It’s true though.
2 million died. What an awful disease, that Typhus is.

>millions of Jews were killed in ww2

The Jews kinda deserved it


he looks like a hollow from dark souls

Depends if you count Russia as part of Europe. Here are the official red-cross #s from the "death camps" in Germany.

You're ready to believe anything.

Even after breaking the German code relatively early, not one document or message was ever received stating that Jews or camp people were to be killed or hurt. Quite the contrary.

tens of millions of Germans were killed in WW2.

kek. I thought all the Jews were leaving france for pissrael.

>hollow from dark souls
Here have a chicken swinger on me

Oh no poor jews, poor jews! What can the ENTIRE WORLD do to accomodate the Jews and make them feel warm, loved and wanted? Is it OK if we just CONSTANTLY try to appease to you and put your interests before ours?!?

>meanwhile around 10 millions germans and around 25 million russians died during ww2 yet no one bats an eye, it's always the poor, poor jews...

Considering 99% of the jewish elites fled and got away with it, even if the Holohoax happened it barely dented jewry. In fact, it strengthened it.

"Chicken Swingers"
there's nothin' else to eat
they really can't be beat
I like 'em frozen but you understand
I throw 'em in and wave 'em and I'm a brand new man oh yeah!

42 millions? Your maths are a little off, goy.
Why 42048000?

Oy vey, six goblinions died in the camps of Auschwitz!!!
>But what about dead german, russian, english, american and many other nations' soldiers?

> noone bats an eye
It's up to you to honour your deads.

Stop insisting everyone should care about yours

No French died, they all surrendered first.

Remember goym SIX GORILLION.

That's nice. I'm still pissed off about a kike maiming mu penis as soon as I was born, as well as the odd coincidence that every horrible, nation-wrecking political movement I see is managed by kikes.

>that picture
A million boys born in the USA each year get their foreskins stolen and their penises mutilated at birth because of degenerate kikes promoting their satanic blood rite as (((( medicine )))). It has been this way since muh holocaust, so it's affected close to 70 million sexually-disfigured, denuded men at this point.

Because according to Jew math that's what the number would be after a year and then you can compare that number with how long it would take in reality. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart so how did it take a goy to have to point it out? Or is this one of those "I'll argue semantics and pass it off as intellect" memes that you're also famous for?

what's a good counter to when liberals argue that the Nazi crematoriums worked faster because they didn't care to preserve ashes and could, therefore, take less care in the burning?

he's implying RwLpL/xh is a kike

So those are the data from the handful of places in Germany they were able to visit while they were trying to transport some food to the camps.

It might be a crime to say millions died, you have to say 6 million, and not 1 less.

Well then.

I am tho
Modern crema start at 600°C, to cremate a body it needs to be 800°C and goes up to 1200°C. It allows crematorium workers to work safely but makes the process longer.
They also wait for it to cool in order to take the ashes away.
Amongst the ashes you have remaining bones, here in France, those are pulverised thanks to a special machine.
You also have remaining metals but what they do with it depends from the crematorium.
Then they carefuly put the ashes in a box before transfering it to the urn, even more carefuly.
The 1h30 cremation is such a meme.
Especialy since camp prisonners weighted maximum 55 kgs.
The lighter the body, the faster the cremation process, especialy if the ovens are running at maximum temp.
See above

We are everywhere, so we will remind you of what happened. Those people who died were either forced by their supreme leaders or got along with their ideologies.

In France there are memorials to the deaths of WW1 and WW2 everywhere. We have national holidays to remember them.

>went to war in 1917
>had to wait operation Torch to intervene in european colonial territories in nov 1942
>went to war in Europe in 1944

And you speak of cowardise when less americans died in Europe than French and spent your time carpet bombing allied(or not) cities.
Pic related, Americucks "liberating" France.

I am out.

Why no process all you Jews through a rendering plant equipped to process you all in a continuous operation? Why let anything go to waste?

>Meat rendering plants process animal by-product materials for the production of tallow, grease, and high-protein meat and bone meal. Plants that operate in conjunction with animal slaughterhouses or poultry processing plants are called integrated rendering plants.

>Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration and other high-temperature waste treatment systems are described as "thermal treatment". Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas and heat.

My grandfather landed at Normandy and help liberate France. He told stories of the French women how they were whores.

Compared to American puritans? Yes.
Complete whores.
I went to America several times, i don't have to ask my grand parents to get a clue on how slutty Americans are.
Best blowjobs but dumb as fuck.

Goodbye sweetie.

Jewish women are the biggest whores of all.