What the fuck would happen if Boros ate a monster cell?
What the fuck would happen if Boros ate a monster cell?
the monster cell would die
Is boros the equivalent of a super sayan in the OPM universe?
Yeah basically he is
No, a Super Saiyan would have defeated Saitama.
and a laser could beat a super saiyan. Full circle
A mosquito could beat Saitama.
A cat can beat Saitama.
he would've become a God threath level.
He wouldn't do that because he didn't find anybody in the universe (or galaxy?) that couldn't match him
He is equal to Monster Garou so he is already borderline God level (high dragon level).
Why do people think that Sayains can defeat Saitama?
DBZ fans blinded by nostalgia, they think saiyans beat everyone
Boros was definitely god level. It's just that no one got to see him but the one guy that could beat him.
But Boros vs Tatsumaki would've been interesting.
Saiyan saga Vegeta was already a God-Level threat (planet buster). Saitama only faced Dragon-level threats so far.
Also, Saitama could not kill a fucking mosquito.
>my head canon
ONE said Monster Garou was definitely stronger, didn't he? Or am I miss remembering something about ???% Mob?
monster garou had all technique but no actual wide scale destructive power. how is technique going to save you from being vaporised?
I think he said Garou had a slight edge but he definitely didn't say Garou was far stronger.
>fw stopped reading the manga somewhere last year and now can't remember where to pick it up again
>He doesnt understand gag scenes
Also remember when Goku had a rock thrown at him?
He said that Boros and Garou would have a hell of a fight. He never said who would win.
I don't care about arguing our head canon if the creator gave an opinion on it.
Thanks. I'm trying to find it with google, but no luck so far.
Where's this from?
I heard he said Boros has more raw power but Garou has so much more skill that he would be considered a bigger threat.
Just speed read until you stop recognizing stuff, simple.
He said it would be a very even match but that Garou is stronger if it's only in hand-to-hand combat. They're even because Boros has lasers, regeneration and other shit.
Why do OPM fans think Saitama can beat Goku? How do they even think that when Saitama has no universe tier feats.
>Goku was able to create a barrier that could tank Gigyas Zamasu's attacks which ended up destroying the U7 of the Future Timeline. Vegeta and Trunks helped, but Goku is stronger than both of them.
>Punched out Beerus' Sphere of Destruction which had more energy in it that the universe spanning shockwaves from the punches or the beam struggle that nearly blew up the universe
Saitama has nothing on that level. Even a shit tier like Kid Buu can destroy the Earth with a baseball sized ki blast. Beerus and Champa can destroy planets with punches and drop kicks while crossing interplanetary distances in an instant, and Goku is comparable to them. How can Saitama fags seriously believe that Saitama can compete with that just because he punched out a planet buster?
>but the laser beam
Goku was completely depowered and had finished his fight with Golden Frieza, who was dominating Goku until the end of the fight. Goku was tanking Golden Frieza's attacks until he ran out of energy.
Meanwhile Saitama can't catch a mosquito, and a cat was able to hurt him.
>but Goku loses because Saitama is a gag character
Goku fought on par with Arale, who is more of a gag character than Saitama. Arale also has much better feats than Saitama. Pic related shows he sending someone flying light years away to the Sun. She can also headbutt the moon and destroy the Earth with a punch. Saitama has nothing on her.
Anyone who isn't a retard can see that Goku would beat Saitama with one punch. Only thing OPM bros have are uncited interviews.
>a cat was able to hurt him
He just pretended, so the cat wouldn't feel bad
No it couldn't.
>non-canon special chapter
>if he wasn't shown doing thing then he can't do thing
featfags kys
>feats feats feats
I swear, DBZ-fags are the most pathetic posters I've ever seen
>implying you autists don't shit up DB threads with similar content
nanatsu no taizai
He already is. He was a reference to DBZ with his super saiyan forms, with the last being super saiyan 3.
Boros is already a monster from another planet though, so it would do nothing. Not all monsters are created through monster cells.
>light years away
Execute yourself
That's what you are.
Probably something similar to attaching a stick of TNT to a nuclear bomb.
Not a whole lot, his body cant get any stronger and would probably regenerate any changes the monsters cells did.
What if Saitama ate one?
Nothing would happen.
Are you sure you know what light years are?
It is 100% canon that a 100% serious move series attack did 0 damage to a mosquito and that Saitama felt pain from getting scratched by a cat.
It is 100% canon that Goku got shot down by a laser gun and that even after training with the gods for months after the Golden Frieza saga he took serious damage to his arm from a gun with a canon powerlevel of 5.
>I don't know what gagfeats are: the post
Why the hell would a hero destroy a universe or a planet lmao, saitama broke his limiter he could probably destroy reality with a punch if he wanted to. He is a joke character with a single purpose and he does it.
Because they are idiot children who don't understand that a) this is a parody universe and b) toon powers win over everything