Worst anime of the season strawpoll
Had a hard time choosing between Kuzu no Honkai and Seiren.
>no LWA option
fuck off
didn't watch this anime but from all the butthurt, i bet the doujins are going to be sweet
Maidragon. Worst Kyoani show, worse than fucking phantom world.
>Select All that Apply
Gunna have to go with Schoolgirl Strikers. So sad I picked that up.
>One Room
You fucking bastard.
There is anime that can be equally shit
> dragon maid
what the fuck is wrong with you people
I'm aware. That's why I agreed.
Regarding KyoAni, success breeds jealousy.
>mfw voting for kemono friends
Not everyone is so easily entertained by a mindless string of pandering.
>maid dragon
Get a load of this guy.
You guys have disgusting taste.
Kuzu no Honkai and Maid Dragon are easily the best shows this season.
that's why
Just maybe and hear me out here you're the one with shit taste?
The truly worst show is Seiren.
Yeah you're right about that, sorry.
It's supposed to be a comedy, so there's certainly no drama or depth to it.
But there's also no jokes and it isn't funny.
So it's just nothing.
>"But dat loli THICC!", said the maid dragon fan, in what humans are still trying to decide whether or not was meant to be an attempt at a point
Kuzo no honkai is for women and retards.
>no Akiba
>no LWA
>no Minami Kamakura
>no Urara
trash poll
Kuzu is actually pretty unique, you wont see a show like it appearing often. Sad that people who wont even give a chance hating on it
Meanwhile generic CGDCT gets a pass
Nothing i've seen this season comes close to the absolute mediocrity of Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu.
But who cares about voting, like anyone has time to watch all that shit for an informed opinion.
and no Hand Shakers
I love the way this anime triggers Sup Forums so much.
Urara gets plenty of shit too when it's brought up, it's just not popular so people don't mention it often
as long as kuzo no honkai is on the list then its fine.
Everybody should know these things are never about deciding the actual worst show.
They're about taking the most popular hand full of shows and pitting their fanboys against each other for the sake of shitposting.
All the actual worst shows are so unpopular nobody even remembers they exist.
I think it's a great show so I guess I'm a retarded woman.
the show is literally about a single women with 2 pets
maid is a dog
loli is a cat
stop hating
Urara is a treasure you shut up.
Why of course shitposts are what keep threads like this alive, only retards would take strawpolls seriously.
Urara is my vote but this garbage poll doesn't have it
Whatever it is I'm probably not watching it, so I just voted for Masamune-kune, seems pretty bad.
Because Urara is the best.
>Because Urara is the best.
>so I just voted for Masamune-kune, seems pretty bad
Average CGDCT fan right here
Joke's on you I hate both Kuzu and Urara.
Your move nerd.
It has nothing to do with the anime itself and everything to do with KyoAni. A substantial portion of Sup Forums is eternally mad that KyoAni, the most technically skilled studio, refuses to make fightan anime for 10 year-olds.
>dat proxypoll
>he didn't even bother to use the captcha one to make it """""""""""legit"""""""""""
1/10 you made me laugh at you.
Voting for Demi-chan because it's on a little decline now but I'm positive it'll be the worst by far by the time the season's over
Where's the truck?
wrong anime man, the truck one is fuuka
Fuck, im actually enjoying Masamune
kuzu thread
Kuzu no honkai?
more like KUSO no honkai.
Biased poll is biased
Hand Shakers and Eldlive are worse than anything on that list, but it's only fun to shit on things people are actually watching.
Washington DC
>that shitty monster girls anime is in last place
How is the monmosu fad not dead yet, Jesus. The show is fucking stupid, not funny, full of uninteresting characters that barely even quality as monster girls.
>not recognizing that this straw poll is a meme
Get out, faggot.
You're a meme.
We all are.
>he doesn't want to become an anime little girl
>all these salty cunts voting maid dragon
I would have voted Akiba's if it was even relevant enough to make the list lol, since it's not I went Kuzu.
>Kemono friends
You are no friend
I hope you left Hand Shakers off the poll because it would be too easy
No substance trash that draws in retards with cute girls
In this case it's even worse because OP is a retard who's too new to lurk so he heard about a few shows and put them all on a list, but he didn't put the shows he likes in there.
Anyone who's taking this thread seriously should go die a bit. OP should go die a lot.
LWA is really disappointing, and it's already about half way done -.-
LWA and any moeshit this season they are all the same garbage
Why is there so much moeshit this season?
Konoshitba by far.
Shitty tryhard reddit humor.
Found the Sup Forums-tard.
Very difficult choice here. In the end I went with Masamune but I'm not really sure.
There's not one anime I'm enjoying this season.
>kuzu no honkai first
Maybe Sup Forums isn't retarded after all
>maid dragon second
You seem very upset, user.
This. Hand Shakers is gonna go down as one of the worst anime ever made, and you didn't include it in the poll?
>most mature anime of our time
Sasuga Sup Forums.
shit taste my dude
Where are ACCA and Akiba?
Kuzu no honkai takes the romance genre and flips it over and makes it unorthodox, it gives a realistic view to the characters. People that dislike it are either ledditors or Sup Forumsags
dont respond to me moeshit eater
>it gives a realistic view to the characters
not even 3dpd are so fucked up
This was written by 3DPD.
>being stuck in your safespace
Well, that's how the world works if it's all you can do is lying towards yourself, then it's pretty sad
Why must there always be a few retards around to necrobump the shittiest threads?
crossboarder shonefags mad as fuck that based kyoani is BTFOing them yet again.
>i-it's good because it's different, g-guys!
>i-it's supposed to be shit because it's a deconstruction!
Kobayashit flop dragon is the worst anime of the year.
Where the hell do you get that? They're obviously a dyke couple with a son they're forcing to transition
>it's good because it gives realistic view to the characters
That's actually the worst and exactly why it's flopping, no one wants 3DPD shit in anime, hopefully this trend of shitty NTR romance full of sluts ends as soon as possible, only normalfags likes it.
>Dragon maid troll votes.
Hahaha so funny guys.
The clear one is obviously Fuuka, While Kuzu is pretty bad I think it's entertaining enough for you to keep watching.
Maidragon is literally crap.
>opinion is fact
Sasuga tripshitter.
I don't know, I'm kind of burnt out on kuzu as much as I want to like it...
Shut up
Shit taste as expected of a tripfag. Kyoani's seasonal pedo-pandering moeshit should have died out long ago, but this poll gives me hope for Sup Forums.
It's just School Days MK-II feat 2DPD rather than one manwhore.
Waiting for the shock factor murders or it to go full Mayoiga.
do cute little girl anime is not the passport for AOTS
>KnH in the lead
It's not good, but it's not particularly bad, even less so the worst.
>saves a gif from Maid Dragon
>proceeds to shit on it.
>uses a trip
>proceeds to get shit on
Like pottery
>more votes than Youjo