Would you?
Would you?
>armpit hair
>leg hair
>that happy trail
I wouldn't fuck that little sasquatch blind
Shave her? Absolutely.
That's a cute boy.
I'd blow a raspberry on her exposed midriff, yes.
I'm gonna puke.
I have the tightest jaw you've ever seen.
I came here to post "Yes" until I noticed the edits.
Sneaky little fucker.
>muh natural hairy body
Any body hair besides minor pubic hair on a girl is just poor hygiene.
It's poor hygiene on a man as well, you filthy ape.
Confirmed sissy boy.
Seriously, you don't even have chest hair? How embarrassing.
I wax it off weekly
But it just keeps coming back thicker and wilder than before
Then embrace it my son.
Embrace the true height of masculinity; furry, beefy pecs.
>there are savages out there that don't regularly shave their pits, pubes, and regularly wax their legs
lmfao I bet you don't even know what a manicure is
shouldn't you be out painting caves or banging sticks together or worshiping rock gods or something?
Too busy digging holes and achieving academically.
Actual best girl coming through
Not hairy enough
Whew big boy
Tbf, I haven't actually done any excavating since the summer, just land surveys. Still though.
wow look at the big, scary caveman who thinks he's hot shit because he works outside and doesn't shave. oops, maybe I should speak in your language:
I'll take both and a healthy side of
Can't deal with the leg and arm hair. I actually don't mind the rest even IRL.
Not pictured - back and chest hair which is even more disgusting albeit rare.
user i dont think he knows somali
some people are too dumb for smooth skin and foreign languages
I'm an Archaeology and Classical Studies student at a very highly regarded institution. Whilst I don't shave and do work outdoors, I assure you I am also likely much smarter than you.
Good, more for me
How does sex with Okako would be like? And have in mind "thin".
perfect girl
95% sure that's edited
no shit
I'd lick her from her ass to her belly button and then eat the pubes.
>Sup Forums will take a "feminine penis" up the butthole but can't deal with a little feminine hair.
You guys are fags
Everything except the happy trail is acceptable.
I'm not in to teenage boys
I agree. She is also my wife.
Only the happy trail is acceptable
That's the weirdest looking boner I have seen.
I like hair just fine, thank you very much.
I have a friend with benefits who looks almost just like that except the glasses, so I guess?
Protip: Most women are actually hairy. They just shave.
>I'm an Archaeology and Classical Studies student at a very highly regarded institution.
Yes, which is why you're on the internet's proverbial dive bar.
I would ask him to hook me up with Galko.
>archeology and classics
you're not the only one of those here, blogster-kun
>not with Ojou
She's a wealthy lady! Gayrukos are a dime a dozen.
What a coincidence most women are disgusting.