Would you go to Mars to fight swole cockroaches, Sup Forums?
Would you go to Mars to fight swole cockroaches, Sup Forums?
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Only if Michelle Davis was my superior
Need to clean the Earth first.
Can I choose my abilities?
Yeah then I'd go if I can have Hitler's lightning powers without the facial scarring.
If I had Joseph's powers then yes.
I'd fight alongside that Akari for this Akari's sake.
Hell no.
How bad is the live action movie?
We're all little girls here, cunt.
only if I can save ma boi Reinhardt and her waifu, the only good things about the show... And the hot blondie
Is this really that good?
I'm intrigued but the premise kinda freaks me out and the artstyle is not very pleasing to look at. If I want a manga to keep me up at night I'd pick up something by Junji Ito
Anything is better than this shithole, so yes
The initial premise works well but then it just keeps going when it really didn't need to
>The initial premise works well but then it just keeps going when it really didn't need to
So basically Attack on Titan all over again?
Yeah but give me like octopus powers or something.
Sign me up but I want to be spliced with a ring beetle. I would get protective plates but more importantly I would be the strongest human alive. The ability to lift over 1000 times my body weight would be immense. Imagine punching a Roche with that force they wouldn't stand a chance.
Either that or a flea that incredibly leg force would be equally great.
I wonder what staff will feature on the new OVA.
Ask /k/.
So what's going on in the manga, I stop reading when it was revealed that roaches can be human now?
It's a great action series, if you're looking for 2D4U shit then don't bother.
Shit taste