally throw out hints and leave trails of breadcrumbs to lead society to believe they're covering up a secret alien conspiracy, but it's just 4D chess on their part.

They're high-tier Luciferian mystics who regularly come into contact with, and even become possessed by, demons/agents of Lucifer. They can take whatever form they choose, so they appear as lights in the sky and are covered by the UFO stories perpetuated by the shadow government and black nobility into making the general public believe it's either a hoax or aliens.

Educate yourselves

The Omega Conspiracy Dr. I D E Thomas

The Alien Agenda and the NWO

I.D.E. Thomas: The First To Expose The "Alien" Strong Delusion

Jacques Vallee - Messengers of Deception

David Jacobs - The Threat, David - The Threat.pdf

Fallen Angels, Yoga & Hinduism, New Age, New World Satanic Order

Jacques Vallee - Passport to Magonia

ShapeShifting UFOs & Flying Humanoids Are EVERYWHERE! (2017)

Fallen Watchers - An Exegetical Analysis On The Correlations Between
Biblical Demonology And Contemporary Ufology

Would make sense. How else would they get here from galaxies far away?

Everyone on Sup Forums is going to be arrested and "re-educated".

They're not from galaxies far away. They're fallen from the heavens and live in our dimension as we know it.

If they ever did land the first thing we'd have to worry about is nuts like this running screaming at them with whatever bronze-age magical fetish object they've become fixated on, screaming their holy gibberish to dispel the "demons".

That would be embarrassing for everyone.

How much are you being paid to slide these discussions, mr. shill?

Tell Magog (George Bush Sr.) I said hello next time you do a blood ritual on an abducted child.


The globalist elite are planning to fake either a demonic invasion or an alien invasion in an effort to cover up their crimes and defeat the nationalist waves.

He predicted the Saudi Arabia happening a year and a half in advance so I'd lean heavily towards him being legitimate.

If we had the maths and the processing power, yeah it could be sensible, but for now, as I already stated, we're still working on understanding what their purposes are.

To me, they make no sense. You can be looking at them, and they disappear, and then re-appear. They move their body as some way of communicating, and when I was speaking with them, I would notice I understood through feelings in my body. Like if someone says nice things to you, you feel a certain way.

I will say certain military clearances are well aware of what i'm talking about, and we sort of just see the thing as another example of inexplainable things in our work/universe.

>beings capable of traveling light years are unable conceal their presence from beings who can barely reach their own moon.

It's a fucking PSYOP. You watch. People who DON'T believe in the UFOs will soon be labeled conspiracy theorists.

Best info on this UFO shit I've seen. It is a big disinfo scheme. Watch the video trust me.

Redirecting the public away from the real happening. Easy and effective


Everybody who's not a complete fucking retard (so Sup Forums) knows that aliens have been here for centuries.
Just look at the neet/universal income hate threads.
Good goys who love slaving their lives away for pennies. If that's not subversion from a higher power, then I don't know what is.

The 2012 project just like this post is billshit. The government spends millions "investigating" and can't find a single answer BECAUSE THEY'RE LOOKING FOR THEMSELVES.

>The ruling elite who have been in power for hundreds of years enjoy hoarding wealth, so therefore aliens must exist

Kys my dude

>my dude
Star Wars reddit tourist detected.
All that garbage you faggots consume has atrophied your brains.
Go back to beating your wife you uncultured hillbilly.