What do you think that Japan makes anime as their own propaganda?
What do you think that Japan makes anime as their own propaganda?
Many anime characters who are Japanese tend to be stronger and a justice side rather than western heroes.
On the other hand, many anime characters who are Caucasians or Chinese are treated like fool or evil.
I guess that Japanese make their anime characters as strong as hero in Hollywood movies because they are weak in the real world.
Japanese people envy western culture and history, and so they insult westerns.
I think someone should stop making the ridiculous propaganda in anime to Japan.
I greatly prefer it to my own countries propaganda. It's highly watchable, and I can masturbate to most of it.
Shouting "I don't understand difficult things but you're wrong!" is not on the side of justice. Its just being an idiot.
you got pissed off with nazi anime?
Japan wants to sale their sword to the world lol
they always make katana as the ultimate weapon
Tanya was Japanese man, and then he changed his sex and body.
I feel that some people in Japan wanna be white people because they lost in WW2
White people as a whole lost WW2
holy shit. man, now that I've learned the existence of weeaboo, I don't even see The Last Samurai in such a way.
yet I don't*
The only group of people who came out as victors from WWII were the Jews.
I believe that Japan wants to be Americans.
'cause they would be able to behave rude if they were Americans.
OVER A THOUSAND TIMES you baka gaijin can't compete.
wtf japan
this is my best propaganda anime for Japan
How did it end?
>loli trap
Vastly prefer it to western garbage.
the western media is far more guilty of propaganda by entertainment means
the movies in US/UK by far reflect the media's preferred life for their subjects / consumers.
Prometheus the movie (1 and the new 2) are full on SJW insinuations...
most pop music and r&b flaunt lifestyles the listener will enjoy, not benefit from, and will give the most money to the media's supporters...
japan is far more honest
why are people who have tiny eyes treated as villains in anime?
I know Japan hates Koreans.
>everyone hate korea
Isn't that pic Hirano? Isn't he a Westaboo? The only Japanese character in Hellsing gets slaughtered.
>Prometheus the movie (1 and the new 2) are full on SJW insinuations...
Like what? All I saw was a shitty reboot on an old franchise. Have you ever considered that you're just so far too the one side that everything just looks like propaganda?
>Isn't that pic Hirano? Isn't he a Westaboo?
You are fucking kidding me lol