Looking for the purest most expensive loli for my friend keep it pure and virgin

Looking for the purest most expensive loli for my friend keep it pure and virgin

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Can I interest you with this refurbished model?


No, that's my wife.

Rin and her friends are top quality lolis.

top notch loli

Kou is a prime loli.

Choose your character.

where's the cleric?


Why is she wearing supreme?

In the other inn.

Just look at it.

They are supposed to be pure

Are you..erm, your friend interested in body type, or age range?

They are all pure.

He likes them short and small and cute very very cute

Look no further. All the money in the world can't afford and maintain Chise.

JC1, short, cute, pure - if a little defenseless, a bit quirky though. Her brain may not be quite right.

no such thing

There is you just choose it not to be

absolute blasphemy, i'll take three



loli breaker


Would you marry a loli?





Probably Hiyoko from Danganronpa.

Is investment banker here? Investment banker! I know you are here! Come out!

Hiyoko probably fucks older men who is into stinky lolis.

I like little girls! I think they're cute!

Huh... why did I graduate at 16 instead of 18...

Was this the reason why im soo fucked up?



Blonde lolis best lolis.

victorique from gosick


be isnt she in high school, arent lolis suppose to be like 15 and under?

What about eternal lolis?

Yes she's not a loli just like how these girls aren't lolis.

Fuck off.

Not giving you a (You) faggot loli is a fucking body type fuck off we do this in almost every thread

I'm not even the same guy, just telling you that using @ makes you even more of a cancer than



I'm not even that guy but you're so pathetic you're probably the same lolis are only under 15 guy.

It's done, here it is: mediafire.com/?ogqujbny33y46uf
I'm really sorry it took this long, I've been very busy lately. Already uploaded it on panda though I don't know how long before the public can read it.


That's really cute. Thank you for everything, man.
>I don't know how long before the public can read it
It's usually 1-2 hours, I think, although the link works fine if you post it here.

Tanya is the purest loli there can be.


You mean disgusting psychopath.

>Disgusting psychopath
What's the difference?

The cunny,