Oh my god Sup Forums I love this. What does this mean? What have you done to me? Am I a pussy now?
Oh my god Sup Forums I love this. What does this mean? What have you done to me? Am I a pussy now?
You like shit.
it means you are a heterosexual male
I'm not saying I'm AROUSED by this, mind. I'm saying I find it relaxing and entertaining, which is weird because I have been really frustrated trying to find anime I actually like recently
But it's cute and simple user. My life is hard
They're very arousing. It's inevitable someone will come tell you not to sexualize them. Don't listen to that person.
No, it's mega cute.
Don't assume, user. Op could also be a homosexual female.
Why are you surprised you enjoyed an easy going comedy anime?
>They're very arousing.
I just don't see it breh. I just can't into loli, and I've given it an honest effort
That's fine, then! Everyone has different taste.
It's a fun, enjoyable show, so there's nothing to be ashamed of
Half of them are the same age as Kirino, user.
>Am I a pussy now?
You're finally starting to enjoy good anime and you call yourself a pussy?
They don't really look it though. You've got to give me that. Kirino has an entirely different sexualized design
I don't like how everyone hates Chinatsu.
The yurus are all CUTE and very daughterable. If you get that emotion while watching it, that just makes you a normal person.
If you also want to FUG some of them, that's also normal because they're old enough to be lewd. Not Akari though, too pure.
kekeke I'm not really. I just through it would be an interesting subject for a thread, given the current social climate, generally. We don't want to end up like the Japanese, do we?
nigger turn that fucking trip off
It means you're growing up.
Akari is very lewdable!
I know what you mean. It takes away from the tone of the show. It's hard to avoid thinking: "irl that kind of shit is definitely not kawaii"
We as a whole are already worse than the Japanese.
Just look at
I love Sakurako!
>ywn be a cute lesbian
In 4 years I have browsed that board for maybe 10 minutes. Far be it from me to compare western degeneracy to nippon, but you can take my general point anyway
I really want to hang out and make love with Ayano.
I agree with your taste Sir. She is a qtpie
>Am I a pussy now?
No, you have achieved enlightenment.
>that's also normal
Senpai desu...
Kyoko a shit and her feet stink
I have noticed it's increasingly hard to take the emotional melodrama seriously like I used to
Also bear in mind that Himawari does compensated dating, according to Japan.
desu desu
Congratulations OP, you're a lesbian now.
Kyoko is a beautiful and multitalented young lady and every day it hurts that she isn't my girlfriend.
I only understood some of those girls. Why was she on that list? Her voice?
Namori is seriously one of the most talented comedy manga writers I've ever seen. I don't get how anyone could not enjoy this show.
I have no fucking clue. I think it must be some horrible 2ch meme, similar to our old one about Onpu being a whore.
Thanks for a very fappable Himawari btw
That's normal Himawari, that might be why.
Yui is my goddess
They are allergic to tomatoes
If you can still fap to images like that, you have my heartfelt envy
I have a sudden perverse desire to see a doujinshi or fanfic about Himawari cutting her hair after losing her virginity, explaining why her hair was longer in the early manga chapters.
>If you also want to FUG some of them, that's also normal
Mostly true, but bear in mind that if you find yourself desiring Chinatsu to PISS on you, it's a sign that you should promptly take your own life.
why is Sup Forums so baka hentai holy shit
Now I want to be peed on I hate you.
You are a mangina
Im sure you will fit in with rest of Sup Forums
Congratulations. You finally fit in here more than you do on Sup Forums.
I want to marry Sakurako!
Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Not Sup Forums. I've never browsed Sup Forums.
the art style is totally different and makes them look much younger though
From the day of the first stills of the cast I saw back when S1 was airing I've absolutely loved the school uniforms and I could only fap to them for a while. I've thought about buying one to wear while fapping. No, I'm not female. Although I do want to be the little girl.
Yuru Yuri is Sup Forums-core, you dumb slut.
9 gets you Chizuru, 0 gets you Rise, doubles is your choice of family member or teacher
So you get nothing? Sucks to be you.
what the h*ck give akari back her buns
Loli is not about age.
>tfw Akari main
>tfw opponents never knew what hit them
You are finally awakening to the best anime genre that exists : Slice of Life with cute girl doing cute things.
I'm more concerned what happened to Chinatsu's fluff.
>Am I a pussy now?
No. You just like cute things. If anyone tells you that you're gay or unmasculine for liking cute things, tell them, "meet me in a hotel room tonight and I'll show you how gay and unmasculine I am, and bring your sister."
Too bad season 3 sucked.
She is the greatest imouto of all time. You cannot prove me wrong.
>babby's first realization that moe is superior
Welcome to the club
S3 > S1-S2
Doga Kobo's YrYr had better visuals. TYO's YrYr had better comedy, more heartwarming character interactions, a more healing atmosphere, etc. It was an improvement in almost all areas except production value. For an exaggerated metaphor, Doga Kobo's YrYr was Glasslip and TYO's YrYr was ARIA: Glasslip had more beautiful visuals, but ARIA was better in every other fashion.
Also, regarding your picture, that's a good thing. Brat a best.
S3 had major issues, but I wouldn't say "too much brat" was one of them.
I wish that was what we got. I still think the designs (especially Kyouko's face) are ugly.
>ahahahaha Chitose's nose bled AGAIN
>ahahahaha Chitose ate chocolate AGAIN
>ahahahaha Chizuru drooled AGAIN
>ahahahaha Brat doesn't like boobs AGAIN
>ahahahaha Akari has no presence AGAIN
>ahahahaha Kyouko likes rum raisin AGAIN
>ahahahaha Yui laughed at an Ayano pun AGAIN
>ahahahaha Chinatsu's art is creepy AGAIN
>ahahahaha Ayano is a typical tsundere AGAIN
>ahahahaha Akane wants to fuck her sister AGAIN
>ahahahaha Nana caused an explosion AGAIN
>Doga Kobo's YrYr
Unfortunately I'm also 5'5" as a fully grown adult, so any form of intimidation is kind of permanently off the table for me. I will have to find solace in my masculinity in other ways
That's a big head.
>ahahahaha Ayano is a typical tsundere AGAIN
Fuck you nigger that's actually funny. Ayano is my self insert.
>any form of intimidation is kind of permanently off the table for me
did you try owning a gun
>Unfortunately I'm also 5'5" as a fully grown adult, so any form of intimidation is kind of permanently off the table for me. I will have to find solace in my masculinity in other ways
guns and knives exist so that manlets can make mountains' balls shrivel with fear.
>I'm not saying I'm AROUSED by this
Don't ever compare nice things to Glasslip, no matter what aspects you're using
It had little to worse comedy. It sometimes didn't end a scene or dragged out the ending because the pacing was so poor. It rewrote the characters which made them seem lifeless and generic. So if all you are about are girls on the screen but not actually what you are watching, it might seem good.
kek, that's all I need: to carry around a lethal weapon on the off chance some nordic bully wants to hurt my feelings. If I ever run out of money and have to live in the ghetto, maybe I'll take some lessons and make an investment. But until then, my manlet bullying contingency plan follows thusly: vacate the premises as quickly as my little legs can carry me, and buy myself an ice cream sundae.
Brat = K-ON
Chinashit = Glasslip
The japanese are still smart and conservative, especially their leaders. Hiki-NEETs are a tiny tiny minority because japanese welfare is shit compared to what americans and especially germans hand out to niggers. Hikineets simply aren't capable of reproducing so its only natural selection, meanwhile niggers are having 3-4 babies per mom.
japan is a nation of pussies so afraid of social interaction that they have an epidemic of train gropers just because people are too shy to actually react or call them out when it happens
The insidious exploitation of whites by their traitorous governments in the name of compassion makes me sick to my stomach
Sup Forums, you can have every other thread and board on this site, but please for the love of loligasms leave Yuru Yuri threads alone.
The (rare) best moments in season 3 were when TYO's relaxed "healing" style matched with the characters and plot. Like the "silent movie" episode. But most of the time it didn't, and it felt like a joke told by someone who can't tell jokes.
Dogakobo has mastered the frantic ecchi comedy style that YY benefited from. It was an ideal vehicle for their trademark type of anime comedy. TYO should just keep away from that genre and do what they're good at: Iyashikei.
We could teach them a few things, and I'm sure they could also teach us a few things. White-East Asian alliance when
kek sorry
Stop saying kek you filthy twittering piece of shit. You can stay here, but you must conform first.
It's Ohta Masahiko's magic to be honest. If he directed YrYr s4 and TYO did the animation it would be better than the previous seasons. I loved S3 the most though.
On? No.
In my mouth? Yes please.
I felt the best moments were when they actually tried to make a joke. Most of the time even parts like Rise's were watered down because they obviously wanted to deviate from the material. Mirakurun at the movies was a shining light in an otherwise dreary episode. Of course, it was taken directly from the manga.
Oh shit I knew that
Didn't the manga itself evolve away from wacky gags and towards more iyashi and gayness in later chapters? You can't just blame the anime staff changeover.
As long as you understand. Welcome to the kool kid's klub.
No and yes.
No to less wacky gags, yes to more iyashi and gayness?
I guess the Sakurako Anpanman chapter is an example of something Dogakobo probably would've done a better job with...
No to the first question and yes to blaming the staff.
S2 > S3 > S1
But nothing beats the manga itself.
All yurus are good, fuck your memes.
Except Akane.
Oh come on. Brat clearly should be the one with the half-sized brain that doesn't fill the skull.