Rem Dies

just wanted to let you know.
and subaru cannot reset it because she dies back at the other mansion which is too far away from his reset point

rip press f to pay respects

I'm ok with this.


autism post goes with the autism filename.
underage have to go back.

she was too good for this gay earth anyway. i'll be joining her soon enough

webm of said death?

Who cares if she's dead? She's ugly anyway.


Did he at least cure her brain cancer first?


I find it weird that only scum like Emilia. Though Subaru becomes a decent person, it's not brought by Emilia but Rem. Pic related is the greatest scum in the Re:Zeroverse, and he fell for her.

You're like 3 seasons late on this news,way to go.

you're not supposed to be here if aren't not 18

She's in a coma though.

Wait, is this real and when does it happen? I'd appreciate it if you can provide me the source because I am legit scared right now. You know an image or even a short text would help.

>Lying on the Internet
She's only a potato

Reid wants to bang her too and fondled her tits, and he's also a complete asshole.

Why he wears the same old faggot clothes?

Come on user, I mean he didn't even use proper grammar.

They eventually get destroyed