Why is she so underrated senpaitachi? She'd make the perfect wive.
Why is she so underrated senpaitachi? She'd make the perfect wive
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Happy birthday, Chihaya!
Because she's got too many animals.
Smells like wet dog
Muh fucking dick. Sauce pls.
No idea, found it on /d/
[happiness intensifies]
That plain boring stare every day, no thanks
Farmstink Buttlass
Hibbers is love!
>"the smell of sunshine and flowers" in human form
Hibiki has always been my favorite of the 765 idols.
Takane is also good.
Hibiki is a miracle upon the universe. Also the only reason to watch the anime.
because she fucks farm animals
Yes, and...?
You know user? You're right. I'll love her more now.
Except they skipped episode 16, and didn't give her an episode like the others. What the heck was that all about?
Biki always has me so torn. That body was clearly made for breeding but I'm not a fan of dogs or pets in general.
Hibiki is my favorite 765pro, even if she's dumber than a sack of bricks.
I don't think she'd bring her pets on the honeymoon. Or into the marital bedroom, at least during mating sessions with her.
Hibiki is the best 765, 961, and ML
Okinawan monkey.
Does she own a monkey?
>you ever just get a nice, big whiff of photons?
Is Iori trying to convince her the joys of anal?
/ss/ anal
She exists to breed.
I miss her
Is Hibiki a good rival for Haruka?
>takane will never impregnate you
Why go on?
She's hot.
Why did they make her flatter?
She was too overpowered
the fuck
I want to "do it" with Hibiki
What did he mean by this?
beat me to it
Truly does initiates you to ponder
What is this smells of reptile?
If you look closely you can see a bit of head when it's jammed in her mouth
It was just Kuroi faking her three numbers because Kuroi
But she was better as a busty short stack
I want to spank Hibiki.
I don't know shit about Idolmaster but they tend to draw this one with really sexy pubes so she's my favorite.
Hibiki? Underrated?
Are you kidding me?
Dumb genki girls are great though.
Its okay that she is a baka, she isn't alone
So are we EVER going to get a prequel anime adaption of the the first Im@s game and Live for You?
Saw some anons talking about it on /jp/ and here but couldn't tell if they were pulling the idea out of their asses or not.
Chihaya and Hibbers go well together.
OG 765 is dead. Platinum Stars was shit, CG is more popular than it's ever been and now they're going for the fujobucks with Side M.
Just blissfully relish in Hibiki for as long as you can.
You really need to reconsider your sources for images.
Mami definitely WANTS IT in that picture.
Post Chihaya
>Platinum Stars was shit
Explain. Why was it shit?
I haven't played it but I also haven't heard anything positive. Supposedly it's a mediocre rhythm game with aggressive microtransactions and no commus.
Well, if you say so.
I agree. Hibbers would actually make a really great wife. My heart aches every time I see this video.
That's one beautiful, mature looking Chihaya.
Who is this man?
I thought doctor Chihaya was in Side-M.
>tfw Makoto ends up having bigger rack than Hibiki
I love Chihaya!
Can somebody explain to me the Hikibi smells bad meme? Also is it perpetrated by the pro-Hibikis or the anti-Hibikis? And if it's the latter, what is the pro-Hibikis' response to it?
29 years old!
I turned 21 on Monday
I celebrated Chihaya's birthday more than my own
So why exactly did a Hibiki thread turn into a Chihaya thread?
chihayafags are insecure
Because it's Chihaya's birthday, not Hibiki's.
Top 3 idols in no particular order:
Takane, Chihaya, Hibiki > the rest
Mami > Haruka > Chihaya
for me
Makoto, Hibiki and Mami for me.
Mami is a little hottie.
>Mami is a little hottie.
She is.
It's a shame she was never given her own unique stage image that was separate from Ami.
Those two are joined at the hip, even in doujins.
Reminder that Hibiki may be nice, but she'll bite your dick off if you're not gentle with her head.
Best girls of the series.