White noise tier: >Nyanko is Love! >Bang Dream >One Room >Gabriel Dropout
Not good tier: >Urara
Bad tier: >Kuzu no Honky-Tonk
Shit tier:
Still a lot of volatility for many of these, especially One Room, Acca 13, and Demi-chan. Acca 13 is the sleeper hit so far. I've certainly seen worse seasons.
Brody Reed
Xavier Watson
No just one of the most boring things I've ever seen.
Jonathan Long
>Watching ACCA13 Ai Mai Mii Demi-chan wa Kataritai Onihei Rakugo Ryuu no Haisha Urara Meirochou
>Shit tier Everything else.
James King
>maid dragon >decent
Nolan Price
>AOTS Meidoragon
>Decent Demi-chan Gabriel Dropout ACCA KonoSuba
>Bad but still watchable LWA Urara Chaos Akiba
>Dropped Almost everything else
Aaron Rivera
Watch more anime, newfag.
Aaron Peterson
>Only good series tier Akiba Maid Dragon Little Witch
>Hot Garbage tier Everything else
Jack Gomez
>shit tier Kuzo no honkai
Kevin Wilson
>AOTS Konosuba >God tier LWA -power gap- >Great tier Maidragon Gabriel dropout Youjo Senki Urara AiMaiMi ~Surgical Friends~ Kuzu no Honkai Akiba's trip Rakugo >Okay tier Demi-chan Masamune-kun Idol Jihad Fuuka >Meh Jitensha-bu Reikenzan >Bad tier I don't watch bad anime.
Jackson Young
Liking boring shit doesn't make you smart.
Xavier Ross
God tier: >Nyanko days
Great tier: >Maid Dragon >adventures of Hitler chan >Season two
Decent tier: >Demi-chan >Urara
White noise tier: >Gabriel Dropout >Reference Strip
Not good tier:
Bad tier:
Shit tier:
Why do i even bother tier: >Sousei no Onmyouji
Actualy impressed with the last one. i managed to get interresting it only took 45 episodes
Brandon Jenkins
>Watching LWA Maid Dragon Gabriel Dropout
>Best all round experience so far LWA (it got much much better after episode 6 and the threads are the threads of the year so far)
Anthony Richardson
Hi there! You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making! Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Liam King
Elder God Tier >3-gatsu
God Tier >Rakugo
Pleb Tier >Everything else
Thomas Ross
Great >rakugo
Good >konosuba >maid dragon >yowamushi pedal >LWA
Meh >gabriel dropout >demi chan
Zachary White
>AOTS Meidoragon (was already a fan of the manga)
>Great tier Akiba's Trip (surprise of the season) Konosuba ACCA (I am too dum to follow the plot but still enjoy it)
>Good tier Kuzu no Honkai (getting worse tho)
>Fine tier Little Witch (not nearly as good as the OVAs) Hand Shakers (I don't even know why I like it)
>Dropped tier Demi-chan (just not my thing) Urara Meirochou (boring as fuck) Gabriel DropOut (worse than the manga) Masamune-kun no Revenge (see above) Fuuka (shitty direction) Seiren (see above)
Didn't watch anything else
Ethan Rogers
>AOTS >Meidoragon my nigga
Nolan Wilson
Decent tier: >Maid Dragon (AOTS probably) >The Dragon Dentist (Solid apart from CGI and weird pacing at the end of ep 1) >Masamune (Aki) >LWA (I like Trigger and I'm biased, ED God tier)
Not good: >Demi-chan (Other girls get more screen time than vampire chan) >Urara (It's boring sometimes but Kon and Nono are fucking cute) >Konosuba S2 (I could have sworn this was fun last year)
Dropped: >Fuuka (shitty visuals and I've seen this thing before) >Seiren (idk why I picked this up I haven't even seen Amagami or whatever and I don't plan to anyway)
Joseph Rogers
>Not good tier: >>Urara
Blake Lee
>Great Konosuba Akiba Strip Youjo Senki
>Good Onihei Demi-chan DropOut Kuzu
>Okay Dragon Maid Nyanko is Lies LWA Fuuka One Room
>Bad Masamune-kun NO Revenge Seiren
>Dropped eiDLive Urara C;C FFF Hand Holders Spirit Pact
Sebastian Lee
Ok tier: >LWA >Youjo Senki >Konosuba >Maidragon
Below Ok tier: >Gabriel DropOut >Demi-chan
Shit tier: Everything else.
Jose Campbell
Great >Onihei >ACCA
I don't watch things I don't enjoy so that's it.
William Fisher
Red = Enjoy/Look forward to tier Yellow = Possible AOTS tier Blue = Meh but kills time tier Lime = Just watching for fill of ecchi/wish fulfillment tier Fuchsia = Really enjoying/engaged tier(irrespective of actual quality)
Colton Lee
>God Tier Rakugo
>Great Tier 3 Gatsu KonoSuba
>Good Tier Maid Dragon
>Decent Tier LWA
Hudson Scott
>tfw I have enough on my plate catching up with seasons paste and the two current series I'm following are just enough
Dominic Nguyen
god tier: Kemono Friends shit tier: rest
Daniel Bailey
Maidragon and LWA Seiren to shitpost about how much of trainwreck it is
Bentley Gomez
Fuuka Seiren Demi-chan Konosuba One Room Masamune-kun Kuzu no Honkai Kobayashi-san Urara