Digimon Adventure tri. part 4, "Loss", has been released. Get it from your usual sources.
It's shit. But that was to be expected since Sora a shit.
No confirmation as of yet but:
tri. part 5, "Symbiosis", is scheduled to be released later this year. Its poster colour is pink and is said to feature Meiko, Hikari, Ofanimon, and Meicoomon's Ultimate.
Yes, Ofanimon. Not Holydramon like all the tri. merchandise released recently has suggested.
What will part 6 be called and who will be featured on the poster? I personally hope it's the 02 kids, but we all know that won't happen.
Charles Lewis
Mei a shit.
Liam Gonzalez
Worst. Girl.
Camden Powell
I hope it's Hikari and Meiko's dead body.
Hime is disappointingly retarded.
Anthony Morgan
The last episode was shit and without any conclusion or teasing for the new movie. Adventure is dead.
Justin Peterson
Proof Hikari has reduced Takeru to nothing more than her gay best friend.
Samuel Peterson
Ian Wilson
Is she dead?
Jackson Bell
If Alphamon and Jesmon are fighting each other, does that somehow mean that one of them betrayed Yggdrasil? I mean, let's be honest, that's normal. But which one is it this time?
Also, that raises some questions about Omegamon as well. Four of the five partner Digimon of the first generation Chosen Children went on to become the sovereign deities of the Digital World as the Four Holy Beasts. Does that mean that Taichi and Yamato's Omegamon is meant to become a Royal Knight as well?
Anthony Adams
Alphamon of course.
Parker Peterson
Previous thread:
Luis Parker
Seraphimon came completely out of left field to almost no fanfare.
Daniel Ortiz
Sora is not for bullying.
Leave mom alone okay?
Luke Cooper
More like proof that Takeru loves his oniichan the most. Hikari can't compete.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Maybe it's to make up for the excessive fanfare it got before.
Chase Robinson
Leo Martinez
Alphamon is working for Yggdrasil, and Jesmon is working for Homeostasis.
Nathaniel Morris
Seeing this picture makes me want to hurl real bad.
John Lee
Why Falldown Mode? What's gonna happen in the next film?
William Rogers
>Chaos Ophanimon
Christian Gonzalez
I wish I had a Otouto/imouto who loved me T_T
Christian Harris
Colton Harris
>excessive fanfare it got before. When was this exactly, in Hurricane Touchdown the non-canon movie, or Frontier when he showed up for about 5 minutes before getting blown the fuck out?
Benjamin Smith
Noah Ortiz
I bet Taichi wishes the same.
Cameron Adams
Mei X Takeru OTP. No hope for Tai. His destiny truly is to be cucked and single.
Jack Lee
something something Meicoomon something something
Jacob Miller
Tfw we get shadow seraphimon, ophanimon fall down mode, and dark kerpymon to fuck shit up
Dominic White
Dark Ocean time!
Sebastian Hill
Well in Adventure, whenever Patamon evolved, it was always some huge thing.
So now I guess Seraphimon's anticlimactic inclusion balances it all out. Patamon's no longer special. It's just the same as the rest of the Chosen Digimon.
Nathan Garcia
They aren't that merciful to the viewers.
Jaxson Sullivan
>digivolves into magnadramon first >gets beaten >when gatomon digivolves in the rematch, she becomes ophanimon
Ryder Mitchell
>Can go fuck herself with a mastemon from another dimension
Go on
Jace Davis
Magnadramon it's a warp digivolve from a gatomon without holy ring, ophanimon is the real mega
Nathan Martin
Gabriel Brooks
It's just Mimi being Mimi.
What's there to vomit over?
Apart from this of course.
Daniel Stewart
Hey, it's not Skullgreymon again.
Alexander Torres
You know what I find odd? Before, prior to Koushirou receiving his analysis program from Gennai, the only source of information anyone had on other Digimon was from their partners. They usually knew who most Digimon were, and also instinctively knew the names of their own evolved forms.
But now, that knowledge doesn't appear to exist, which probably means to reboot wiped it clean. But then, how did they receive that knowledge in the first place? Originally, I assumed it was just instinctive knowledge all Digimon were born with, but apparently that's not so.
Chase Sanders
>Ophanimon Falldown Mode
Well that was unexpected.
Jacob Sanders
Xavier Brown
Someone thought he was the rookie form of Wizardmon
Aaron Wilson
>But then, how did they receive that knowledge in the first place? Probably programmed into them when they were eggs by Gennai and his scientists.
Kevin Davis
Plot hole. Their memories were supposed to be hard coded into their data, that's the reason every Digimon knew their partner before knowing them. The reboot shouldn't have altered their memories, at all.
Julian Jenkins
You know what I like about this?
They're actually forced to interact with Digimon other than their own for once. That's something that almost never happens.
Evan Smith
Meiko best girl
David Smith
Hikari finally about to snap. Hope it's as good as Shinegreymon Ruin Mode or Megidramon
Eli Hall
Does anyone know if the reboot is permanent?
Juan Jones
See They were implanted with information by genai when the DM attacked, in this world he never did dad because you know he is evil
Angel Rogers
why are they shitting on our childhood?
they are doing so many wrong things. it has to be on purpose
I've complained about these weak ass sequences since the 1st.
Jaxson Turner
But the partners were created by the Gennais, if there were no good Gennais then they shouldn't have been created, in first place.
Caleb Scott
I wanted more Plotmon.
Kayden Flores
Meicoomon and tailmon fuck, so tailmon gets infected with the digimon AIDS
Joseph Hall
Shes a fucking fanfiction character.
Oliver Bell
And on that note, what are they doing with that in Tri? In the previous movie it seemed like they were trying to make it a quantum entity separate from digital ones.
Camden Jackson
I like that
Lucas Howard
And what are the canon lines?
Colton Jenkins
When are they going to bring back Leomon so he can die again?
Charles Miller
That happened nearly a year ago.
Adam Stewart
Wargreymon's so cool lately.
Robert Long
Maybe they weren't created just programmed because the only know case of a digimon created by something that it's not Yggdrasil is diaboromon
Levi Scott
>lately >lately >lately >lately >lately
Lucas Sanchez
I think so.
Asher Williams
Wargreymon has always been cool. He's just been held back by that faggot.
James Torres
>hate 02 >but liked Daisuke and Ken >tfw will have to wait a century just to hear "ICHIJOUJI!" "MOTOMIYA" "ICHIJOUJI" MOTOMIYA" as they dominate their enemies with quick planning and hotbloodedness.
I wish they were back. Their dynamic is far more entertaining than Taichi's and Yamato's as well the only thing that made 02 bearable. All the best episodes of that trainwreck were those that focused on Ken and Daisuke.
Aiden Harris
The reset revived even the digimon that died in the human world. He's alive again for now.
Nathan Murphy
Well before, all it ever did was throw around flaming balls while very occasionally spinning.
Nowadays it's like it received massive boosts to its AGI and DEX stats.
Gabriel Bailey
>15+ years waiting for a full Plotmon > Tailmon sequence
Josiah Hall
Probably next ep for yet another tragic death so Hikari can get her mega.
Xavier Morris
Please no, god no.
Logan Rogers
>implying that Hikari hasn't brainwashed Takeru so going after oni-chans become more acceptable
Dylan Collins
>even the digimon that died in the human world We don't know that yet.
Sebastian Hall
Always cool.
Caleb Flores
Both Yamato + Taichi and Ken + Daisuke are shit teams.
Easton Miller
I'd say it's a fair price to pay if some of the other Digimon from the past are brought back to life once more.
Samuel Reed
>I'd say it's a fair price to pay if some of the other Digimon from the past are brought back to life once more.
Leomon won't last 20 minutes on screen though.
Eli Jackson
I was hoping Metalseadramon would get extra fucked by Omegamon.
Jace Rivera
Thoughts on Tri so far?
David Roberts
Takeru invites one of his girlfriends to his oniichan's concert. Hikari goes to a sleepover and ditches Taichi.
I bet she isn't even a virgin anymore.
Ryder Morales
Dark Gennai said that, so yes, we know
Noah Watson
Could be much better.
Camden Cruz
Meiko x Sora is the OTP
Matthew Myers
Rapist Gennai said it, so what matters is how much his word can be trusted.
William Perry
No, Whats get them the advantage with metalseadramon and machindramon, are the dramon beakers those shits are cheats
Oliver James
They're holding out on them until it's time for the grand finale surely.
Kayden Nelson
Sebastian Cook
Then what's the best team? Theoretically, Masaru and Rina would be a godly team.
>both have super human stats and can punch the fuck out of megas >their personalities compliment each other and they love a good fight >one has an Agumon and the other has a Veemon >their partners are more level headed at times
Connor Foster
I'm aware of the type advantage, but the sheer power of Omegamon is what I was focusing on.
Easton Hernandez
>Fall Down Mode
Is it time for genocide
Austin Ortiz
>What will part 6 be called and who will be featured on the poster? Probably a group shot or Taichi and Yamatto again if Omegamon gets a new form for the final battle
Lincoln Rivera
I was alluding to the fact that Wizarmon might be potentially resurrected again more than anything really.
Bentley Russell
better than expected
Jayden Moore
Until Alphamon Ouryuken appears and leaves giant holes in her pussy, ass, mouth, and armpits.
Thomas Nelson
I'd love to see that be revealed at some point.
If you zoom in on it you can actually make out part of Joe's face
Caleb Lewis
Takari shitters btfo once again. Thank you Toei.
Julian White
Ofanimon Falldown Mode is the result of an Ofanimon who is so fed up by bullshit that it just decides to genocide everything.
What's gonna piss off Hikari that much? Did Taichi eat the pudding she was saving or something?