Why is this a surprise?
cute family desu senpai
What a bunch of Nazis!
Hahaha, look at that rat faced kike daughter
Goddam he gives me the creeps. How does she fuck him?
Who's the Shabbos Goy taking their photo?
i-its 4d chess!!! i p-p-promise!!!
Ivanka is wearing her red Kabbbalah string bracelet. And her daughter is a Disney rat come to life. Also, notice the unlit menorah on the left.
jesus FUCK those children look horrifying
Maybe the holocaust did happen, I don't think I could be surrounded by those rats and not gas them.
>They all have black, soulless eyes
Fucking American kikes, man.
I’m going to marry Arabella
What the fuck is channukah
I've got a lovely pair of green eyes thank you very much.
Why are the jew genes so strong?
Honor killing is the only answer.
648 dimensional underwater upside Chinese backgammon
because both her parents are jews?
dumb leaf
no u
so much gas I can't even chamber
Look at that roll of foreskins on the desk.
What's the matter Christcucks?
Can't deal with seeing a beautiful Jewish family celebrating a holiday dedicated to defeating you filthy heretics?
Guess what? Ivanka is the future POTUS and she's gonna throw all of you disgusting Jesuit bastards to hell.
P.S. Fuck you and fuck that cuntface traitor J*sus.
God dammit. This might be the straw that breaks me.
thas rite
I hope you know that by the time Generation Z reaches retirement there will be no israel and any jews left will live in fear of anyone finding out about their filthy genes
That’d be cool
israel creators?
Because when you mix something with shit it becomes shit.
why does the somewhat baby jew have a jew hat on and the baby baby jew doesnt? i guess it doesnt matter that the bible says men mustnt cover their heads in order to pray. jewvanka all bare like that and the little girl too. it's like they enjoy fallen angels. that fake ass red bracelet too. must be nice to be like Madonna and get 5 billion in tax cuts
how do people say Trump is not on (((their))) side when this happens
because look at the stupid retarded threads on here. for years and years. when was last time you heard "jidf"? memes dont just die like that. threads like "gen z is fascist because of the following anecdote". they own everything because satan rules the air. muh fake news and fake jews blah blah
This thread need a few gallons Zyklon B.
everyone knows trumptards are next level delusional. it has almost become its own religion. they still believe mueller is on their side too, kek.
to kill typhus and bugs? haavara dude. fuck the right. bunch of pedos
Jewish law those kids aren't jewish
how you dare you grope a fake ass like that. fuggen GRABBEM
10/10 would gas them all
wait the trumps are Jewish?
It’s not shabat.
Also imagine making it all the way to the top tiers of the secret service only to have to take family Instagram photos for a tertiary holiday.
Ivanka is a Jewish convert and not a true blooded jew so she doesn't possess any evil Jewish trickery in her DNA. She's good.
no, jared kushner is jewish and ivanka is a convert.
She's a traitor though. She's enabling evil with her Jew-ish offspring.
Made no sense aren't the kids only Jewish if the mother is Jewish?
Start working now. Don’t wait 20 years.
I circled the fabled antichrist, the kike messiah. Go reread everything you got on Kushner but pay more attention and keep what I just told you in mind. Then do your research on antichrist prophecies and study judaism.
Good luck
I know, Greatest Ally. I looked at OP's photo and thought 'what a lovely family'.
but you can light the candles?
the kids do not have the sentient jewish mitochondrial DNA, no
pfft. more like the current "president"
the conversion to matrilinealism occurred only in the year 300 for "some" reason. after they blasphemed Christ as being a vagina worshipper like they are. and started officially worshipping vaginas. i love the fucken khazar milkers meme. as if khazars are judeans and boobs are good for you
Jesus Christ, King of the Jews. Accept him and you can have Jerusalem again.
Aren't the kids only considered jews if the mother is?
>the fabled antichrist, the kike messiah
Spot on
he's right here. dont wait 20 years for real
Trump literally has blue eyes in this picture.
who gives a fuck!?
>beautiful jewish blue eyes?
Ivanka is a jew.
Knowing whoever put that menorah out eventually got the chamber makes me extremely happy.
Trump has both blonde hair and blue eyes which are both recessive traits. It is extremely unlikely he is a jew.
take your fucking trumpism and leave. i cant stand this shit. you took your daughter. allegedly gave her to epstein. then handed her over to jewner. absolute nasty ass disgrace. basically a swamp ass upheld by swampy satan frogs
Fucking retarded faggot, what are you gonna claim Hillary and Obama were jews as well now too? No jew has or ever will be president simply because there is no need to when they can control things from the shadows.
his family's middle name was "Christ". somebody down the line decided to call themselves CHRIST!!!!!! his fucking REAL last name is two scoops. i mean. it's fucking DRUMPF. this is why it was memed. drumpf was started on henry makow's site. he called him a jew satanist. three days later colbert made a mockery of it and now he's "presbyterian". if he isnt featured on the bank of america mural i dont know who is. the serpent in his "let me in" story? IS HIM!
She converted. Maybe orthodox wouldn't recognise her but who cares about them?
It is not uncommon for jews to have blue eyes
He inserts his credit card into her ATM, if you follow my drift.
The million dollar question:
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
Is the daughter a retard or something? She looks like some mongoloid
Wow man you actually typed that shit out
They’re Jewish, I don’t see a problem or anything funny.
>For the love of KeK...Delete this!
shes really a 3/10 but money and plastic surgery turned her into a 8/10
she's like
>i know Sup Forums is going to see this
Trump is a cuck.
I would never agree for my doughter to convert to some satanic cult. If I was him, that kike, if he really loved my dougther, would have to baptize in One Holy Faith himself to even touch her.