Is this the most accurate portrayal of nice guy/white knight behavior in anime and manga?
Is this the most accurate portrayal of nice guy/white knight behavior in anime and manga?
Is there a more infuriating screencap?
he's such an idiot and an infuriating character
I want to punch that face
I love Emilia tho
I haven't seen this show and I'm not gonna.
But I'm gonna go by the filename and OP's post and assume he defended some girl and now he thinks he's entitled to sex Ride to Hell: Retribution style.
I started out liking him a bit for being a little realistic and meta, but then it just...
God I'm at like episode 18 right now and I just can't. I know already that Rem loses, but holy fucking shit this entire episode is just killing me inside. Fuck, why didn't he just kill himself over and over. He KNEW that he had the respawn already. I don't even have a reaction image strong enough to show how badly half of me wants to strangle this cunt and the other half of me to help him.
pretty much
Finish episode 18. You'll love Rem even more, and hate Subaru even more.
I only have 5 minutes left, user. I don't want to hate anyone. I just want people to make it.
Except Felix. Like holy fucking shit how the fuck do any of you faggots like this guy? His only appeal is strictly to dudes who like dudes who look like girls. He has no redeeming aspects about him so far what so ever. He's obnoxious, apathetic, and generally just a cunt.
that's not even fucking close
It's not realistic at all.
A white knight either never would have gotten to that point of being able to bitch to his oneitis' face like that or would have been removed from her social circle after doing something like that.
Emilia still lets him around her after that.
Also a nice guy/white knight wouldn't ever lay all their cards on the table like that as that's an ultimatum of where either you succeed or the girl drops you, and white knights don't ever do that because they know their chances are almost zero.
And this all happened within the span of a few weeks.
So no it's not accurate.
If it was accurate toyota would have never said anything even up to the current arc only subtly hinting at feelings for YEARS before even considering blowing up like that. One of the major problems nice guys/white knights have is waiting too long to say their feelings directly. Again, honda broke this "rule" in the course of only a few weeks.
Source: I've been there
Well Subaru is a great deal more unstable than the audience he acts as a surrogate for given his extreme PTSD.
God I couldn't bare Subaru when he went through this shit. It was unbelievably disgusting. But Arc 4 he turns into such a badass alongside Otto. I hate the whole, loser turn hero shit, but this wasn't memelike. The whole Emilia shit is another story! If the author is trying to make us think Subaru's love for Emilia is artificial, he's doing a fucking great job; which reminds me of an user making a statement that his realization of this and Emilia's response will turn her into Envy.
Felix gets better by the end of the anime
Sounds right. Subaru is just a sperg.
He's a pretty cool bro later on, like not even by trap standards he's just a solid guy, you haven't gotten to that yet though.
Here's what I think. At first Subaru believed he was going to be able to reenact all his favorite anime tropes. He thought he was summoned to be a hero, and claim the princess as his waifu. That's why he was so rigid on his path and mindset. But after being tortured mentally and physically he basically fell apart at the seams. But it's thanks to Rem that he was able to grow up. After that speech Subaru realized he need to do some growing up.
I honestly things that's certainly behind it, but I also believe that it's the whole "love at first sight" thing because Emilia was the first person Subaru "meet" when he got to the new world. Also, I'm uncertain about the anime tropes, I kind of glossed over his "past" with Echidna so if that was discussed then I missed it. I think he subconsciously knows he likes Rem, like the part where everything was perfect but Rem was potatoe'd so he sudoku'd.
And now the fucking author is throwing Beatrice in the mix and who the fuck knows what type of role she is going to play. He stated that she's not going to compete against Emilia or Rem, but still.
Just finished 18. I mean all through it Mitsubishi was right, he is shit and I can respect him for understanding that. Rem is too good for him. I wish I had an insect care for me even a 1/10 of how much Rem cared for Toyota. I hope he gets better.
But c'mon
>let's start all over from square one.
>from zero!
I screamed "fuck you" at my moniter.
Yeah, it was cheesy, but I tried to look past that. I took the line to mean that Rem was telling Honda that they could forget about the past and that the both of them would move forward with a clean slate from here on out, and that only their actions from now on mattered.
Why does that scene trigger people so much? Subaru has a massive crush on Emilia to the point where he's willing to die over and over for her. Given that fact it's not surprising at all that he'd turn down Rem. It also doesn't help that Rem's killed Subaru a few times.
On one hand, Emilia is shit and Rem is clearly the best girl.
On the other, Rem did deny Chevy that
>Post a more punchable face