Buyfag Thread
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feels bad missing pre-order on this and the Alter Yagyu
Maybe you should stop buying so much expensive soaps to clean your balls with then.
I want to marry a figure !
Got my DHR6000 in the mail today.
Definitely worth the money
Alright faggots
Who's getting this THICCNESS?
I already placed a preorder for it on amiami. Can't wait
I rike it
it looks a little flat user
Is it really worth this much??
is this like the king of Dakimakura body pillows or something. please explain
Preordered on NY yesterday.
Seems like a good first(and last) Sonico figure.
>14,000 yen
Holy fuck, when did fig makers become such greedy shits?
>buying her on NY
Why? Should just get her from amiami
>No box.
I wouldn't buy it.
I much prefer this Sonico, looking forward to it.
>That one girl on mfc complaining about her ass being too big
I bet she posts here too
>order Alter Hartmann on Monday
>EMS shipping notification Wednesday
>package notification on my door today
If they can do this from Tokyo to bumfuck Arkansas for $20, why can't they make a $10 service that gets here in 8-12 days?
I preordered her from amiami. Which now makes me want more sonico figures. Namely pic. But also will eventually hunt down bondage version as well as the after party sonicos.
> Alter Hartmann
God tier taste. Get Bunny Hartmann too.
I'm getting the gold ring package
As far as I can tell, yes
>Mfw i was hotgluing that Sonico and accidentally jammed my penor way too hard on her headphones and broke them
Not sure why the Sonico headphones are so brittle. I've hotglued my two Porkchops and have yet to break their headphones
I got the DHR5000 since it ships internationally and its great as well
really wanted both of these Sonico's but i don't have enough face to display them, at the end of the days she's just an sex symbol for buyfaging.
And pay $100 on customs?
No way.
why do so many porkchop scales have such tiny fucking heads? like the 1/3 and beer garden are ok but then you have this
Got some Tanya stuff in.
Postcards, clear file, wallscroll and v7 of VN.
Tempted to frame the postcards to be honest.
Oh, I live in the BEST country in the world so I don't have to worry about customs.
Your waifu is a man
One of her worst figures not gonna lie. This is probably the best Porkchop figure
Does anyone know if its still outrageously priced?
Why do Sonico's headphones have to ruin everything? I love the pastel colors on this figure, but her stupid ass headphones ruin it.
Ahead of you my man
I'm ok with that.
which sonico is this?
and why the fuck do they call it the bondage version? it's just a skimpy leather rock outfit, meanwhile she has an actual bondage version floating around
Nice. I like the original bunny a little more, but that's just me. Hartmann best girl.
Good taste my man.
Will native make a Porkchop figure before she gets a nendo?
Eh, I agree with her (and everybody else who says so, for that matter).
Handegg Pochaco is the best one.
ass is slightly too big for the character, especially with pochaco around handling the thicc, but not too big for asses
the real question is tanned or stock?
Normal. Oompaloompa versions are disgusting.
Regular Porkchop is best always
I want to hotglue it so bad but I can't afford it, fuck.
I'll just have to satisfy myself with Sonico doujins ;_;
Sonico was literally made for hotgluing and nothing more
You elected a protectionist president. Let's see how long that lasts.
that's not how you spell meido/beer garden
the upcoming jogger and wedding porkies look cute too
>thread already ruined by the porkfags.
Can we make another one?
This one's noticeably less THICC than the others, I like it.
Face looks derpy though.
No. The same thing will happen.
Justified in the 10th anniversary thingy at least.
Nah, just ignore them and keep posting anything but.
Fuck off with your fat cunts.
there's two versions, like this better?
Cute feet.
...What the fuck is this pose?
Can it be blue time, then?
Yes, that one is way better in the face.
Would Porkchop lovers buy this as a fig?
Anything /buyfag/ related, but sure.
I'm still waiting for this art to get figures.
Both are up for preorders!
>May 2017
Will they let me buy just the bottom half of a figure?
Daidouji when
>Tempted to frame the postcards to be honest.
Why wouldn't you? That's what I plan to do with the shit I got from all my Funi Blu-rays.
If I can remember where I put the FMA:B ones.
Also the TTGL Nia Artbook set.
Her gut is as big as her boobs so no
Porkchop has huge tits and a slight belly which is perfect
Jesus Christ, this fat piece of shit is disgusting, pls stop
>Porkchop is fat
If you think shes fat wait till you see her sisters
How much did the package weigh?
What do.
I can't even display Stronger's with my 35cm shelves.
Where are the proofs?
i think with box and all it was 3.5kg or something
wow seeing them side by side is kind of jarring
Huh that's pretty neat, guess I'll start saving up for a daki.
That's my biggest problem.
You can't afford 200 bucks for 01/2018 ?
I can't
I'm sure my future self can though
2018? Thought it already came out, shit.
Yeah I've been eyeballing that one you just posted. I'm in a mercilous hunt for the best Sonico figures I can find. So far I have two in mind.
This one. And possibly pic related.
Anyone have this one? I really like her face. Skytube after all.
Girl here
Don't understand why you guys ruin your figures like this. I certainly dont want to watch a guy cum on a figure and im sure most girls wont either
Is it buyfaging to buy all the Fate themes for my PS4, because I did.
How many pillow covers do you fellow buyfags own?
1 of my waifu
0 and I intend to keep it that way.
Same here. Fuck those things.
Have two on preorder as well
Just 1 real one.
13 and a half pillow cases.
2 bed sheets.
Hanayo would look a lot better if they used a lighter shade of green on her sleeves.
What do they mean by, "My body type represented through her?"
Disgusting. You should have 1 or maybe an alternate lewd one of your waifu and your waifu only.
Not my thing bro. I'll buy posters, scrolls, artbooks, and figures only. These dakimura cost too much and I'd rather spend the money on something else.
landwhale obviously
i own 1 cover and no pillow
im on the edge of preordering these two