What evolutionary pressures were being forced upon East Asians to make them have such high IQs?
Asian IQs
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cannibalism (srs)
The fact that many of their parents disown them for getting A-'s, no seriously
> none.
Their high IQ is a genetic artifact, from when they evolved from whites.
if there is one thing in common between the more intelligent races it is that the further away from the equator your get, the more intelligent they had to be to survive
however in extreme cases like the Inuit, they are such a small population that it is likely that generations of inbreeding has depressed their intelligence
Physical weakness
Having to grow rice. Growing rice is very complex.
Why are you so butthurt that Asians are more intelligent than you? Whites paint well, move on.
Asian high iq is a myth foisted on the West so Westerners would accept floods of Asians
Same as the myth about the religion of peace
>No runner can run 100 meter with the under 10 sec
>Japanese team run faster than America
This is IQ
Rampant cheating on tests to satisfy Asian tiger moms?
>implying you wouldn't want to bang a qt nip any time of the day
it's the truth, white people will be absorbed into the asiatic horde by 2050
Confucian Meritocracy.
China had a policy loosely based on Confucian ideals of making the smartest people into regional magistrates. They would pass a test to become these magistrates, and often times the sons of magistrates who passed the tests gained the post because they were generally genetically disposed to be smarter and have more time to study. But anyone from any class could take the test, and sometimes peasants who were very smart and worked very hard passed the test. The magistrates had ample breeding opportunities, obviously, so their genes promulgated.
This is just a paraphrase of something I read in a book called "Confucious Lives Next Door." Honestly the only time I've ever heard of that, but seems legit.
This is also why China never had somebody like Shakespeare, because passing a fucking test is not what makes you a good person necessarily.
t. low standardized test scorer
Went to school with "east Asians". After school I would go play sport for 4-5 hours. They would go to extra math classes for 4-5 hours.
You realize Asian iq is just a meme right? They all fucking cheat on tests.
White people gained our intelligence from planning ahead for winters. We grew up in the wide open wilderness of Europe. Asians on the other hand grew up in small river valleys near the China sea. The temperatures there were far nicer, and the ground more fertile, but the limited size meant they had to constantly deal with each other. Cohesive Asian tribes were a necessity if they wanted to survive the tough competition for resources. You couldn't really break off from the tribe to form sub-communities in the same way White could in Europe. This meant there was strong selective pressures on Asians to be intelligent, but also to be conformist.
White people were culled by Winter, Asians were culled by each other. That's the reason white people don't have as strong of a collectivist streak and also why Asians are less ingenuitive than Whites.
How do you explain tests conducted in western countries on Asians raised in western cultures?
If you won't accept that Asians have higher IQ, then what's stopping you from coming to the conclusion that blacks have lower IQ only because they aren't motivated or educated?
Nigerians also have a pretty high iq in Western countries. Does this mean they wuz big brain'd kangs?
The Chinese are the only ones who actually cheat though because they only give tests out to people in major cities, not random han farmers.
What part of any large Chinese city is a western nation? And source on the Nigerians? The only things I could find on google were blogs. And even then they only claimed 92-100 average IQ and explained it by immigration screening bias.
IQ is nonsense. It only measures right-brain intelligence (mathematics, memory, logic, etc.) and completely ignores creative intelligence, emotional intelligence and capacity to think for oneself. In other words, the tests are biased in favor of what Asians are good at.
Whites invented an estimated 99% of the world's inventions despite being less than 10% of its population. Does that sound like Asians are smarter? They barely deserve to be considered the same species.
>emotional intelligence
opinion discarded
Read the 10000 year explosion faggot
They have no Politically Correct Teachers unions that spend more time indoctrinating students than teaching them.
No commie teachers. Instead of pushing their political agenda most asian teachers actually care about their students' future
Nah, africa is shit no matter how far from equator, all native americans aren't much different
south east asians are worse because our asian gene is weakened by interbreeding with melanesians
West Coast of Canada has a lot of Chinese people.
they're not that high but probably relatively recent civilizational pressures. evolution has accelerated with the advent of civilization
again they're not that high even in the west, where you have to factor in selection bias because of brain drain like anons are pointing out. in fact white americans outperform asian americans on many tests, like PISA for instance
Lol ok..
Flag related
pic related, although I think PISA has since started publishing racial statistics for all tests
Could it be that they are typically smaller and weaker than other races around them, so during early ages when war was all brawn, they needed to be smart?
Strict parents who put a lot of pressure to get high grades
I have went to schools with many of them. The American ones are under performing compared to whites. The ones from Asia just work their asses off and got comparable grades to me who was partying my ass off. I came in number 3 for my CE degree and that's only because I only studied like 3 hours per test.
Ghenghis Khan and his offspring raped and impregnated every good looking woman in East Asia. The dude was one of the smartest people in history so they’re all smart too.
Authoritarian society & brutal tyrannic past. You will notice that asians are very cute. Meaning: those that were less cute killed more frequently. They are also very subservient, disciplined and obedient. Meaning: most evolved as slaves and those who lacked discipline or respect for their masters were killed off. Discipline and awareness of rules requires strict control of actions and that in turn requires intelligence. So: intelligence of asians is just a side effect.
Excessive "honor" and lack of selfness.
Asians arent naturally smarter than anyone, they just are willing to put themselves in absurd 18h / day of study or work because their society demands it.
They spend more time studying and practicing, so they end up smarter.
I have a IQ of 450. This supposed high IQ that asians have is fucking nothing compared to me.
it was a combination of things but essentially its what europe did. fight with each other and dumb people die doing dumb shit. i know what your saying "but every one fought people in africa were fighting with each other before the white man" yes but how effective were they are killing each other? this is about weapons and tactics spears and blow darts have a shorter range than bows. swords are more efficient at killing a person at close range than a stone tipped spear given that at any moment the stone might break in a body
the middle east is better off iq wise than africa and south america is as well. you can see how effective they were at killing each other because the dumb ones die first not the brave
Values, not pressures
What the fuck are you saying?
>most evolved as slaves and those who lacked discipline or respect for their masters were killed off.
Do you have any knowledge of history whatsoever?
Northeast asia has very cold winters
+earthquakes in japan
this, and also the demographic density was just too low for them to produce great civilizations
East-Asians ARE on average more intelligent than whites. This is true for Asians in the UK, USA, Taiwan, Japan, Korea...
That's because, on average, Nigerians that go to the US are on average more intelligent than the average Nigerian in Nigeria. Still, African immigrants in the US have an average iq of around 94, which is still lower than white americans. Same thing for the UK (uk blacks have higher iq than us black, but lower than whites)