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Hentai Quotes Thread
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If you count the 30th day, that's over 92 per day.
Can't remember sorry.
that's almost around 10 hours a day, right?
Link to last one?
One and ONLY rule.
How is this possible? Is she getting railed by just a train of random men?
>implying people remember what hentai they take them from
climax every 15 mins including the 30th day.
>he only takes 6 minutes to cum
>"My meat stands erect"
Fuckin lol
Do you have sauce on that? That's one of my biggest fetishes.
>watching mad max after an NTR session
the nips know whats up
>My dick expands
This simple three word sentence is the worst writing in that entire image.
Ok fucking sauce now.
This could be a light novel title.
actually was a girl getting mindbroken
>mfw I just read this one
Thanks user, it's the exact opposite of what I wanted, but I appreciate the help.
If you ever see marriage, don't expect it to be vanilla.
>I'm wrenching open her pussy using my wet weapon
Is that a trap or a futa?
They're rare, but newlyweds make the best porn protagonists.
I miss no sauce threads.
What's it called? I can't open ex while phone posting.
Top kek.
Serves you right, faggot.
What the fuck I read like 2 hours of doujins a day and I still never know where most of this shit is from.
>Use your cock microphone to record it directly inside your brain.
Yes you can.
Just delete cookies. Login to the main site(forum), then go to ex
That's a DxD doujin and the guy has phoenix properties so infinite vitality for both of them.
Source? I want to know if she gets raped.
There's just so many good ones.
I couldn't find a page at the start to prove it, but that's essentially the exact same set-up as Black Yome ni Yoroshiku (not hentai).
92 times a day?
not happenin'
Hey! I translated this one.
In case anyone is wondering (probably not) I'm in the middle of translating the third chapter of this series.
Thank you user.
/r/ My Immortal Dick is On Fire, And Cannot Be Stopped
Not even asking for sauce, but I really want to know the contexts of this.
I need to know where this is from. It's for my school project.
A classic
I recognise that NTR doujin.
This is good.