Marvel at this impeccable taste.
you are doing it wrong
quit posting this crappy instagram meme. its embarassing
Johnnyfag BTW
I guess I'll have to come back next thread
stop with this meme
W-wait we can still discuss shit
Johnny, Jolyne and Josuke are objectively top 3 in that order.
I love Joseph too.
more villainous gappy memes please
I'd rather not in this thread
Which Josuke?
Jo4suke, although Gappy is rivaling Johnny and Jolyne in terms of development atm.
Speeduwagon best waifu
Which board invented the brain meme?
Why are the first 3 Jojos so sexy? I guess you could include Josuke too.
Instagram and twitter and thats where it should stay.
Yeah, like how cute Narancia is!
European ascendance
i'm reading part 6 right now
this is so fucking boring. when does it pick up? it got good when jotaro showed up but i'm a few chapters past that and this fight cannot keep my interest.
vento oreo didn't get good until giorno joined passione, so i'm hoping there's something similar for stone ocean.
What arc are you on? Manhattan Transfer?
fuck marry kill first 3 jojos go
How fast are you reading it? If you're speedreading then a lot of things will fly over your head.
Don't know how I can help you if you're not interested in Jolyne though, since from SO onwards the JoJos are much more fleshed-out like her the series might not be for you.
Marry Jonathan
Fuck Joseph
Kill Jotaro
Can we kill and fuck the same JoJo?
SO can be pretty hit and miss. The only part that felt like a drag for me was the high security arc. Loved the opening third and final third.
kill marry and fuck none of them because I'm not gay and they're not real
>when does it pick up?
around Guard Westwood's Secret. there are some good fights like Foo Fighters and Jumpin' Jack Flash before that, though.
fuck jonathan
kill joseph
marry jotaro
I should also note that you should make sure you're reading the colored version, it honestly makes all the difference
hi kars
fuck off, priest.
Marry Jonathan
Fuck Jonathan
Kill all of them
not yet
i'm not rushing through it but i'm not analyzing araki's every line or anything like that. jolyne is fine, i think my gripe is the prison setting does nothing for me.
i am
i like your taste.
>wake up
>check to see if They Called Him Diavolo has been retranslated
>it hasn't
>go back to sleep
It picks up after Manhattan Transfer and Jolyne becomes much more interesting.
The middle is a fucking chore though. I'd call it one of the worst parts of Jojo overall.
But after they leave the prison it becomes immensely better.
I really wanted to like you user but
>Least favorite crew
>Least favorite JoJo
>Favorite JoJo
>Least favorite Jojo
Well you are just a dumb contrarian
>Liking Joseph over Giorno
>monkey trouble is his least favorite fight
>joseph fags THIS assblasted
At least i like jonathan.
i would actually like the part 4 crew if it wasnt for Rohan, it ruins the aesthetic for it.
i thought joseph was everyone's least favorite jojo because he's an asspulling meme spouting retard
>if it wasnt for Rohan
wew this is some garbage tier taste
besides Sup Forums, most of the other sites have joseph as their favorite jojo.
Everyone who hates Joseph just hates him because he's popular with animeonloes.
That's why the people who hate him usually praise Girono. Because they want to be manga elitists.
That's the only reason and if you disagree you are retarded.
>Everyone who hates Joseph just hates him because he's popular with animeonloes.
You seriously cant believe this. Can you?
Do nothing to Jonathan
Marry Joseph
Fuck and kill Jotaro
Is it wrong to actually like Joshep I mean he wasn't the most developed JoJo but he was entertaing. Also it was nice that Araki didn't flanderize him and made him somber down as time went on
to be fair, im not a manga elitist, back then i used to be a part 2 fan but never said such thing as joseph being my favorite jojo.
i dont actually hate Rohan, i just feel he doesnt fit with the other three.
That other guy is a faggot but you might be an even bigger one. How 'bout that?
What are their stands?
I'll be bot
My favorite Jojos are Jolyne, Johnny and Josuke, in that order.
Giorno's just pretty mediocre all around and gets outshone by everyone else in his part. I'm pretty sure that people praising him is just contrarianism.
>Everyone who hates Joseph just hates him because he's popular with animeonloes.
Part 2 Joseph has nothing but tricks, him being a support character in part 3 and 4 is much better.
Of fucking course it's not wrong. I'm not saying he's the best, but it's not wrong to like him, or any other character for that matter, but if want to talk as objectively as possible Joseph is better than Giorno for example. Not being the "best" doesn't mean he's shit, and you shouldn't feel bad for liking a character that gets a lot of shit in these threads. It's okay to like something that the majority hates.
>hurrr if u like this character u are just a contrarian
Please just fucking kill yourself.
Let's be fair
So people who have part 2 as their favorite part what does it do better than the others besides pacing. This is from someone who has Part 2 as the 3rd worst part
you make it even worse.
The villains are much more intimidating
why the fuck do both of you have Joseph on there twice?
Pacing can inherently make people prefer something. A lot of Parts after Part 2 have some pretty bad pacing according to who you talk to
JoJo does become an entirely different series after Stands are introduced, but Joseph is both a follow up to Jonathan and a way to twist those expectations in a fresh, new way that tends to entertain the audience
The writing is technically flawed, but camp can carry
The only way you fix a shit meme is to ignore it. You have failed spectacularly. If I was Fugo, I'd stab your eye with a fork.
None of them have Joseph twice. You're thinking of another pic.
Apparently, Josephfags retain an inferiority complex in regards to Giorno. Interesting.
Hermit purple for both
you're wrong
>if want to talk as objectively as possible Joseph is better than Giorno
araki described johnathan as a "kind" person, and joseph as a "rude" person.
describe every other jojo's personality in 1 word
Why did Araki turn Joseph into a cheating bastard?
It hurts having Joseph as my favorite Jojo but hating cheaters.
Pedo PLEASE, i just saw this picture pack in the DBS thread and my curiosity is too peaked
jotaro: autistic
fuck i meant Pedro. they're are no pedophiles on Sup Forums
>captcha:Let OP VOORANG!
>Two Josephs
Is this some sick new meme I'm missing out on?
>as possible
It's impossible to be entirely objective when discussing who's a better Jojo.
top and bottom are Joseph
or did you speedread part 2?
johnny: lazy
It's literally because of these threads and only because of these threads
Apparently it's because Joseph and Jonathan look very alike.
jotaro - autism
josuke - gay
giorno - doormat
jolyne - bitch
johnny - dickless
gappy - retarded
>just because jotaro is a silent person makes him edgy and autistic
end this meme.
Joseph has big brain and big muscles and good humour that's why he is charismatic.
go to bed jotaro
Jotaro looks amazing in blue, I'm kinda annoyed David Pro just made his coat a more stark black