Big Gangan is out. Dumping Toki 9 raw.
Saki: Tanoshii
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to the mahjong club!
more welcomes
You're going to be our star members..
With Ryuuka it is believable...
With Toki, not so much.
captain now has the potential for a great team
unfortunately, she did not submit the paperwork to participate in the big mahjong tournament
Youko and Shinji have other club activities which interfere with mahjong
crazy twins are crazy
Toki believes in Ryuuka
Ryuuka is opening up to Toki
suddenly, crazy twin grabs a bunch of scoring sticks and correctly guesses their point value
the twins can't decide which is the onee-san and which is the imouto
Toki struggles with overcoming shyness with the new girls
Youko and Shinji are closer to Toki.
But Ryuuka is the closest.
Let's play 3P mahjong.
memories of her life's journey through mahjong
3P didn't help Kyouko against Saki. It was just Saki manipulating the table so the miko and the freak wouldn't win.
making friends through mahjong
Rare find: Season tiles! (they're used in 3P?)
Toki screwing up?
Ryuuka quietly dominating.
the twins are getting beat
captain has no problem beating the 5th graders (Toki / Youko)
let's mix it up and play again
tanoshii, then farewells
Ryuuka is suspicious.
>season tiles
Maybe they just swapped some of the honors just for giggles?
"at last.. you can talk to them..."
Doesn't matter, Toki being cute.
the manager is stalking Ryuuka
now shit starts getting weird
What is this drawing about..
"If Shimizudani-san is a shamisen..." (?)
I haven't missed any threads right? Feel like there hasn't been a thread in ages.
"...Vargrapeed is breathless." (?)
need a better TL
reference to mythological figures?
then "You should be able to please..."
There were two failed Teru birthday threads and a failed leaks thread (boards.Sup
That's all for February since Akio's last release.
You missed two Teru birthday threads. They didn't last long.
This captain seems to have evil intentions for exploiting Ryuuka.
End Toki 9. No delay; chapter 10 on 3/25
Nice, all I missed was the failed leaks thread. Tanoshii has just been dead then.
Speaking of birthdays.
waiting for Shinohayu 42
Do you have one for March? I want to see if any Sakis have the same birthday as me.
Here's an old one.
>no one
Welp. Thanks aon.
Kentani birthday girl.
Riko Yasufuku 2/19
Teru 2/18
Ritz needs to fill in some of the empty calendar spaces with the recent new characters in all 3 main series.
>empty spaces
Why? People can have same birthdays. Just let her toss darts at a calendar.
It has been dead since the live action movie was released.
Even futaba was slow in February.
And by darts I mean fountain pens, of course.
It's weird when there are often 2-3 characters sharing birthdays when there are several long gaps in the calendar.
That's not weird at all. Certain days are more common because approximately nine months earlier is some special day like valentines or new years. Happier people = more impregnations.
Rare pissed off Teru. Good stuff.
let's annoy neko Teru
Teru Pringlelips
/e/ thread is still alive:
Teru baked you a valentine - then ate it herself.
Life is like an empty box of chocolates.
Pocky spotted
That's fine, I like my Teru sweet and happy.
Pocky attacked
Pocky acquired.
1 week until more Teruhayu
She even stole the box.
dumping raw
Shinohayu 42: Prefectural Tournament
practice time
the smart ones
the crazy ones
the waifu ones
the bird
the newly inspired coach
working hard into the night
dinner with the Richardsons
Shino is starting to look very mature; less girlish
the logistics of leftovers
Shino loves cake!
Shino invites Richardson to the tournament.
However, it is on the opposite end of Shimane prefecture (~ 2 hours).
Uncle says it was the same distance in Iwami prefecture where he grew up.
Richardson insists he will go!
He will go by car; Shino will go by train with the team.
team train time
somehow Rena is not sitting next to Shino
they arrive
Shino - "Wow"
Kanna impressed with the other schools
Kanna is awed by the venue.
Rena remarks that Shino and Hayari have been to similar places before.
I really need to sit down and read Shinohayu one day. Thanks for the dump anyway guy, dumping is pretty tedious to do with these post timers.
Rena says Shino shouldn't be nervous after going to ES Zenkoku, but Shino says she is always nervous at tournaments.
There is no general audience seating at this venue; instead each team has a private viewing room. Kanna speculates about the level of privacy; Kyouka wonders what she's scheming.
Rena also wants to do perverted things; buchou forbids it.
Coach discusses team strategy. Play order was randomly drawn? (TL)
Rio Takuwa (!) is vanguard.
Kanna = sergeant
Kyouka = lieutenant
Hayari = vice-captain
Shino = captain
It helps to have a proxy or two.
Rio enjoying her moment of glory.
She earned her spot by doing well at morning practices. (maybe they will switch in someone else later)
I'm Google translating these real time, so the timer is not the limiting factor.
Rio is concerned about taking Shizuku's spot after she did so well in the city tournament.
Shizuku has some gracious words, but her tears betray her disappointment.
"The tournament matchups have been announced. Vanguards please report for your 1st round matches."
Damn... this is a quickie 2 round tournament. Win 2 consecutive matches and you get to go to Tokyo?
How do you input the text to the translator? Just look at the page and type or OCR?
Buchou tries to say something inspirational, but again reveals her sadness about not playing.
iPad photo of PC monitor-> Google translate app (OCR)
"Let's go Yumachi!"
Richardson and his friend (the pawn shop guy) arrive.
Yeah, ok. It's just that OCR does make a fair bit of mistakes, if you just directly input into translate without at least checking the capture it tends to result in nonsense sometimes.
Some gag between the guys about finding a place to watch.
Suddenly: "The block D match is over! With 3 consecutive 1st place finishes .... reigning champion Komosawa MS advances to the final."
.. so it's the same rules as the city tournament
"With the shortest travel, Komosawa goes to the final."
sidebar: a huge wall before the national tournament.
end Shinohayu 42. Next chapter 3/25
FWIW, Yumachi (湯町中) is in block C, so they are not dead yet.
Also, winning here takes you straight to Tokyo...