Vegeta and his very long legs
Dragon Ball Super
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What is interpolation for 100.
Reminder that mangafags are autistic children who can't take criticism and are what make these threads cancer and they should be purged back to /Sup Forums where they belong.
some more veggie for you
Just did a basic bracket for the upcoming tournament, it looks like the three finalists will have a three-way fight to claim the SDB's.
Shut up, you'll summon them here. No one wants that.
Anime Gowasu:
>senile old dude who shows Zamasu a race of ningen that just confirms his prejudices and shows no redeeming characteristics that would motivate Zamasu to see ningen differently
>says that justice is balancing good and evil and tells Zamasu to accept evil in the world and brew him more tea
Manga Gowasu:
>is more willing to take notice of the fact that in a thousand years from the present, the babari develop writing and music. Zamasu just ignores these developments.
>Gowasu tries to point out to Zamasu how the Babari stopped fighting when their religious shaman showed up, confirming that Gowasu was right about the Babari actually progressing from a degenerate state of being to a higher and more spiritual one. Again, Zamasu doesn't see this or just ignores it.
>Gowasu tells Zamasu that he understands his desire for justice, but points out that a desire for justice in the world can easily become fastidiousness
>Rather than trying to convince Zamasu to tolerate evil in the universe because of something about balance, he tries to convince Zamasu that the path to peace is best achieved by developing a sense of tolerance and knowing how to rule with a gentle and forgiving hand
>He also tells Zamasu that he must learn his place in the divine order. Even if a race like the Babari prove to be a problem, it is the Gods of Destruction's job to pass the judgement on them, not the Kais.
>When Zamasu asks then why he's been given this great power if he's not allowed to use it to punish unworthy ningen, Gowasu states that he should see it as a test designed to help him to better himself morally.
tl;dr Manga Gowasu actually behaves more like a Supreme Kai who has the experience of millenia of doing his job and following the rules to positive results
Why are there only six time rings?
>Timeline 1: Main timeline.
>Timeline 2: Future Trunks' timeline. [Erased by Future Zen-oh]
>Timeline 3: Cell's timeline. Future Trunks (B) defeats the Androids with the shut down remote. Cell ambushes Future Trunks (B), and uses his time machine to travel to Timeline 1.
>Timeline 4: Timeline visited by Future Trunks (B). In this timeline the Z-Fighters defeat the Androids with the shut down remote. Future Trunks (B) then returns to his timeline (Timeline 3) with the shut down remote.
>Timeline 5: Future Trunks (C)'s timeline. Mentioned by Cell. The Future Trunks from this timeline travels to Timeline 3, and kills Frieza and King Cold.
>Timeline 6: Created by Universe 12 Time Traveler
>Timeline 7: Created by Beerus destroying Zamasu.
>Timeline 8: Created by Whis for Future Trunks and Mai to live in.
>I ain't ever gonna forgive you!
Why do so many anime characters say this? Is that a big deal over there?
This is Toyotaro.
Say something about him.
something about him
I hate the diehard portion of his fanbase. Also his smile in that picture. And I've seen more prominent chins on lumps of jello.
I'm sad one of those rings isn't from Tapion going back in time. Wrath of the Dragon was a really fun movie.
Please post Tenshinhan webms thank you
He's /our guy/
Manga Gowasu:
>Zamasu responsible for the deaths of all GoD's, all humans, and Gowasu himself
>"surely he won't stab me this time"
>"heh zamasu just listen and come with le me everything will be alright"
i still think she's the tomboy type
Fuck his hair.
He's one of the only good things about DBS.
>manga Black-Zamasu
>Black: Shit, a Kaioshin discovered our plan
>Zamasu: If they report to Zeno we are fucked, better end this shit and go to another planet
>Black: Yeah, time to go serious
>when Shin and Gowasu react all remaining humans are already dead
>anime Black-Zamasu
>a fucking year trying to destroy the humanity seriously
>dozens of humans still alive and not only in the city (see #8 and more humans living in mountains)
>defeated by gas
>they need to fuse each other and with the entire universe to finally kill all humans
Timeline 1:
Goku dies from a virus, Z Fighters die from the artificial humans, and Trunks is the last warrior. Trunks travels to the past which creates a new timeline.
Timeline 2:
Trunks kills Frieza, warns Goku about the artificial humans and the virus, and he goes back to timeline 1.
Timeline 1(cont.):
Trunks finds a way to deactivate the artificial humans and wants to tell Goku and the others about it, his plan was to travel back in time even further than previous(for unknown reasons). 1st form Cell ambushes him and hijacks the time machine and reverts to his larvae state in order to get in, he then goes to the newly set coordinates which creates timeline 3:
Timeline 3:
Cell is now a larva feeding off of the Earth all the while Goku is in space on Yardrat. Trunks defeats Frieza and waits for Goku. Trunks informs Goku about the virus and the artificial humans, then proceeds to go "back" to his original timeline. (This is the timeline that we watch in DBZ and read in the manga).
>the twist
he'd make a cute trap
highly unlikely, she is a moeblob
You just forgot one thing:
>Manga Gowasu is more than willing to let ZAMASU go, even after the later went on a genocidal rampage and killed all the gods
Daily reminder that Black was supposed to enter SSJ before ascending into SSJR but Toei skipped ahead to SSJR. Toyotaro, on the other hand, is following Toriyama's outline thoroughly.
Why? Because he's /ourguy/, Toeishills.
Proof that Black's random, nonsensical, dumb ass power boosts after each blow was just something Toei added for "muhh OP villian" and wasn't an actual ability Toriyama intended on for Black. It all went downhill once Black pulled a scythe out of his ass and couldn't even understand himself what he had just done. But, you Toeishills and Blackfags will keep denying the truth. Oh, need I mention that the manga actually holds SSJB at a high standard considering that, oh, it's the most powerful transformation in the series excluding SSJR? Whereas in the anime, it's used for practically anything petty so much as sports. Pathetic; at least the power-scaling in the manga is more consistent and each villian doesn't somehow surpass its last with zero explainations on how or why.
>b-but muh hit who somehow being capable to keep with the strength of ssjb..
>b-but muh goku black who gets nonstop power boosts after pain is inflicted on him; broken zenkai..
>b-but muh future zamasu who even though previously couldn't hold a candle to ssj2 now for some reason could go toe-to-toe with ssjb goku after attaining immortality because immortality(=)greater strength..
>b-but muh future trunks who enters ssj2 and could hold his own against ssjr black and (broken) zamasu..... not to mention has an unexplained form which is equal, if not stronger than ssjb..
But regardless of the facts you'll keep obxiously ignoring them and keep both watching and blindly praising the anime with its:
>horrible pacing
>horrible animation
>horrible music scores
>autistic goku who's been responsible for most of the bad shit happening
>pilaf gang
>horrible written characters
>horrible sounds for attacks which lead to 0 impact
>horrible explanations
>horrible power-scaling
If Black went Super Saiyan before Rose you'd bitch about Toei dragging things out and you damn well know it
Okay guys
But what if
They are both good
I hope tails make a comeback
I just want Saiyans to be interesting again
i know its just that we haven't gotten gotten a tomboy character since videl. and that's my fetish
This triggers the mangacucks.
Enjoy your plothole
>inb4 there is no plothole
Ok try makong sense of this with what we know from the original manga. From cell to trunks I fucking wait.
Nah the anime sucks.
And what is the plothole you autistic fuck? It was always like this, otherwise trunks could just go back before 17 and 18 kill everybody and change history.
>implying trunks waited out those 3 years
Wew lad
Okay but what if
The anime is good
And so is the manga
Anyone got that picture explaining the difference between Toeichads and Toyopedros?
Looks like the left pic is when she's on her period.
That's only because the arc was already long as fuck.
>The anime sucks
Please see:
Nah the manga is good, the anime is not.
>I'll ignore again how some anons already said Toyotaro can screw up sometimes because I love shitposting
What the fuck was his problem?
They're both mediocre
I feel like this was probably done as a joke
What about argue how it's a plothole? We wait.
>Goku's transparent left eye
What did Toei mean by this?
Reminder that Cabbage will be female Broly's sex slave.
>obsesses over inconsistencies, spends most if not all of his free time arguing them on the internet, takes it far too seriously
>refuses to admit Toyotaro has any faults
accurate af
Okay guys I feel like some people on both sides are still having trouble so I'll run through this again, and just ask if you have any issues.
Both the Manga, and the Anime, of the media property Dragon Ball Super, are enjoyable pieces of fiction.
Now you try repeating it back!
Glorious kaioken ssb
Making trunks significant with based ssrage and spirit sword
Makes ssb a shit form
goku a total jobber who gets fucked by zamasu alone
Trunks weak as fuck
They predicted Zamasu's eye and Black being a Goku clone
>Trunks survived, but how?
>Toyotaro: There's some useful characters overthere, you know. Based Shin and Gowasu use their time rings and teleport powers and they save Trunks and Mai from an insured death
>Toei: lol who cares he just did it now see this gag with future Yajirobe
stop tracing faggot
B-both the manga and the anime are SHIT
weekly, sometimes fortnightly
they are both fun, don't take it seriously friends
Ebin joke!
Okay close user!
But lets try again, I really want you to give it your all!
See this user understands!
>people unironically rate the anime besides its memes.
>shit upon the manga that is created by a guy who is directly involved with the series canon (original designs) and works close with the original creator
Fucking toeifags I swear
>tfw manga shin is actually allowed to do useful stuff
Based Toyotaro is based
>Read Dragonball AF
What a waste of time. Toyo is a hack!
>ITT: Mangafags ignore that for 17 chapters literally nothing happened
It's called talking him down
Is based 17 going to be /ourguy/ this arc, lads?
>Glorious kaioken ssb
So your argument is "I like it". Wew
>Making trunks significant with based ssrage and spirit sword
Making Trunks significant with inconsistent asspulls, you mean. He's useful and saved Goku and Vegeta life in the manga without retarded genki dama swords from nowhere
>Makes ssb a shit form
Sorry user but you're talking about anime here. In the manga SSB is an useful ultimate ability, in the anime SSB is used even for baseball, literally SS with blue hair.
>goku a total jobber who gets fucked by zamasu alone
So you don't even know what "jobber" mean. I see.
>Trunks weak as fuck
And your argument here is "toei version is better because is stronger"? WEW but I'm not surprised
why doesn't the anime just go on hiatus so toei can make it look half decent and not use so much filler? who the fuck decided to make an anime when the manga is nowhere near finished?
Both the anime and manga are good in their own rights and i enjoy both.
Not until he jobs
Okay everyone we are getting really close!
Im sure if we keep trying we can get this done!
So say it with me everyone!
Both the Manga, and the Anime, of the media property Dragon Ball Super, are enjoyable pieces of fiction.
See you guys are getting it already!
Because the manga doesn't matter anymore.
Because the manga was never the source material in the first place. It didn't start until well after Super had started.
>Goku suggest they spend a day in their timeline then return to Trunks' timeline immediately after they left. It's a time machine, after all
>"Beerus you're making a funny face XD !"
Also pic related
You're not allowed to say that. You've got to pick only one and defend it's honour.
>Ok try makong sense of this with what we know from the original manga.
see There is literally no plothole. All of this was established in Dragon Ball.
Trunks went to the future of a newly created past. Timelines are only made when you go to the past because that alters history, going to the future doesn't do anything as shown in the DBS manga where new time rings are not created by going to the future.
No plothole.
sadly no, at best he will go on a rampage after 18 and krilling get fucked hard.
But user what if thats just a personal limitation you feel like you have to do because of imagined social pressures?
Wouldn't it be better to like both, and therefore have more sources of happiness in your life?
>It didn't start until well after Super had started.
But the manga started a month before the anime?
What about time flowing at the same time? Goku and co trained for 3 years that would mean trunks would have to wait 3 years until he could travel again but he didnt age at all not to mention cell settings completely contradict this.
>Toei: lol who cares he just did it now see this gag with future Yajirobe
This arc is going to suck in the anime.
Someone post smug ouchie