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I place one monster in face down defense position, then place a card face down in the spell/trap card zone and end my turn.
check em KoG
>giving your opponent life points
you combo it with something that when they gain life they lose that much instead but if they counter that then youre fucked and they get the 3k
This is probably one of those cards that only exist for a cool switcheroo scene in the anime where you chain like three spells to make gaining life points a bad thing somehow.
I activate the effect of D/D swirl slime, sending it and D/D necro slime to the grave to fusion summon Temujin. I normal summon Lamia then tune it and Temujin to synchro summon Alexander. I activate the effect of swirl in my grave to special summon D/D/D ragna from my hand. The eff of Alexander and ragna activates, bringing back temujin and lamia from the grave. I tune lamia and Alexander for Siegfried, activating the effect of temujin which brings back alexander from the grave. I activate lamia's eff from the grave, sending temujin to the grave to special summon it. I then tune alex and lamia to synchro summon Crystal Wing. I then banish necro from my graveyard and alexander to fusion summon beowulf. I overlay beowulf and ragna to xyz summon Number 38. I set two cards. I'll give you a chance fag, your turn.
Synchro what?
wouldn't these three cards plus other cards that makes it easier to search them out make a decent exodia deck?
D-boyz exodia decks are pretty broken
I summon Harpie Girl!
searching for this I see they've changed its name to 'Slime Toad' now. What the fuck? You can't just change the name of classic cards especially to something so lame and generic
I play Pot of Desires! It allows me to abuse Omega even more!
This was probably done so they won't have to write "except Frog the Jam" on any new Frog card effects.
It's dumb anyway. Like having frog the jam consistency would break the meta
>using raigeki against two monsters with spell negation
>two monsters with spell negation
This game sounds like bullshit.
Oh boy that's an understandement, games are determined by going first
Understatement* excuse my esl
I want to FUCK harpies.
Yugioh card templates are so ugly compared to other card games except maybe early mtg. The only decent looking cards to me in ygo are the Xyz's
Next you're going to tell me that they use rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes first, so the rock-paper-scissors metagame has evolved to ridiculous levels and the year is 20XX.
This seems like an absolutely worthless card.
In fact does anyone make decks anymore with non-effect cards? What's the point of having non-effect cards in your deck?
The game of rock paper scissors would probably last longer than the game itself
I don't play the game, but I thought you couldnt attack on the first turn? Does that not help then?
So basically, you set up 2-4 monsters with op effects first turn (which is easy because the game is super fast currently) and if you're lucky enough, a dimensional barrier (fucks over the new cards like pendulums, xyz, synchro and fusion) or a solemn trap card (negates summons or effects). You "win" the game by the fact that your opponent can't do anything to break your established board and they just flounder helplessly while you otk the following turn
Rock paper scissors meta and mindgames is the true height of skill in Yugioh.
Goddamn that is broken.
Dimensional barrier fucks over ritual as well if you decide to play that.
Cards that seem worthless sometimes get support cards to go with them.
Mokey Mokey can actually be used for a OTK but in the current meta it'd be retarded to try
The new link cards might be a decent enough speed bump for the game but it just makes the game more convoluted and harder to get into than it currently is. I got into the game when it was in it's baby stages and it was simple but if you try to teach a new player now, they'd need a phd to understand the fucking game with it's rulings, timings and combos
what the fuck does that do
It's banned now but you get the idea
How did we go from these...
to this
>tfw you want to play yugioh again but the game is too fast and complex now
wtf is this xyz and pendulum shit?
To this clusterfuck
Powercreep. Also what the fuck is that thing?
shit that's about to be neutered by the new, more complicated mechanic
The final boss from the most recent anime
i will use the blue eyes white dragon
An anime card
Not gonna lie, I like the new link card designs
I attack with my face up Giant Penis card with it's effect your monster is impregnated.
What, gains bonuses based on positioning on the battlefield?
So previously, you could synchro/xyz/pendulum summon out the ass and as many times as you want but the new rules only allow you to do so once normally. You only get one designated monster card zone to summon an extra deck monster. You need the new link cards to summon more. The arrows around the card image dictate where you can place those monsters. Think of it as a multi power plug adapter for your extra deck. This slows down the game a bit
I deploy "Earth's Defense Force: Storm Team (Air Raider)" and activate his effect:
I place one Limpet Token per Level of your Petit Angel.
Each Token deals 100 Damage to your Life Points at the end of your standby phase.
There's no way you can survive 300 Damage all at once... look's like it's my win...
nothin' personnel.
I tribute all three of your monsters to normal summon Sphere Mode to your side of the field. Activate Card Advance, allowing me to reorganize the top 5 cards of my deck, then play The True Name to excavate Twin Twister and add an Obelisk to my hand. Discard one card to activate Twin Twister and destroy your two set cards, then play Obedience Schooled to special summon 3 low level effect beasts with different names to my side of the field. I use the additional tribute summon of Card Advance to normal summon Obelisk the Tormentor and set one card face down. So much for your board faggot.
Heh, how can you activate Obedience schooled if I never destroyed your petite angel
I'm clearly not that faggot and if I was I'd just say I play Creature Swap to take back the Petit Angel then play True Name to summon Obelisk, giving me two 4k attackers. TT your board clear and swing for game after using Ra's effect to send off Petit Angel.
Or you use it to widen the LP gap between you and your opponent to allow certain spells/traps to activate.
Heh, I chain two mind crushes sending sphere mode and true name to grave during standby
Heh, not good enough kid. The two backrow were Self destruct button and wall of revealing light. Pay 7000 lp during standby phase then self destruct for tie. Nothing personnel
I topdeck Reno Jackson on 1 hp and heal to full
Don't lie anons. We all know those were solemn and barrier. And shame on you for trying to act out otherwise.
You've activated my trap card!
what's the point of this?
Is Tormod's Crypt in your graveyard when it exiles it?
>When nothing remains, everything is equally possible.
I counter your trap card
Nice one
What does this card even do? also why is it every card type besides trap?
That's the anime version. It's bullshit in the show.
The playable version is pretty shit
Because traps are gay.
Supreme King Dragon Zarc
Pendulum effect:
You can release 1 "Supreme King" monster you controls; Special Summon this card, ignoring its Summoning Conditions.
Anime Effect
This card is always treated as if it has Rank Equal to its Level.
Must be Special Summoned by the Effect of "Astrograph Magician", and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways
If this card is Special Summoned: You can destroy all monster your opponent controls, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the sum of the ATK of those destroyed monster's they had on the field. This card cannot attack the turn this effect is activated.
While there is a Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monster in the Graveyard or banished: this card cannot be destroyed, also it is unaffected by effects that would make this card leave the field.
Monsters you control are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters.
If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can Special Summon 2 "Supreme King Servant Dragon" monsters from your Extra Deck in Defense Position
If your opponent adds a card(s) to their hand (except during the Draw Phase): You can destroy that card(s).
It had to accommodate all sorts of asspull effects to make it last 5 episodes in a duel against everybody and their mom until it got asspulled to death.
I can imagine future cards being like (this effect ignores effects that prevent that card from being destroyed)
Playable is still pretty bullshit, it's just that like Sophia/Tierra it just ain't worth the effort to actually bring it out, especially when all that effort is immediately rewarded with Dimension Barrier or Gameciel.
No. It's sacrificed as a cost, not part of the ability. After costs are paid, the ability is put on the stack. So, once it resolves, the card is already in the graveyard.
To utterly crush the morale of your opponent by denying them control of the situation. They are forced to watch, helpless and impotent, as all their plans and skill are rendered most.
Only in death is one truly free.
>>Because traps are gay.
>t. Jounouchi
>Oh yeah? Well my card prevents you from ignoring effects that would prevent their effect.
I place 3 trap cards face down and end my turn.
I summon Mushroom man, end my turn
I summon jinzo to the field and end my turn
I choose your extra monster zone. Get leled.
I flip summon man-eater bug, who I had secretly played in the face-down attack position in my magic/trap zone
I activate spell binding circle, it may be in japanese but I've translated what it does it goes "The effects of all opponents cards are nullified for this turn and the opponent looses 1000 life points for all monster cards secretly played as trap cards"
Konami of America representative here. I'm afraid that card comes too close to depicting a religious symbol. We'll have to censor this move.
>Science Soldier
Ah man, I remember I got this and Mr. Volcano in a card pack once. I used to like those cards a lot until I realized how bad they sucked.
It's like Im actually watching the dub. I need slightly more Brooklyn accent though.
I play the Cyverse/Normal Non-effect monster
That's What Skill Drain does lol
if Dark Souls taught me anything this one is the real deal