This is Quetzalcoatl (Mexican Goddess)
Say something nice to her.
This is Quetzalcoatl (Mexican Goddess)
Say something nice to her.
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How many Sup Forumsirgins do you want sacrificed today?
>Modern mexicans having anything to do with Aztecs
I like her cap.
mune ga shimacchau ne~
I want her to smother me with her tits and ass
How do you pronounce her name again?
She is one of the most erotic characters in anime history.
Plenty of people pray to the ancient gods here in mexico. It's just bastardized under christian names and motifs.
Literally too thicc for me.
>watch maid dragon
>go to read wikipedia
>mfw the aztecs actually existed
So did you like Montezuma?
im gonna fap to you today for the 3rd day in a row
Did you think they were some fake Spanish myth?
You need to stop listening to gold hungry Iberians.
4 handspan wide ass
I literally can't stop fapping to Quetzalcoatl
Mexico City is built on Tenochtitlan. They literally just paved over the buildings.
Native Americans sure love their sex stories. Aztecs are all about asses, and in the north I remember reading about how a coyote would trick women into sucking his dick by making his tip look like a strawberry in a bush.
I will cut your still beating heart out esse
You have to go back.
No wonder Coyote's have the reputation they do.
Mexicans trying to steal our history
Coyote is the trickster god of Native legend, either screwing over travelers or trying to molest some pure and noble maiden.
Tooru is best girl
That's not Kanna
>tfw you're unsure if a Tohru cosplayer is really a cosplayer
I love this show, I just wish it wasn't wall to wall oppai
Don't be jelly, we love you anyway Kobayashi-san
Some new screens
It looks like we'll get Elma and Work next episode.
Huevos puta
He knows
Her breasts are too big.
Literally who?
This is quickly just becoming the shota and Lucoa show, ft. Kanna
Why even bother having the other characters be in the title if they're overshadowed?
>Saved him from having his soul eaten by a demon
>Offered him and his family her services and knowledge as a goddess and he refuses
>She has a limited understanding of mortal culture and customs and he doesn't try to correct her
>Even after he was being rejected she was willing to put sunscreen on him, normally, so he wouldn't feel that way
>He spergs out at it all
That little shit
He wants to do things under his own power, nothing wrong with that. He also warms up to her a bit in the raws.
> Kids don't necessarily fall prey to the power of tits.
Main difference between the depicted shota and (((you))).
>tfw becoming a wagecuck
user about how they prepared offerings to her in the past... The candidates tended to have nice lives for a period of time...
The Aztec PEOPLE were genocided by the sword or by smallpox / salmonella. Mexicans are descendants of tlaxcaltecen (the traitors that allied with Cortes), assorted ameridians and spanish mongrels. But definitely not aztecs.
Forgot pic
How is it called when you are in love of an anime girl but you refuse to waifu her?
being a wuss
That's so wrong
Why is she even obsessed with him?
Is she looking for a consort? I volunteer
Nothing wrong with having a teacher either, you get help without them doing it for you
There is no way you live in the Americas
Jap Ray
Postea mas memes porfa.
raven > coyote
haida 4 lyf
I am liking that new meme.
Agreed. Raven is best Native American character.
i preffer the mine the most.
>the nostalgia of going to my local library as a child and one of the regular stories they used to read was the various stories of Raven
What times those were
Very cute
>ywn be invited to a dragon/deity house party
Hey Toucan Sam, where's my Froot Loops?!
What if I really like both?
What kind of character would raven be?
my guess would be a ritsu or tomo-chan tomboy with mad pranking skills
modest chest and ass but leggy as FUCK
Mexico City citizens, (a.k.a. Sucios Chilangos) have very heavy HEAVY race part on them. Brown ppl = aztecs = chilangos
Give me a bleedin' Guinness ye nancy boy.
Chilango master race
Q-chan doesn't approve of sacrifices.
ketzel (like 'pretzel') - coo - WHA - tle
Didn't even need to turn into a 'Yes' album for that.
Please more like got the justice they so long had deserved Cortes was not super nice but he was daises compared to the Aztecs there's a reason he got the Tlaxcalans and other clans to ally with him. Cortes wiped out a scourge and was rightly praised for it.
Quetzalcoatl is a fucking snake, and snakes don't have cowtits.
This shit design really xolotled my tizocs.
My honest theory is well she's cultivating an offering, basically young men and women before were given a lavish and nice life and then sacrificed. But seeing how this light hearted and fun serialization, she's probably just a very bored monster who found someone who reminded her of the days when she was in the human world and therefore wants to be with someone she can tease and yet still have that connection with.
Lucoa and Tohru have pretty much retired from dragoning and want to settle down with a human. Remember Lucoa was fired from being a goddess and Tohru was on death's doorstep.
True, true. I'm just curious how much the author knows about the lore and how much he'll hint at it. Cause as you know some manga authors are major otaku about western things and it'd be interesting to see one who really likes Latin american history. That or he might have just typed famous Dragons in google and got a hit since some consider her a dragon despite not really being one.
They also don't magically transform either
I suspect it's the latter. We have Tohru, a Western dragon, Kanna Kamui from the Ainu, Fafnir from Norse mythology, and Quetzlcoatl from the Aztecs. That says the author was just picking a bunch of different dragon types without much thought. It doesn't have the same otaku vibe as, say, Gunsmith Cats.
I made this to simulate the lewd things I want to do with that body
How does she see when her eyes are always closed?
dragon magic
Her horns are radar and her tits are sonar.
She sorta is, "dragon" is a vague term in mystical beasts. The only real requirements is that they have some sort of reptilian trait
How do you know?
What does her armpit taste like?
Darn I agree, well I love the show and manga all the same. Still maybe when looking for chapter ideas he'll branch into their history and write about them more. As for Gunsmith Cats, now there's a series that needs a reboot! Well I can hope while I wait in line for an autograph from one of it's artists in April. Lastly nice hat, have a Maid Dragon themed MAGA!
Correct, which is why she'd get a hit on a search of famous dragons. I just consider er more SnakexBird combo then Dragon. Then again I'm very biased towards the European take on Dragons.
I bet it tastes amaizeing.
She is caring, friendly, has huge tits, and molests little boys.
'Cause it's my fucking job, okay?
Fucking sneks
Not a lot of people know genuine European dragons, and just know the stereotypes of them.
To far they aren't far off but still
You're fucking Irish dude
Party-wiping shit.
Any /ss/ doujins yet?