Fate/Grand Order was a fucking mistake.
This is Emiya Shirou
What's the problem?
How does he have guns?
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Enrico Pucci?
You were a mistake and yet your mother still kept you.
how did he turn into a russian sushi shop crew in shibuya?
Why is he a black guy instead of having paler skin like all alters tend to have.
My first thoughts, what the hell?
Blame Kiara. She's somehow responsible.
Why is he black?
Why does he have short hair?
Why is he blonde?
What? What? What?
>Why is he black?
No fucking idea. If something, being Alter makes your skin paler, not blacker.
>Why does he have short hair?
I believe his haircut enforces his african design.
>Why is he blonde?
Looks white to me, like regular Emiya.
>What? What? What?
It's fucking shit, yeah.
Is that a motherfucking jojo reference?
Shut up nigger
This is a japanese boi
Not a huge fan of the design but I like the final art.
U mad op
Funny how he looks more of a SMT character than a Fate one.
>black is the new white
For some reason now I'm thinking of how much Here I Go Again and Made in Heaven fit EMIYA's backstory so well and how the conception of C-Moon matches Kanshou and Byakuya's description.
Why do people still pay attention to this franchise?
The art by itself is not bad. Replace the swords with a hugeass spear and you get Shaka Zulu as a Lancer.
But that's no Emiya. It simply isn't.
what the nigger
Well worst character get worst with every new version. Based kiara.
The fourth one is literally Pucci.
So is he going to get together with Saber, and prove right all those memes?
At least they didn't fuck up the only character that matters
Me two minutes ago:
>What the fuck?
Me one minute ago:
>The design is not that bad
Me now:
>Ok, I'll accept it. It's not like I'll wouldn't accept sooner or later anyway
But I still agree with this user
Can't be mad at Alters if you don't play GO
Spiral Staircase
I only see an improvement.
Are you really that insecure and that pathetic that a Japanese drawing of a black guy scares you, OP?
Too bad they didn't go with hip hop music when he fire that gun. That would be fun.
There are no black people in Japan.
Most white people are ugly thin or fat faggots with punchable face.
Does not change that most drawings of them are highly idealized and bullshit in nature.
It's a problem if the character was originally a japanese ginger. Fate archer was already pushing it but this is just off. May as well make him a different character. But here's your (you), cuck
There's a few, and not even hafus
Who brought whites into this? A Jap boy becomes black.
The power of meme magic gone wrong. You fools aren't strong enough to contain it.
Is Shirou finally confirmed to be an asian/african mix?
US military bases.
Maybe this is from an alternate universe where Kiritsugu raised a black kid?
If they hadn't given him black person lips and hair it would be within acceptable limits but they literally just made emiya an african.
Shaka Zulu would be a badass servant.
Taiga has ZERO good porn
What is the point of life?
They literally ripped off the black guy from BubukiBuranki
>Black African male
>White European woman
What did they mean by this?
Let's go with this theory, at least it makes sense
But then why is the black version of Shirou the only one to get Alter'd?
Glorious Nippon MC can't be evil. Blacks can though.
She's a growing girl
is this like how sion gets BLACKED when she turns into dust of osiris?
It is confirmed to be Shirou, he still has UBW after all and the backstories match up. I can buy Shirou getting tanned after hanging out in the middle east for years but this design is just terrible it has some of the worst art and derpiest face in all of FGO.
not only did his skin turn black but his lips too nigga got some big ass lips.
>We want the JoJo audience
He has projection magic and UBW, it's Shirou.
If going Alter can turn Heroine X into a Sith, it can turn Emiya into a black guy.
Why did he get a niggy haircut too?
Stay mad fag
Abuse projection = get a tan and white hair.
Abuse it even more = become black and start losing your hair.
Projection: not even once.
>Emiya Alter
Emiya Lily soon.
EX-Rank Housekeeping as a personal skill and YOU NEED TO EAT, I FEEL BAD IF YOU DO NOT EAT.
Is this where he ended up after Stone Ocean?
Yup made in heaven resets really did a number on him
I never knew it was so jarring, but edgelord shaft-tilt Negrodamus EMIYA has really jumped the shark for me.
There's a lot of silliness I can put up with, such as the inventor-turned-into-a-robot, King Hassan being some sort of eldritch lich king, Miyamoto Musashi being a (boring) Saberface, etc, but this takes the cake for flat out tryhard.
>not giving up at Atilla
This does it? Not Jack the Ripper being some sort of slutty loli? Personally I don't mind that, but eh.
Nasuverse Atilla is some sort of crazy alien thing, the design was originally created for Extella and just got shoved in GO first because development took too long.
Oh I know, that doesn't make it better
The forced genderswapping I accepted for the same reason I eventually became comfortable with Saber being actually King Arthur-but-no-the-legends-were-WRONG; turning things into cute girls for no reason is just part of the medium.
Ruining Archer and turning him into Pucci-but-edgy is just...jarring, aesthetically and thematically. It's a very good design overall, but why the fuck make him in any way related to Archer? Why give him totally-not-guns when Nasu already said Servants can't have guns due to [easily ignored Nasuverse rule for sake of powerlevels]?
I'm starting to go full-Frodo on this simply because it is so inordinately forced when it never needed to be.
Why did he turn into a gay priest?
>UBW not only has gears but chains
Just how massive is this guy's suffering?
He got Dio's spiked dick in the post-Stone Ocean universe reset and he got really mad to the point he became a Servant.
Ostensibly there's some Kotomine sadism dick in there too, to iron out Shirou's now-inexplicable relation to evil priests.
I bet this is linked to Amakusa Shirou as well somehow.
You're at a dance hall when these two girls come over and slaps your husbando's ass
What do you do?
Saber BBC memes are as real as the Rin doujin memes.
I think he retconned the rule so that Servants can use guns,but they can't be Noble Phantasms, one of MANY rule retcons because MORE SERVANTS, i think MAGIC SWORD GUNS just bypasses due being ALTERED PROJECTIONS(Get it?) or something like that.
Not that Bobmiya is good or anything.
>Naturally, there exists a reason for the life of a person to change this much.
>What made that man who's soul was as tough as a sword fall,
>was said to be a woman full of affection and love like the virgin mary.
>As compensation for having tracked down this enchantress,
>he had taken the lives of many of her devotees,
>and as if sacrificing himself for their lives, he fell to the path of evil
(alternate translation)
Of course, there must be a reason for a single person's life to change so much.
The fall of the man's soul, who was once as strong as a sword, was due to a single woman who possessed a love befitting that of the Holy Mother.
As the price to hunt down this demonic trait (referring to the woman, I think), many believers fell into that man's hands, and he martyred their lives, falling down the path of heresy
Something something Kiara
Saber being a cuck on the other hand is 100% canon
Servants could have guns since 2010 anyway.
Huh, I never knew there was a contemporary clothing section of FGO (I'm not playing it). What's the context of the Alters living in what seems to be a city-hab punk apartment?
>This is what happens when Shirou throws away his ideals for a woman
>mfw this is HF True Shirou's endgame
It was vaguely allowable for Rider simply because they were single-shot flintlocks mostly powered by magic (otherwise F/Extra would have been a lot slower and easier for the first Servant fight).
Now we're flat out ignoring Nasu's rules because everybody knows a Nasu rule is meant to be broken read: made up, and then ignored to prove a point about powerlevels
I think he could possibly MIND OF STEEL Emiya if one goes that the woman could be Sakura (She loved him, He "sells his soul" to deal with her to become a Hero of Justice, it is implied he gotta kill EVERYONE in the process.)
Not that i would call Sakura Virgin Mary, but we know how hard the wanted to shill her in HF, which incidentally has the movie coming up.
Remnant takes place in Shibuya, apparently.
>those faces
lay down and let them pee on me
So HF True leads to Sakura getting blacked.
I find this hilarious and appropriate.
And it makes sense since they were looking for a new doll body for him anyway IIRC, probably ended up getting a black one due those being cheap and Rin being stingy with money.
But Shirou has a lot of money too. It makes more sense that Shirou just wanted a bigger dick to fill all that empty space Sakura's pussy still has after taking his cock.
The art sucks, but I like the design and his gameplay.
His versions of K&B are neat, both separate and combined.
Gun versions are weird, but w/e.
Sakura makes zero sense here, she never even comes close to being shown as a Madonna figure. Not to mention she doesn't have a cult full of followers or whatever.
This design is pure POTTERY
>Not to mention she doesn't have a cult full of followers or whatever.
>he's never seen the Sakurafags who insist she's a virgin
Goddammit Luvia