Masamune-kun no Revenge

How is this a mom?

A childhood of chain smoking, drinking and drugs stunted her growth.




wait a minute, that arm

My dick


Please tell me she has porn now that MnR got an anime.
She was the only good thing to come out of that shitshow.

that dumb broad just dirtied that ladle. And presumably intends to cook with it? fucking heathen

fucking anime don't have to explain shit

She will never have kids

How is this a cake?





She was so precious. And believably mom-like right off the bat, which is what made her great.

S2 when

Maid-chan best girl

I wish she was my mom.

Would you still love her if she had no tits?

Cute loli ain't got to explain shit.

On a related note, remove Neko.

You should see her husband.

can you feel it, bros?

I can

soon an anime will come out where the mother wins

Sisters win. Why can't the mom?

Loli mom best girl.

Because moms already won many many years ago.

She's so short that she looks like a loli.

I have an Asian friend who is like 4'11 but already has a 3 year old son and she's already 26. She actually looks 14 so yeah those anime loli moms are actually quite real when it comes to Asians.


they had to give birth to their soulmates

why can't you understand?


My nigger. Fucking Makabe is a dumb fuck and should've bagged the maid instead of that dumb flat girl Aki

>never read the manga

Fucking Yoshino was the main reason all of this shit happened in the first place.

You want him to bang an inferior fat cow. Why do you hate Makabe so much?

Yeah I am a filthy secondary, anime only. I did read a spoiler that Yoshino was actually the one who rejected Makabe and called him Pig's Foot in the first place. Aki should buy a strap on and double team her along with Makabe desu.

Good God.


Haven't watched since the first episode. Anything happen with best girl (male)?

>loli (mom)
>loli (old man)
This meme needs to die.