What are imoutos for, Sup Forums?
On the Matter of Imoutos
You have to ask?
A complicated process lasting approximately 9 months that will result in a daughter/niece.
i wish i was a imouto
For being better looking than you, being better at everything than you, having more friends, getting more recognition, being loved by your parents more than you. You see how much better her life is than yours and you sometimes wonder if your life would have been better if you were born a girl instead of a boy, and then you realize how much you envy her and are actually somewhat resentful of her for being the younger, prettier, smarter, more outgoing, and overall better person purely because she was born a girl and you weren't.
And then you stop yourself from thinking that way because it just makes you want to kill yourself so you go back to doing whatever it is you do to distract yourself from those feelings, whether it is video games, anime, alcohol, masterbating or whatever.
>What are imoutos for, Sup Forums?
Being the only person in your life you's sacrifice everything for.
Mikan is a slut that shows her bare anus to her brother daily.
Waking you up in the morning
Then through the hardships and sorrow, you emerge stronger, better looking, more successful than she is. Men age like wine women like milk.
Secret worship
Being inferior to nee-chans
>that christmas ova
for lewdin'
Being really fucking smug.
Going half a year to jail for.
For cherishing
She must be an animal in bed.
Platonic hand-holding and playing vidya with. Oneechans are where the magic happens.
I would calibrate Miyuki every night.
Mating press anal creampies.
The same thing you'd do with tomboys and your recently divorced mom.
I wish my imouto woke me in the morning ;-;
for taking baths with
For gentle dicking, and tender loving
The dicking can turn rougher at the imoutos discretion
>40010 1-GO
>Imouto grinding on your morning wood trying to wake you up while you're pretending to be asleep
>Imouto grinding on your morning wood trying to wake you up
> pretending to be asleep
>would deny mating press anal creampies to your recently widowed mom
My sister used to wake me up in the morning when we were young. She would yell "WAKE UP WAKE UP EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE over and over until I exploded in a rage and told her to shut the fuck up
She always left me red in the face
Can smug Mikan be stopped?
Smug imoutos are the most dangerous thing an onii-chan can encounter
For being inferior to Onee san
If you look up smug in the dictionary its just a page of Mikan's face.
it just it me or does Mikan have a plump rump?
Me too
I'm tired of waking her up instead
Fucking lazy ass
Just her the D
Her rump isn't the only thing that's plump
Wait which one is it? A daughter or a niece?
>implying anyone can reach me when I'm asleep
You'd have an easier time breaking into a bank vault.
Now that I think about it I hope I don't ever get struck by some serious illness when I'm asleep.
Both. It's a child of your sibling, by you. So, daughter/niece
Anyone who has an Imouto fetish obviously never had a little sister.
Annoying, selfish yelling piece of shit who will take advantage of anyone willing to do what she says. Obviously they improve as persons over time, but you'll never, EVER find her attractive after you have seen the worst self of that person's entire life.
Never trust the lies of the eternal nip.
>comparing 2d and 3d
Fuck off you don't belong here
pls do not speak for everyone lad
i have both a 2d and a 3d imouto fetish and have an imouto
Was that an adaption of any of the chapters or was it original?
I feel you. I wake up everyday at 6 a.m. to do my stuff and to make her's breakfast, I wake her up at 10 a.m. She's lazy af.
Fuck off. I want to fug my cute imouto!.
Video games
What sort of vidya do imoutos or onee-chans play with their respective onii-chan/otouto?
I imagine Fire Emblem is on the list somewhere, especially Genealogy of the Holy war, and Sacred Stones
For being part of my imouto and nee-san sandwich
They are for lewding
Arvis is a cunt
Sticking things up their butts
I want to be Haruki.
yet you post two imoutos my friend, maybe your sandwhich consists of only siblings of lesser age
Two imoutos?
imouto desu
For being superior in every possible way to their nee-samas
Imoutos are for comforting with hugs after they lost their virginity to Chad!
NTR was a mistake.
I really love how fucking hard 40010 is pushing for a mikan end with all those doujins.
Does a man more dedicated to a single girl exist?
To calm down that morning wood.
Mikan is probably the girl I fapped the most to yet I haven't watched TLR.
Arvis did nothing wrong before Manfroy got his hands on him. Even then, every thing he did was for the preservation of his empire, and for his love of Deirdre.
The mans life sucked balls, from his birth to the moment he let Seliph kill him
For resting their boobs on your head
They ask the important questions
>Your little sister will never mickey mouse you
Repaying loans
For showing that they are better than the rest of the girs.
Friendly remember, only 7 days to know the end of TLR darkness
Only 7 days until my last decent fap. Until the next series or anime is released.
If there is no sequel I might have to kill myself.