What was the significance of apples?
What was the significance of apples?
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Can't a guy just like a delicious fruit?
It means you're gay
What was the significance of potato chips?
That they are tasty and good for the growing little kids that the show was made for.
>little kids
It's rated M, buddy
that apples are universally delicious even to gods of death
Rated M for Manchildren.
No, it can't be that simple. Death Note is full of Christian imagery.
Says the guy posting on the anime board on a Friday night
then it was that even gods are sinners and love taking the apple of knowledge and giving into temptation
It means his keikaku was doori.
I like that. Thanks user
In one of the interviews from volume 13 Ohba says that the apples had no meaning and that he just thought the red color fit well with Ryuk's design
The gluttony and carefree lifestyle of teenagers.
What a silly reason considering so much emphasis is put on them
Probably had something to do with the whole "forbidden knowledge" Adam and Eve symbolism.
In Latin the words for "apple" and "evil" are "malum" and "malus" respectively. The similarity of the two words in Latin creates a pun that persists today in popular culture, where the object of the apple becomes a symbol for knowledge, and therefore, sin.
Original sin
Instead of smoking Ryuk consumes something healthy which is a complete contradiction to his appearance and unexpected. It's just an character gimmik the openings are meant to look cool thats all. It also takes some edginess away
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