Kemono Friends

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That's a lovely picture.

Is Kemono Friends the Flappy Bird of anime?


It doesn't steal assets from Mario so no.


This is so wrong on many levels.

People unironically enjoy this comfy show. A lot.

Why is Kaban-chan's hair green?

Because she's an anime protagonist

I know that I'm flapping to all these birds at least

I want to rape Shoebill.

There's no place for two Pokemons at the same time. And it's not the same audience anyway.

No raping the Friends.

Kaban-chan and the Friends are my only friends.

What if all the humans are just hiding?

I'm crying.

What I find the most heartwarming about the show isn't the "Kemono" part, but the "Friends" part.
It's nice that they can naturally all get along and be friends.

boss pls


If love is to survive... Friends MUST love Friends

>Next episode preview:
>Kaban-chan, you're a Friend that's good at plumbing!


They don't even know what plumbing is

Waai, ta~noshii!

It's probably better than the water they usually drink.

I laughed.

Every thread man. You need to do something. Write some lewds and make your fantasy real. That will calm you down.

I just realized in ep 4 when sand cat digs out the tunnel she's humming the ED, and she's also the singer.

She sings the ED? Never realized.

shipping guide shipping guide

also she made this

What is your favorite episode?

The pain. The pain of a non japanese speaker.
I started to learn yesterday just for this anime

>Ibis + Alpaca
no, not this one

All of them.

>mewhan voices sunaneko


Probably 4 or 7. All episodes are great and I can't decide just by the girls that appear in each episode because I like them all.

So basically whoever showed up in the same episode as one another?
We haven't seen them yet but I don't think the two foxes should be shipped.

Episode 4 had amazing VA.
Mewhan as Sunaneko and Yuu Kobayashi as Tsuchinoko.


I want to hug Boss

3 since it was maximum comfy and 6 since it was so silly

I love all of them.
But, 3. Definitely 3.

SafariLIVE is online in case someone wants to watch it.
They are talking about female hienas dicks.

The only romance I accept in this series is adventure.

Episode 4.

I'm not sure, cause I've been rewatching the episodes and I thought they wouldn't be as entertaining, but they're almost more entertaining. For instance, episode one is PACKED with information. Just little things here and there. Almost like a single scene wasn't wasted, despite how slow seems sometimes seem.

Episode 5. It had the best humor out of all the episodes, Beaver and Prairie Dog are too cute and they're the closest thing we have to a canon couple right now.
I also like Beaver because I can relate quite a lot with her indecisiveness.
But yeah all the episodes are good.


Is the full OP out?

3 or 6. I love Toki but I think I had the most fun with 6.

Probably Wolf+Giraffe, too.

I can't wait for Grey Wolf, my favorite aminals... she's depicted as a smart and dependable oneesan in the manga, I wonder if she'll be another character who knows more of what's going on in the park than others, owing to canines' intelligence and ability to work closely with humans.

In 5 minutes.


Update when?

They're all amazing.

I'm torn between 3 and 5.
Honourable mention to 4 for Kobayashi Yuu's performance.

I don't think shipping the owls would make a lot of sense as they look more like sisters.

>baby hyenas

man there's so many nice animals but it sucks that like 100% of the lifecycle for everything there is spent being completely covered in fleas and ticks


As of Episode 7, I think we can put Owls, Shoebill, Lion, and Chameleon in regular intelligence tier, Moose and everyone else in episode 6 aside from Oryx and Aurochs in the "slightly smarter than Raccoon" tier.

It's been out for a while. Just type in the show's title in kana in



Episode 5.

>We haven't seen them yet but I don't think the two foxes should be shipped.
They were shipped all the time in the game. In fact, it seemed to be the only reason anyone cared about Silver Fox was shipping her with Red Fox. Although I guess things could have been different if Kako actually appeared on screen in the game rather than just getting mentioned in dialogue.

Also heterochromia. It's my fetish.

The criteria for the list seems to be pretty loose

I always get the impression that people who make things like this are the people who think that chicks who smile at them or hold open a door are making a marriage proposal.


Well, that's a given.

I'm not that much into porn but that looks awesome. Shoebill is way too sexy for her own good.

When are we gonna see more Bossu?


Baby hyena friends!

He's in every episode

Looking good, Boss.


Does anyone have the "boss is evil" pasta?

It took me a second to figure out what the yellow one was.

Who is Bossu's VA?



Is this Kekocha or a different artist?

The battle episode was my favorite.
>Badass/Lazy Lion
>Hot blooded Moose
>JUUUDO Chameleon
>Armadillo's armored tie.

We don't know. Probably Bag-chan's VA.

I wonder how smelly Kaban-chan clothes must be after days and days of traveling and not taking baths and tons of sweating from high temperatures and humid climates.

Would you sniff her clothes? How about Kanan-chan herself?

yes it is

ayy, we've finally gone full GuP


This reminds me. Silver Fox knew more about the plot than anyone else in the game, I wonder if she'll be just a random friend in the anime or if they'll keep that or her connection with Kako.

If there's another human survivor in the anime, this would be the point to start hinting at it.

I honestly can't fap to this even if I tried. Friends are not for sexual.

Very smelly

I like to think that Fennec is all smug but genuinely a nice girl.

>Friends follow bag-chan because of strong smell

More for the rest of us.

Rain frog friend spotted!

Is it okay to lewd the deuteragonist?

>The behavior may be performed over particular locations, in which case the animal may also lick the site of interest,